Commit 0cf97ad5 authored by Aleksey Midenkov's avatar Aleksey Midenkov Committed by Eugene Kosov

IB: CASCADE operation for DELETE

* Removed "Not supported for TIMESTAMP-based" error
* Fixed code duplication with node->vers_set_fields()
* Recovered foreign.test

[closes tempesta-tech#473]
parent 85ddd9e8
......@@ -77,4 +77,26 @@ if ($MTR_COMBINATION_TRX_ID)
let $sys_datatype_expl_uc= BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED;
let $sys_datatype_max= 18446744073709551615;
eval create or replace function current_row(sys_trx_end $sys_datatype_expl)
returns int
return sys_trx_end = $sys_datatype_max;
delimiter ~~;
eval create or replace function check_row(row_start $sys_datatype_expl, row_end $sys_datatype_expl)
returns varchar(255)
if row_end < row_start then
return "ERROR: row_end < row_start";
elseif row_end = row_start then
return "ERROR: row_end == row_start";
elseif current_row(row_end) then
return "CURRENT ROW";
end if;
delimiter ;~~
......@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ drop procedure verify_vtq_dummy;
drop function sys_commit_ts;
drop procedure concat_exec2;
drop procedure concat_exec3;
drop function current_row;
drop function check_row;
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ id int unique key
) engine innodb;
create table child(
parent_id int,
sys_start timestamp(6) as row start invisible,
sys_end timestamp(6) as row end invisible,
sys_start SYS_DATATYPE as row start invisible,
sys_end SYS_DATATYPE as row end invisible,
period for system_time(sys_start, sys_end),
foreign key(parent_id) references parent(id)
on delete restrict
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ update parent set id=id+1;
ERROR 23000: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`test`.`child`, CONSTRAINT `child_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`parent_id`) REFERENCES `parent` (`id`))
delete from child;
update parent set id=id+1;
select * from child for system_time from timestamp 0 to timestamp now(6);
select * from child for system_time all;
......@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ id int(10) unsigned unique key
) engine innodb;
create table child(
parent_id int(10) unsigned primary key,
sys_start timestamp(6) as row start invisible,
sys_end timestamp(6) as row end invisible,
sys_start SYS_DATATYPE as row start invisible,
sys_end SYS_DATATYPE as row end invisible,
period for system_time(sys_start, sys_end),
foreign key(parent_id) references parent(id)
) engine innodb with system versioning;
......@@ -58,19 +58,37 @@ id int unique key
) engine innodb;
create table child(
parent_id int,
sys_start timestamp(6) as row start invisible,
sys_end timestamp(6) as row end invisible,
sys_start SYS_DATATYPE as row start invisible,
sys_end SYS_DATATYPE as row end invisible,
period for system_time(sys_start, sys_end),
foreign key(parent_id) references parent(id)
on delete cascade
on update cascade
) engine innodb with system versioning;
ERROR HY000: CASCADE is not supported for TIMESTAMP(6) AS ROW START/END system-versioned tables
insert into parent values(1);
insert into child values(1);
delete from parent where id = 1;
select * from child;
select * from child for system_time all;
insert into parent values(1);
insert into child values(1);
update parent set id = id + 1;
select * from child;
select * from child for system_time all;
drop table child;
drop table parent;
create or replace table parent (
id int primary key,
sys_start timestamp(6) as row start invisible,
sys_end timestamp(6) as row end invisible,
sys_start SYS_DATATYPE as row start invisible,
sys_end SYS_DATATYPE as row end invisible,
period for system_time(sys_start, sys_end)
) with system versioning
engine innodb;
......@@ -97,8 +115,8 @@ engine innodb;
create or replace table child (
id int primary key,
parent_id int not null,
row_start timestamp(6) as row start invisible,
row_end timestamp(6) as row end invisible,
row_start SYS_DATATYPE as row start invisible,
row_end SYS_DATATYPE as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end),
constraint `parent-fk`
foreign key (parent_id) references parent (id)
......@@ -106,32 +124,64 @@ on delete cascade
on update restrict
) with system versioning
engine innodb;
ERROR HY000: CASCADE is not supported for TIMESTAMP(6) AS ROW START/END system-versioned tables
insert into parent (id) values (3);
insert into child (id, parent_id) values (3, 3);
delete from parent;
select * from child;
id parent_id
