• Sergey Vojtovich's avatar
    Applying InnoDB snapshot · 6d2b4f58
    Sergey Vojtovich authored
    Detailed revision comments:
    r6498 | marko | 2010-01-21 11:22:52 +0200 (Thu, 21 Jan 2010) | 15 lines
    branches/zip: buf_page_get_gen(): Obey recv_no_ibuf_operations
    and do not call ibuf_merge_or_delete_for_page() in crash recovery,
    before the redo log has been applied.
    This could cure some hard-to-repeat, hard-to-explain bugs
    related to secondary indexes.
    A possible recipe to repeat the bug:
    1. update a secondary index leaf page on a compressed table
    2. evict the page from the buffer pool while it is still dirty
    3. ibuf_insert() something for the page
    4. crash
    5. crash recovery; ibuf merge would be done too early,
    before applying redo log to the sec index page or the ibuf pages
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