Commit 091ac533 authored by Marko Mäkelä's avatar Marko Mäkelä

MDEV-29841 fixup: Correct error message translations

This fixes up 0e6f2757 and
6f8fb41f which corrupted the
Chinese and Spanish translations of the changed error message
parent d43153e3
......@@ -9773,9 +9773,9 @@ ER_UNUSED_23
spa "Nunca debería vd de ver esto"
chi "错误的分区类型,预期类型:%`s for partitioning by %`s"
chi "错误分区类型%`s,应当是%`s"
eng "Wrong partition type %`s for partitioning by %`s"
spa "Tipo de partición equivocada, tipo esperado: %`s for partitioning by %`s"
spa "Tipo de partición equivocada %`s para particionado mediante %`s"
chi "版本化表%`s.%`s:partition%`s已满,添加更多历史分区(out of %s)"
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