select *, check_row(row_start, row_end) from child for system_time all;
id parent_id check_row(row_start, row_end)
drop table child;
drop table parent;
# Test SET NULL #
create table parent(
create or replace table parent(
id int unique key
) engine innodb;
create table child(
create or replace table child(
parent_id int,
sys_start timestamp(6) as row start invisible,
sys_end timestamp(6) as row end invisible,
sys_start SYS_DATATYPE as row start invisible,
sys_end SYS_DATATYPE as row end invisible,
period for system_time(sys_start, sys_end),
foreign key(parent_id) references parent(id)
on delete set null
on update set null
) engine innodb with system versioning;
ERROR HY000: SET NULL is not supported for TIMESTAMP(6) AS ROW START/END system-versioned tables
insert into parent values(1);
insert into child values(1);
delete from child;
insert into child values(1);
delete from parent where id = 1;
select * from child;
select *, current_row(sys_end) as current_row from child for system_time all order by sys_end;
parent_id current_row
1 0
delete from child;
insert into parent values(1);
insert into child values(1);
update parent set id= id + 1;
select * from child;
select *, current_row(sys_end) as current_row from child for system_time all order by sys_end;
parent_id current_row
1 0
drop table child;
drop table parent;
# Parent table is foreign #
create or replace table parent(
id int unique key,
sys_start timestamp(6) as row start invisible,
sys_end timestamp(6) as row end invisible,
sys_start SYS_DATATYPE as row start invisible,
sys_end SYS_DATATYPE as row end invisible,
period for system_time(sys_start, sys_end)
) engine innodb with system versioning;
create or replace table child(
......@@ -162,16 +212,16 @@ drop table parent;
create or replace table a (
cola int(10) primary key,
v_cola int(10) as (cola mod 10) virtual,
sys_start timestamp(6) as row start invisible,
sys_end timestamp(6) as row end invisible,
sys_start SYS_DATATYPE as row start invisible,
sys_end SYS_DATATYPE as row end invisible,
period for system_time(sys_start, sys_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning;
create index v_cola on a (v_cola);
create or replace table b(
cola int(10),
v_cola int(10),
sys_start timestamp(6) as row start invisible,
sys_end timestamp(6) as row end invisible,
sys_start SYS_DATATYPE as row start invisible,
sys_end SYS_DATATYPE as row end invisible,
period for system_time(sys_start, sys_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning;
alter table b add constraint `v_cola_fk`
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ create table parent(
id int unique key
) engine innodb;
--replace_result $sys_datatype_expl SYS_DATATYPE
eval create table child(
parent_id int,
sys_start $sys_datatype_expl as row start invisible,
......@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ insert into child values(1);
update parent set id=id+1;
delete from child;
update parent set id=id+1;
select * from child for system_time from timestamp 0 to timestamp now(6);
select * from child for system_time all;
drop table child;
drop table parent;
......@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ create table parent(
id int(10) unsigned unique key
) engine innodb;
--replace_result $sys_datatype_expl SYS_DATATYPE
eval create table child(
parent_id int(10) unsigned primary key,
sys_start $sys_datatype_expl as row start invisible,
......@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ create table parent(
id int unique key
) engine innodb;
--replace_result $sys_datatype_expl SYS_DATATYPE
eval create table child(
parent_id int,
sys_start $sys_datatype_expl as row start invisible,
......@@ -80,14 +82,10 @@ eval create table child(
on delete cascade
on update cascade
) engine innodb with system versioning;
insert into parent values(1);
insert into child values(1);
delete from parent where id = 1;
delete from child where parent_id = 1;
delete from parent where id = 1;
select * from child;
select * from child for system_time all;
......@@ -99,8 +97,9 @@ select * from child;
select * from child for system_time all;
drop table child;
drop table parent;
--replace_result $sys_datatype_expl SYS_DATATYPE
eval create or replace table parent (
id int primary key,
sys_start $sys_datatype_expl as row start invisible,
......@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ create or replace table parent (
engine innodb;
--replace_result $sys_datatype_expl SYS_DATATYPE
eval create or replace table child (
id int primary key,
parent_id int not null,
