test_set_lk_max_locks.c 4.62 KB
/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007 Tokutek Inc.  All rights reserved."
#include "test.h"

/* Test to see if the set_lk_max_locks works. */
/* This is very specific to TokuDB.  It won't work with Berkeley DB. */

#include <db.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <memory.h>

// ENVDIR is defined in the Makefile

#ifdef TOKUDB

static void make_db (int n_locks) {
    DB_ENV *env;
    DB *db;
    DB_TXN *tid, *tid2;
    int r;
    int i;
    u_int32_t actual_n_locks;

    r = system("rm -rf " ENVDIR);
    r=toku_os_mkdir(ENVDIR, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO);       assert(r==0);
    r=db_env_create(&env, 0); assert(r==0);
#ifdef TOKUDB
    r = env->set_redzone(env, 0); assert(r == 0);
    env->set_errfile(env, 0);
    if (n_locks>0) {
	r=env->set_lk_max_locks(env, n_locks+EXTRA_LOCK_NEEDED); CKERR(r);
        /* test the get_lk_max_locks method */
#ifdef TOKUDB
	// BDB cannot handle a NULL passed to get_lk_max_locks
        r=env->get_lk_max_locks(env, 0); 
        assert(r == EINVAL);
        r=env->get_lk_max_locks(env, &actual_n_locks);
        assert(r == 0 && actual_n_locks == (u_int32_t)n_locks+EXTRA_LOCK_NEEDED);
    else {
	r=env->get_lk_max_locks(env, &actual_n_locks);	
    r=db_create(&db, env, 0); CKERR(r);
    r=env->txn_begin(env, 0, &tid, 0); assert(r==0);
    r=db->open(db, tid, "foo.db", 0, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
    r=tid->commit(tid, 0);    assert(r==0);
#ifndef TOKUDB
    u_int32_t pagesize;
    r = db->get_pagesize(db, &pagesize); CKERR(r);
    u_int32_t datasize = pagesize/6;
    u_int32_t datasize = 1;
    int effective_n_locks = (n_locks<0) ? (int)actual_n_locks-EXTRA_LOCK_NEEDED : n_locks;
    // create even numbered keys 0 2 4 ...  (effective_n_locks*32-2)
    r=env->txn_begin(env, 0, &tid, 0);    CKERR(r);
    for (i=0; i<effective_n_locks*16; i++) {
	char hello[30], there[datasize+30];
	DBT key,data;
	snprintf(hello, sizeof(hello), "hello%09d", 2*i);
	snprintf(there, sizeof(there), "there%d%0*d", 2*i, (int)datasize, 2*i); // For BDB this is chosen so that different locks are on different pages
	memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
	key.data  = hello; key.size=strlen(hello)+1;
	data.data = there; data.size=strlen(there)+1;
	if (i%50==49) {
	    r=tid->commit(tid, 0);                CKERR(r);
	    r=env->txn_begin(env, 0, &tid, 0);    CKERR(r);
	r=db->put(db, tid, &key, &data, 0);   CKERR(r);
    r=tid->commit(tid, 0);                CKERR(r);

    // Now using two different transactions have one transaction create keys
    //   1 17 33 ... (1 mod 16)
    // and another do
    //   9 25 41 ... (9 mod 16)

    r=env->txn_begin(env, 0, &tid, 0);    CKERR(r);
    r=env->txn_begin(env, 0, &tid2, 0);   CKERR(r);

    for (i=0; i<effective_n_locks*2; i++) {
	int j;
	for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
	    char hello[30], there[datasize+30];
	    DBT key,data;
	    int num = 16*i+8*j+1;
	    snprintf(hello, sizeof(hello), "hello%09d", num);
	    snprintf(there, sizeof(there), "there%d%*d", num, (int)datasize, num); // For BDB this is chosen so that different locks are on different pages
	    memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
	    memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
	    //printf("Writing %s in %d\n", hello, j);
	    key.data  = hello; key.size=strlen(hello)+1;
	    data.data = there; data.size=strlen(there)+1;
	    r=db->put(db, j==0 ? tid : tid2, &key, &data, 0);
#ifdef TOKUDB
	    // Lock escalation cannot help here:  We require too many locks because we are alternating between tid and tid2
	    if (i*2+j<effective_n_locks) {
	    } else CKERR2(r, TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS);
	    if (i*2+j+1<effective_n_locks) {
	    if (i*2+j+2<effective_n_locks) {
		if (r!=0) printf("r=%d on i=%d j=%d eff=%d\n", r, i, j, effective_n_locks);
	    } else {
                CKERR2(r, ENOMEM);
    r=tid->commit(tid2, 0);   assert(r==0);
    r=tid->commit(tid, 0);    assert(r==0);
    r=db->close(db, 0);       assert(r==0);
    r=env->close(env, 0);     assert(r==0);

test_main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), char *const argv[] __attribute__((__unused__))) {
    if (0) {
	make_db(-1);  // Could be used to test default, but default is now too large for this to be a useful test
    return 0;