Commit 08503a3f authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska

cursor set key and set range

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@284 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 406f4d3f
......@@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ void __pma_update_my_cursors(PMA pma, struct kv_pair_tag *tpairs, int n);
void __pma_delete_at(PMA pma, int here);
* if the pma entry at here is deleted and there are no more references to it
* then finish the deletion
void __pma_delete_resume(PMA pma, int here);
* finish a deletion from the pma. called when there are no cursor references
* to the kv pair.
......@@ -1465,6 +1465,118 @@ void test_pma_already_there() {
assert(error == 0);
void test_pma_cursor_set_key() {
int error;
PMA pma;
error = pma_create(&pma, default_compare_fun);
assert(error == 0);
DBT key, val;
int k, v;
const int n = 100;
int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i += 10) {
k = htonl(i);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
error = pma_insert(pma, &key, &val, 0);
assert(error == 0);
PMA_CURSOR cursor;
error = pma_cursor(pma, &cursor);
assert(error == 0);
for (i=0; i<n; i += 1) {
k = htonl(i);
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
error = pma_cursor_set_key(cursor, &key, 0);
if (i % 10 == 0) {
assert(error == 0);
init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
error = pma_cget_current(cursor, &key, &val);
assert(error == 0);
int vv;
assert(val.size == sizeof vv);
memcpy(&vv,, val.size);
assert(vv == i);
} else
assert(error == DB_NOTFOUND);
error = pma_cursor_free(&cursor);
assert(error == 0);
error = pma_free(&pma);
assert(error == 0);
* verify that set range works with a pma with keys 10, 20, 30 ... 90
void test_pma_cursor_set_range() {
int error;
PMA pma;
error = pma_create(&pma, default_compare_fun);
assert(error == 0);
DBT key, val;
int k, v;
const int smallest_key = 10;
const int largest_key = 90;
int i;
for (i=smallest_key; i<=largest_key; i += 10) {
k = htonl(i);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
error = pma_insert(pma, &key, &val, 0);
assert(error == 0);
PMA_CURSOR cursor;
error = pma_cursor(pma, &cursor);
assert(error == 0);
for (i=0; i<100; i += 1) {
k = htonl(i);
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
error = pma_cursor_set_range(cursor, &key, 0);
if (error != 0) {
assert(error == DB_NOTFOUND);
assert(i > largest_key);
} else {
init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
error = pma_cget_current(cursor, &key, &val);
assert(error == 0);
int vv;
assert(val.size == sizeof vv);
memcpy(&vv,, val.size);
if (i <= smallest_key)
assert(vv == smallest_key);
assert(vv == (((i+9)/10)*10));
error = pma_cursor_free(&cursor);
assert(error == 0);
error = pma_free(&pma);
assert(error == 0);
void pma_tests (void) {
test_keycompare(); memory_check_all_free();
......@@ -1485,6 +1597,8 @@ void pma_tests (void) {
test_pma_insert_or_replace(); memory_check_all_free();
test_pma_already_there(); memory_check_all_free();
test_pma_cursor_set_key(); memory_check_all_free();
test_pma_cursor_set_range(); memory_check_all_free();
int main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), char *argv[] __attribute__((__unused__))) {
......@@ -390,8 +390,7 @@ int pma_cursor_set_position_prev (PMA_CURSOR c) {
while (c->position >= 0) {
if (kv_pair_valid(pma->pairs[c->position])) {
if (old_position >= 0 && kv_pair_deleted(pma->pairs[old_position]) &&__pma_count_cursor_refs(pma, old_position) == 0)
__pma_delete_finish(pma, old_position);
__pma_delete_resume(pma, old_position);
return 0;
......@@ -416,8 +415,7 @@ int pma_cursor_set_position_next (PMA_CURSOR c) {
while (c->position<pma->N) {
if (kv_pair_valid(c->pma->pairs[c->position])) {
if (old_position >= 0 && kv_pair_deleted(pma->pairs[old_position]) && __pma_count_cursor_refs(pma, old_position) == 0)
__pma_delete_finish(pma, old_position);
__pma_delete_resume(pma, old_position);
return 0;
......@@ -438,6 +436,40 @@ int pma_cget_current (PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DBT *val) {
return 0;
int pma_cursor_set_key(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DB *db) {
PMA pma = c->pma;
int here = pmainternal_find(pma, key, db);
assert(0<=here ); assert(here<=pma_index_limit(pma));
if (here==pma_index_limit(pma))
DBT k2;
struct kv_pair *pair = pma->pairs[here];
if (kv_pair_valid(pair) && pma->compare_fun(db, key, fill_dbt(&k2, kv_pair_key(pair), kv_pair_keylen(pair)))==0) {
__pma_delete_resume(c->pma, c->position);
c->position = here;
return 0;
} else
int pma_cursor_set_range(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DB *db) {
PMA pma = c->pma;
int here = pmainternal_find(pma, key, db);
assert(0<=here ); assert(here<=pma_index_limit(pma));
/* find the first valid pair where key[here] >= key */
while (here < pma->N) {
struct kv_pair *pair = pma->pairs[here];
if (kv_pair_valid(pair)) {
__pma_delete_resume(c->pma, c->position);
c->position = here;
return 0;
here += 1;
#if 0
int pma_cget_first (PMA_CURSOR c, YBT *key, YBT *val) {
......@@ -613,6 +645,11 @@ int pma_delete (PMA pma, DBT *k, DB *db) {
return BRT_OK;
void __pma_delete_resume(PMA pma, int here) {
if (here >= 0 && kv_pair_deleted(pma->pairs[here]) &&__pma_count_cursor_refs(pma, here) == 0)
__pma_delete_finish(pma, here);
void __pma_delete_finish(PMA pma, int here) {
struct kv_pair *kv = pma->pairs[here];
if (!kv_pair_inuse(kv))
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ int pma_cursor_free (PMA_CURSOR*);
* get the pma that a pma cursor is bound to
* c - the pma cursor
* pma - the location that the bound pma is returned
* pma - the pma that the cursor is bound to
int pma_cursor_get_pma(PMA_CURSOR c, PMA *pma);
int pma_cursor_set_position_last (PMA_CURSOR c);
......@@ -84,6 +84,12 @@ int pma_cursor_set_position_next (PMA_CURSOR c); /* Requires the cursor is init'
int pma_cursor_set_position_prev (PMA_CURSOR c);
int pma_cget_current (PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DBT *val);
/* set the cursor by key */
int pma_cursor_set_key(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DB *db);
/* set the cursor to the smallest key >= requested key */
int pma_cursor_set_range(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DB *db);
* Get the last key and value in the pma
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