Commit 032d8646 authored by unknown's avatar unknown



  Auto merged
  Auto merged
parents e6cf3535 a523a68c
......@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ if [ -e $DESTDIR ] ; then
trap 'echo "Clearning up and exiting..." ; rm -fr $DESTDIR; exit 1' ERR
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Adjust target name if needed, release with debug info has another name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -137,19 +139,16 @@ then
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy executables, and client DLL (FIXME why?)
# Copy executables, and client DLL
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
trap 'echo "Clearning up and exiting..." ; rm -fr $DESTDIR; exit 1' ERR
mkdir $DESTDIR
mkdir $DESTDIR/bin
cp client/$TARGET/*.exe $DESTDIR/bin/
cp extra/$TARGET/*.exe $DESTDIR/bin/
cp storage/myisam/$TARGET/*.exe $DESTDIR/bin/
cp server-tools/instance-manager/$TARGET/*.{exe,map} $DESTDIR/bin/
if [ x"$TARGET" != x"release" ]
if [ x"$TARGET" != x"release" ] ; then
cp server-tools/instance-manager/$TARGET/*.pdb $DESTDIR/bin/
cp tests/$TARGET/*.exe $DESTDIR/bin/
......@@ -161,8 +160,7 @@ mv $DESTDIR/bin/comp_err.exe $DESTDIR/bin/comp-err.exe
cp sql/$TARGET/mysqld.exe $DESTDIR/bin/mysqld$EXE_SUFFIX.exe
cp sql/$TARGET/ $DESTDIR/bin/mysqld$
if [ x"$TARGET" != x"release" ]
if [ x"$TARGET" != x"release" ] ; then
cp sql/$TARGET/mysqld.pdb $DESTDIR/bin/mysqld$EXE_SUFFIX.pdb
......@@ -177,9 +175,8 @@ fi
# Copy data directory, readme files etc
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# FIXME is there ever a data directory to copy?
if [ -d win/data ] ; then
cp -pR win/data $DESTDIR/data
cp -pR win/data $DESTDIR/
# FIXME maybe a flag to define "release build", or do the
......@@ -230,45 +227,47 @@ if [ x"$PACK_EMBEDDED" = x"" -a \
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# FIXME test stuff that is useless garbage?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir -p $DESTDIR/examples/libmysqltest/release
cp libmysql/mytest.c libmysql/myTest.vcproj libmysql/$TARGET/myTest.exe \
cp libmysql/$TARGET/myTest.exe $DESTDIR/examples/libmysqltest/release/
if [ x"$PACK_DEBUG" = x"" -a -f "libmysql/debug/myTest.exe" -o \
x"$PACK_DEBUG" = x"yes" ] ; then
mkdir -p $DESTDIR/examples/libmysqltest/debug
cp libmysql/debug/myTest.exe $DESTDIR/examples/libmysqltest/debug/
mkdir -p $DESTDIR/examples/tests
cp tests/*.res tests/*.tst tests/*.pl tests/*.c $DESTDIR/examples/tests/
mkdir -p $DESTDIR/examples/udf_example
cp sql/udf_example.def sql/udf_example.vcproj sql/udf_example.c $DESTDIR/examples/udf_example/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# FIXME why not copy it all in "include"?!
# Note: Make sure to sync with include/ and WiX installer
# XML specifications
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir -p $DESTDIR/include
cp include/conf*.h \
include/mysql*.h \
include/errmsg.h \
include/my_alloc.h \
include/my_getopt.h \
include/my_sys.h \
cp include/mysql.h \
include/mysql_com.h \
include/mysql_time.h \
include/my_list.h \
include/my_pthread.h \
include/my_alloc.h \
include/typelib.h \
include/my_dbug.h \
include/m_string.h \
include/m_ctype.h \
include/my_sys.h \
include/my_xml.h \
include/mysql_embed.h \
include/my_pthread.h \
include/my_no_pthread.h \
include/decimal.h \
include/errmsg.h \
include/my_global.h \
include/typelib.h $DESTDIR/include/
cp libmysql/libmysql.def $DESTDIR/include/
include/my_net.h \
include/my_getopt.h \
include/sslopt-longopts.h \
include/my_dir.h \
include/sslopt-vars.h \
include/sslopt-case.h \
include/sql_common.h \
include/keycache.h \
include/m_ctype.h \
include/my_attribute.h \
include/mysqld_error.h \
include/sql_state.h \
include/mysqld_ername.h \
include/mysql_version.h \
include/config-win.h \
libmysql/libmysql.def \
mkdir -p $DESTDIR/include/mysql
cp include/mysql/plugin.h $DESTDIR/include/mysql/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Client libraries, and other libraries
......@@ -279,6 +278,7 @@ mkdir -p $DESTDIR/lib/opt
cp libmysql/$TARGET/libmysql.dll \
libmysql/$TARGET/libmysql.lib \
libmysql/$TARGET/mysqlclient.lib \
mysys/$TARGET/mysys.lib \
regex/$TARGET/regex.lib \
strings/$TARGET/strings.lib \
zlib/$TARGET/zlib.lib $DESTDIR/lib/opt/
......@@ -295,52 +295,21 @@ if [ x"$PACK_DEBUG" = x"" -a -f "libmysql/debug/libmysql.lib" -o \
