Commit 0ba40849 authored by Kristian Nielsen's avatar Kristian Nielsen

Possible fix for stray deadlock kill after parallel replication of XA PREPARE,...

Possible fix for stray deadlock kill after parallel replication of XA PREPARE, using somewhat undesirable global mutex in trx_disconnect_prepared()
Signed-off-by: default avatarKristian Nielsen <>
parent 92d3c9f8
......@@ -554,7 +554,16 @@ void trx_disconnect_prepared(trx_t *trx)
trx->is_recovered= true;
Take the lock_sys.wait_mutex around releasing the THD associated with the
prepared transaction. This way, lock_wait() will see a consistent picture
while processing locking state: either it runs before clearing the
trx->mysql_thd, and sees the lock owned by a specific THD; or it runs after
and sees a lock not associated with THD (but not some mixture).
trx->mysql_thd= NULL;
/* todo/fixme: suggest to do it at innodb prepare */
trx->will_lock= false;
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