Commit 0c7c1d0e authored by unknown's avatar unknown

- Do-pkg can now create a separate package including a MySQL Startup Item

   for Mac OS X and add it to the installation Disk Image.

   - added code to build the StartupItem PKG along with the MySQL PKG and
     add it to the resulting Disk Image (can be skipped with --skip-si)
   - lots of cleanups (use more builtin Perl functions instead of 
     subprocesses, enable a full dry run without errors)
   - removed IFPkgFlagOverwritePermissions and IFPkgFlagUseUserMask
parent 7072374e
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Do-pkg - convert a binary distribution into a Mac OS X PKG and put it
# inside a Disk Image (.dmg)
# inside a Disk Image (.dmg). Additionally, add a separate package,
# including the required Startup Item to automatically start MySQL on
# bootup.
# The script currently assumes the following environment (which should exist
# like that, if the Do-compile script was used to build the binary
......@@ -17,14 +19,19 @@
# written by Lenz Grimmer <>
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
use Sys::Hostname;
$opt_dry_run= undef;
$opt_help= undef;
$opt_log= undef;
$opt_mail= "";
$opt_skip_dmg= undef;
$opt_skip_si= undef;
$opt_suffix= undef;
$opt_verbose= undef;
$opt_version= undef;
......@@ -35,13 +42,14 @@ GetOptions(
) || &print_help;
# Include helper functions
chomp($PWD= `pwd`);
$PWD= cwd();
if (-f "$LOGGER")
......@@ -54,7 +62,7 @@ else
$PM= "/Developer/Applications/";
$TMP eq "" ? $TMP= $TMP . "/PKGBUILD": $TMP= "/tmp/PKGBUILD";
$TMP eq "" ? $TMP= $TMP . "/PKGBUILD.$$": $TMP= "/tmp/PKGBUILD.$$";
$RESOURCE_DIR= "$TMP/Resources";
......@@ -62,8 +70,8 @@ $SUFFIX= $opt_suffix;
$VERSION= $opt_version;
($MAJOR, $MINOR, $RELEASE)= split(/\./, $VERSION);
chomp($HOST= `hostname`);
chomp($ID= `whoami`);
$HOST= hostname();
$ID= getpwuid($>);
$HOST=~ /^([^.-]*)/;
$HOST= $1;
......@@ -73,6 +81,12 @@ $SUPFILEDIR= <$SRCBASEDIR/support-files/MacOSX>;
$TAR= <$BUILDDIR/$NAME-apple-darwin*-powerpc.tar.gz>;
$INFO= <$SUPFILEDIR/Info.plist>;
$DESC= <$SUPFILEDIR/Description.plist>;
$SI_INFO= <$SUPFILEDIR/StartupItem.Info.plist>;
$SI_DESC= <$SUPFILEDIR/StartupItem.Description.plist>;
$SI_PARAMS= <$SUPFILEDIR/StartupParameters.plist>;
$SI_POST= <$SUPFILEDIR/StartupItem.postinstall>;
$SI_NAME= "MySQLStartupItem";
@RESOURCES= qw/ ReadMe.txt postinstall preinstall /;
......@@ -99,7 +113,9 @@ if (defined $opt_log)
# Creating the UFS disk image requires root privileges
die("You must be root to run this script!") if ($ID ne "root" && !$opt_dry_run);
foreach $file ($TAR, $INFO, $DESC)
@files= ($TAR, $INFO, $DESC);
@files= (@files, $SI_INFO, $SI_DESC, $SI_POST, $SI_SCRIPT) unless $opt_skip_si;
foreach $file (@files)
&abort("Unable to find $file!") unless (-f "$file");
......@@ -112,14 +128,22 @@ foreach $dir ($TMP, $PKGROOT, $PKGDEST, $RESOURCE_DIR)
if (!-d $dir)
&run_command("mkdir $dir", "Could not make directory $dir!");
&logger("Creating directory $dir!");
mkdir($dir) or &abort("Could not make directory $dir!");
foreach $resfile (@RESOURCES)
$command= "cp $SUPFILEDIR/$resfile $RESOURCE_DIR";
&run_command($command, "Error while copying $SUPFILEDIR/$resfile to $RESOURCE_DIR");
&logger("Copying $SUPFILEDIR/$resfile to $RESOURCE_DIR");
copy("$SUPFILEDIR/$resfile", "$RESOURCE_DIR") or
&abort("Error while copying $SUPFILEDIR/$resfile to $RESOURCE_DIR");
# Search for license file
......@@ -127,12 +151,17 @@ foreach $license (@LICENSES)
if (-f "$license")
$command= "cp $license $RESOURCE_DIR/License.txt";
&run_command($command, "Error while copying $license to $RESOURCE_DIR");
&logger("Copy $license to $RESOURCE_DIR/License.txt");
copy("$license", "$RESOURCE_DIR/License.txt") or
&abort("Error while copying $license to $RESOURCE_DIR");
&abort("Could not find a license file!") unless (-f "$RESOURCE_DIR/License.txt");
&abort("Could not find a license file!")
unless (-f "$RESOURCE_DIR/License.txt");
# Extract the binary tarball and create the "mysql" symlink
&logger("Extracting $TAR to $PKGROOT");
......@@ -145,10 +174,38 @@ foreach $license (@LICENSES)
# returning a non-zero value, even though the package was created correctly
&logger("Running PackageMaker");