zlib/debug/zlib.lib $DESTDIR/lib/debug/
# FIXME sort this out...
cp mysys/$TARGET/mysys.lib $DESTDIR/lib/opt/mysys_tls.lib
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy the test directory
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir -p $DESTDIR/mysql-test/include $DESTDIR/mysql-test/lib \
$DESTDIR/mysql-test/r $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data \
$DESTDIR/mysql-test/t $DESTDIR/mysql-test/suite
mkdir $DESTDIR/mysql-test
cp mysql-test/ $DESTDIR/mysql-test/
cp mysql-test/README $DESTDIR/mysql-test/
cp mysql-test/ $DESTDIR/mysql-test/install_test_db
cp mysql-test/include/*.inc $DESTDIR/mysql-test/include/
cp mysql-test/lib/*.pl $DESTDIR/mysql-test/lib/
cp mysql-test/r/*.require $DESTDIR/mysql-test/r/
# Need this trick, or we get "argument list too long".
(cd mysql-test/r/ && cp *.result $ABS_DST/mysql-test/r/)
cp mysql-test/std_data/Moscow_leap $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data/
cp mysql-test/std_data/des_key_file $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data/
cp mysql-test/std_data/*.000001 $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data/
cp mysql-test/std_data/*.cnf $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data/
cp mysql-test/std_data/*.dat $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data/
cp mysql-test/std_data/*.frm $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data/
cp mysql-test/std_data/*.pem $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data/
cp mysql-test/std_data/*.MY* $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data/
cp mysql-test/t/*.opt $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/
cp mysql-test/t/*.sh $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/
cp mysql-test/t/*.slave-mi $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/ || /bin/true
cp mysql-test/t/*.sql $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/
cp mysql-test/t/*.def $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/
(cd mysql-test/t/ && cp *.test $ABS_DST/mysql-test/t/)
cp -R mysql-test/{t,r,include,suite,std_data,lib} $DESTDIR/mysql-test/
# Note that this will not copy "extra" if a soft link
if [ -d mysql-test/extra ] ; then
mkdir -p $DESTDIR/mysql-test/extra
mkdir $DESTDIR/mysql-test/extra
cp -pR mysql-test/extra/* $DESTDIR/mysql-test/extra/
# Copy all directories in mysql-test/suite/
for i in `cd mysql-test/suite && ls`; do \
mkdir -p $DESTDIR/mysql-test/suite/$i; \
cp -R mysql-test/suite/$i $DESTDIR/mysql-test/suite/; \
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy what could be usable in the "scripts" directory. Currently
# only SQL files, others are Bourne shell scripts or Perl scripts
......@@ -366,10 +335,18 @@ for i in `cd scripts && ls`; do \
cp -pR sql/share $DESTDIR/
cp -pR sql-bench $DESTDIR/
rm -f $DESTDIR/sql-bench/*.sh $DESTDIR/sql-bench/Makefile*
# The SQL initialisation code is really expected to be in "share"
mv $DESTDIR/scripts/*.sql $DESTDIR/share/ || true
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up from possibly copied SCCS directories
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rm -rf `find $DISTDIR -type d -name SCCS -print`
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy other files specified on command line DEST=SOURCE
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ static struct my_option my_long_options[] =
(uchar**) &ft_stopword_file, (uchar**) &ft_stopword_file, 0, GET_STR,
REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{"stats_method", OPT_STATS_METHOD,
"Specifies how index statistics collection code should threat NULLs. "
"Specifies how index statistics collection code should treat NULLs. "
"Possible values of name are \"nulls_unequal\" (default behavior for 4.1/5.0), "
"\"nulls_equal\" (emulate 4.0 behavior), and \"nulls_ignored\".",
(uchar**) &myisam_stats_method_str, (uchar**) &myisam_stats_method_str, 0,
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ static void usage(void)
MySQL faster. You can check the calculated distribution\n\
by using '--description --verbose table_name'.\n\
--stats_method=name Specifies how index statistics collection code should\n\
threat NULLs. Possible values of name are \"nulls_unequal\"\n\
treat NULLs. Possible values of name are \"nulls_unequal\"\n\
(default for 4.1/5.0), \"nulls_equal\" (emulate 4.0), and \n\
-d, --description Prints some information about table.\n\
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