unknown authored
Slave starts accepting and handling rows of master's tables which have more columns. The most important part of implementation is how to caclulate the amount of bytes to skip for unknown by slave column. To solve that issue this WL adopts results of WL#3228 which introduces an addon to table_map event that carries the necessary part of information about sizes of data of columns. mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_extraMaster_Col.test@stripped, 2007-07-26 21:31:54-04:00, cbell@mysql_cab_desk. +393 -0 WL#3915 master's cols > slave basic tests checking altering and skipping extra fields by slave. The fields can be of any possible types. mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_row_tabledefs.test: WL#3915 master's cols > slave Changed test to remove checks for error#1523 (more master cols than slave). This portion of the test is no longer needed. mysql-test/r/rpl_row_tabledefs_2myisam.result: WL#3915 master's cols > slave Corrected results from removal of checks for error#1523 (more master cols than slave). This portion of the test is no longer needed. mysql-test/r/rpl_row_tabledefs_3innodb.result: WL#3915 master's cols > slave Corrected results from removal of checks for error#1523 (more master cols than slave). This portion of the test is no longer needed. mysql-test/t/disabled.def: WL#3915 master's cols > slave Disabled the rpl_stm_extraColmaster_ndb test because statement-based replication is not supported in NDB at this time. It can be enabled when statement-based replication for NDB is released. sql/log_event.cc: WL#3915 master's cols > slave copying extra (slave's) fields returns early if master's table version is wider; removing assert in the way of master > slave cols. sql/rpl_record.cc: WL#3915 master's cols > slave adding a snippet that shift exectution curson donw the row skipping unknown by slave fields' data. sql/rpl_utility.cc: WL#3915 master's cols > slave Remove warning message for master's cols > slave. mysql-test/t/rpl_extraColmaster_innodb-master.opt: WL#3915 master's cols > slave option for innodb mysql-test/t/rpl_extraColmaster_innodb-slave.opt: WL#3915 master's cols > slave option for innodb mysql-test/t/rpl_extraColmaster_innodb.test: WL#3915 master's cols > slave Test of innodb. Test runs in both statement- and row-based replication. mysql-test/t/rpl_extraColmaster_myisam.test: WL#3915 master's cols > slave Test of myisam. Test runs in both statement- and row-based replication. mysql-test/t/rpl_row_extraColmaster_ndb.test: WL#3915 master's cols > slave Test of ndb. Test runs in row-based replication. mysql-test/r/rpl_extraColmaster_innodb.result: WL#3915 master's cols > slave new results mysql-test/t/rpl_stm_extraColmaster_ndb.test: WL#3915 master's cols > slave Test of ndb. Test runs in statement-based replication. mysql-test/r/rpl_extraColmaster_myisam.result: WL#3915 master's cols > slave new results mysql-test/r/rpl_row_extraColmaster_ndb.result: WL#3915 master's cols > slave new results mysql-test/r/rpl_stm_extraColmaster_ndb.result: WL#3915 master's cols > slave new results mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_extraMaster_Col.test: WL#3915 master's cols > slave basic tests checking altering and skipping extra fields by slave. The fields can be of any possible types.