• Alexey Botchkov's avatar
    Bug#41371 Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null" · ed82eb5b
    Alexey Botchkov authored
        For application compatibility reasons  MySQL converts "<autoincrement_column> IS NULL"
        predicates to "<autoincrement_column> = LAST_INSERT_ID()" in the first SELECT following an
        INSERT regardless of whether they're top level predicates or not. This causes wrong and
        obscure results when these predicates are combined with others on the same columns. Fixed
        by only doing the transformation on a single top-level predicate if a special SQL mode is
        turned on (sql_auto_is_null).
        Also made sql_auto_is_null off by default.
    per-file comments:
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
        test result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
        test case added
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
        sql_auto_is_null now is OFF by default.
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
        remove_eq_conds() split in two parts - one only checks the upper condition,
        the req_remove_eq_conds() recursively checks all the condition tree.
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            test fixed (set the sql_auto_is_null variable)
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            result updated
    Bug#41371      Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null"
            test fixed (set the sql_auto_is_null variable)
rpl_insert_id.result 10.5 KB