Tor Didriksen authored
Bug#18396916 MAIN.OUTFILE_LOADDATA TEST FAILS ON ARM, AARCH64, PPC/PPC64 The recorded results for the failing tests were wrong. They were introduced by the patch for Bug#30946 mysqldump silently ignores --default-character-set when used with --tab Correct results were returned for platforms where 'char' is implemented as unsigned. This was reported as Bug#46895 Test "outfile_loaddata" fails (reproducible) Bug#11755168 46895: TEST "OUTFILE_LOADDATA" FAILS (REPRODUCIBLE) The patch for that bug fixed only parts of the problem, leaving the incorrect results in the .result file. Solution: use 'uchar' for field_terminator and line_terminator on all platforms. Also: remove some un-necessary casts, leaving the ones we actually need.