• MySQL Build Team's avatar
    Backport into build-200909221805-5.1.37sp1 · 7d520f51
    MySQL Build Team authored
    > ------------------------------------------------------------
    > revno: 3075
    > revision-id: ramil@mysql.com-20090821055535-a5aeas33epokjjnp
    > parent: joro@sun.com-20090820141122-gq6eyozybvar4o4s
    > committer: Ramil Kalimullin <ramil@mysql.com>
    > branch nick: mysql-5.1-bugteam
    > timestamp: Fri 2009-08-21 10:55:35 +0500
    > message:
    >   Fix for bug #46456 [Ver->Prg]: HANDLER OPEN + TRUNCATE + DROP
    >   (temporary) TABLE, crash
    >   Problem: if one has an open "HANDLER t1", further "TRUNCATE t1" 
    >   doesn't close the handler and leaves handler table hash in an 
    >   inconsistent state, that may lead to a server crash.
    >   Fix: TRUNCATE should implicitly close all open handlers.
    >   Doc. request: the fact should be described in the manual accordingly.
handler_myisam.test 1 KB