$command= "$PM -build -p $PKGDEST/$NAME.pkg -f $PKGROOT -r $RESOURCE_DIR -i $INFO -d $DESC || true";
&run_command($command, "Error while building package!");
&run_command($command, "Error while building package $NAME.pkg!");
# Build the Startup Item PKG
unless ($opt_skip_si)
&logger("Cleaning up $PKGROOT");
&run_command("rm -rf $PKGROOT/*", "Unable to clean up $PKGROOT!");
&logger("Cleaning up $RESOURCE_DIR");
&run_command("rm -rf $RESOURCE_DIR/*", "Unable to clean up $RESOURCE_DIR!");
&logger("Installing MySQL StartupItem files into $PKGROOT/MySQL");
mkdir("$PKGROOT/MySQL") or &abort("Error creating $PKGROOT/MySQL");
or &abort("Error copying $SI_SCRIPT!");
chmod(0755, "$PKGROOT/MySQL/" . basename("$SI_SCRIPT"));
or &abort("Error copying $SI_PARAMS!");
chmod(0644, "$PKGROOT/MySQL/" . basename("$SI_PARAMS"));
&run_command("chown -R root.wheel $PKGROOT/*", "Cannot chown $PKGROOT!");
copy("$SI_POST", "$RESOURCE_DIR/postinstall")
or &abort("Error copying $SI_POST!");
chmod(0644, "$RESOURCE_DIR/postinstall");
&logger("Removing $PKGROOT");
&run_command("rm -rf $PKGROOT", "Unable to remove $PKGROOT!");
&logger("Building $SI_NAME.pkg using PackageMaker");
$command= "$PM -build -p $PKGDEST/$SI_NAME.pkg -f $PKGROOT -r $RESOURCE_DIR -i $SI_INFO -d $SI_DESC || true";
&run_command($command, "Error while building package $SI_NAME.pkg!");
if ($opt_skip_dmg)
......@@ -159,7 +216,7 @@ if ($opt_skip_dmg)
# Determine the size of the Disk image to be created and add a 5% safety
# margin for filesystem overhead
&logger("Determining required disk image size for $PKGDEST");
if (! $opt_dry_run)
chomp($_= `du -sk $PKGDEST`);
@size= split();
......@@ -167,7 +224,10 @@ if (! $opt_dry_run)
&logger("Disk image size: $size KB");
&abort("Zero bytes? Something is wrong here!") if ($size == 0);
&abort("Zero bytes? Something is wrong here!") if ($size == 0);
# Now create and mount the disk image
$TMPNAME= $NAME . ".tmp";
......@@ -181,7 +241,7 @@ $command= "hdiutil create $TMPNAME -size ${size}k -ov -fs UFS -volname $NAME";
chomp($mountpoint=`mount | grep "\/Volumes\/$NAME" | cut -f3 -d" "`) if (!$opt_dry_run);
&logger("Copying $PKGDEST/$NAME.pkg to Disk image /Volumes/$NAME");
&run_command("ditto $PKGDEST /Volumes/$NAME", "Could not copy $PKGDEST to /Volumes/$NAME!");
&run_command("ditto $RESOURCE_DIR/ReadMe.txt /Volumes/$NAME", "Could not copy $RESOURCE_DIR/ReadMe.txt to /Volumes/$NAME!");
&run_command("ditto $SUPFILEDIR/ReadMe.txt /Volumes/$NAME", "Could not copy $SPFILEDIR/ReadMe.txt to /Volumes/$NAME!");
chomp($mountpoint=`mount | grep "\/Volumes\/$NAME" | cut -f1 -d" "`) if (!$opt_dry_run);
&abort("/Volumes/$NAME not attached!") if (!$mountpoint && !$opt_dry_run);
&logger("Unmounting $mountpoint");
......@@ -221,20 +281,23 @@ NOTE: You need to run this script with root privileges (required
--dry-run Dry run without executing
-h, --help Print this help
-l, --log[=<filename>] Write a log file [to <filename>]
(default is "$LOGFILE")
-m, --mail=<address> Mail a failure report to the given address
(and include a log file snippet, if logging
is enabled)
Note that the \@-Sign needs to be quoted!
Example: --mail=user\\\
-s, --skip-disk-image Just build the PKG, don't put it into a
disk image afterwards
--suffix=<suffix> The package suffix (e.g. "-standard" or "-pro)
--version=<version> The MySQL version number (e.g. 4.0.11-gamma)
-v, --verbose Verbose execution
--dry-run Dry run without executing
-h, --help Print this help
-l, --log[=<filename>] Write a log file [to <filename>]
(default is "$LOGFILE")
-m, --mail=<address> Mail a failure report to the given
address (and include a log file snippet,
if logging is enabled)
Note that the \@-Sign needs to be quoted!
Example: --mail=user\\\
-s, --skip-disk-image, --skip-dmg Just build the PKGs, don't put it into a
disk image afterwards
--skip-startup-item, --skip-si Skip the creation of the StartupItem PKG
--suffix=<suffix> The package suffix
(e.g. "-standard" or "-pro)
--version=<version> The MySQL version number
(e.g. 4.0.11-gamma)
-v, --verbose Verbose execution
exit 1;
......@@ -19,13 +19,11 @@
......@@ -34,8 +32,6 @@
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