• Luis Soares's avatar
    BUG#44188: STOP SLAVE should flush info files and relay logs. · 5c1b5275
    Luis Soares authored
    Replication info files are not being flushed and synced when the
    command 'STOP SLAVE' is issued. This means that one cannot just
    rely on existing values on those files when the slave has been
    stopped. Having consistent, uncorrupted and up-to-date info files
    when stopping the slave would be most useful, for instance, for
    snapshotting purposes (a procedure that is often used for
    restoring slaves).
    This patch addresses this by instrumenting the
    terminate_slave_threads function so that it also flushes and
    syncs the *info files as well as the relay log whenever it gets
    called, ie, on 'STOP SLAVE'.  Although this imposes a performance
    trade-off (specifically when stopping the slave), it should have
    no negative influence on overall replication performance (impact
    is only noticeable on 'STOP SLAVE').
slave.cc 169 KB