......@@ -145,33 +144,26 @@ eval create or replace table child (
on update restrict
) with system versioning
engine innodb;
insert into parent (id) values (3);
insert into child (id, parent_id) values (3, 3);
--echo ## FIXME: #415 update of foreign constraints is disabled
delete from child;
--echo ## FIXME END
delete from parent;
select * from child;
--replace_result $sys_datatype_max MAXVAL
eval select *, row_start < row_end, row_end < $sys_datatype_max from child for system_time all;
select *, check_row(row_start, row_end) from child for system_time all;
drop table child;
drop table parent;
--echo #################
--echo # Test SET NULL #
--echo #################
create table parent(
create or replace table parent(
id int unique key
) engine innodb;
eval create table child(
--replace_result $sys_datatype_expl SYS_DATATYPE
eval create or replace table child(
parent_id int,
sys_start $sys_datatype_expl as row start invisible,
sys_end $sys_datatype_expl as row end invisible,
......@@ -180,41 +172,31 @@ eval create table child(
on delete set null
on update set null
) engine innodb with system versioning;
insert into parent values(1);
insert into child values(1);
delete from child;
insert into child values(1);
--echo ## FIXME: #415 update of foreign constraints is disabled
delete from child where parent_id = 1;
--echo ## FIXME END
delete from parent where id = 1;
select * from child;
select * from child for system_time from timestamp 0 to timestamp now(6);
select *, current_row(sys_end) as current_row from child for system_time all order by sys_end;
delete from child;
insert into parent values(1);
insert into child values(1);
## FIXME: #415 update of foreign constraints is disabled
if (0)
update parent set id=id+1;
update parent set id= id + 1;
select * from child;
select * from child for system_time from timestamp 0 to timestamp now(6);
select *, current_row(sys_end) as current_row from child for system_time all order by sys_end;
drop table child;
drop table parent;
--echo ###########################
--echo # Parent table is foreign #
--echo ###########################
--replace_result $sys_datatype_expl SYS_DATATYPE
eval create or replace table parent(
id int unique key,
sys_start $sys_datatype_expl as row start invisible,
......@@ -254,6 +236,7 @@ drop table parent;
--echo # crash on DELETE #
--echo ###################
--replace_result $sys_datatype_expl SYS_DATATYPE
eval create or replace table a (
cola int(10) primary key,
v_cola int(10) as (cola mod 10) virtual,
......@@ -264,6 +247,7 @@ eval create or replace table a (
create index v_cola on a (v_cola);
--replace_result $sys_datatype_expl SYS_DATATYPE
eval create or replace table b(
cola int(10),
v_cola int(10),
......@@ -5198,6 +5198,20 @@ extern "C" bool thd_is_strict_mode(const MYSQL_THD thd)
Get query start time as SQL field data.
Needed by InnoDB.
@param thd Thread object
@param buf Buffer to hold start time data
void thd_get_query_start_data(THD *thd, char *buf)
LEX_CSTRING field_name;
Field_timestampf f((uchar *)buf, NULL, 0, Field::NONE, &field_name, NULL, 6);
f.store_TIME(thd->query_start(), thd->query_start_sec_part());
Interface for MySQL Server, plugins and storage engines to report
when they are going to sleep/stall.
......@@ -4469,19 +4469,6 @@ static bool vers_prepare_keys(THD *thd, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info,
Key *key= NULL;
while ((key=key_it++))
if (key->type == Key::FOREIGN_KEY &&
create_info->vers_info.check_unit == VERS_TIMESTAMP)
Foreign_key *fk_key= (Foreign_key*) key;
enum enum_fk_option op;
if (fk_modifies_child(op=fk_key->update_opt) ||
my_error(ER_VERS_NOT_SUPPORTED, MYF(0), fk_option_name(op)->str,
return true;
if (key->type != Key::PRIMARY && key->type != Key::UNIQUE)
......@@ -1492,16 +1492,12 @@ dict_index_t::vers_history_row(
ulint nfield = dict_col_get_clust_pos(&col, this);
const byte *data = rec_get_nth_field(rec, offsets, nfield, &len);
if (col.mtype == DATA_FIXBINARY) {
ut_ad(len == sizeof timestamp_max_bytes);
return 0 != memcmp(data, timestamp_max_bytes, len);
} else {
ut_ad(col.mtype == DATA_INT);
if (col.vers_native()) {
ut_ad(len == sizeof trx_id_max_bytes);
return 0 != memcmp(data, trx_id_max_bytes, len);
return false;
ut_ad(len == sizeof timestamp_max_bytes);
return 0 != memcmp(data, timestamp_max_bytes, len);
/** Check if record in secondary index is historical row.
......@@ -654,6 +654,13 @@ struct dict_col_t{
/** @return whether this is system field */
bool vers_sys_field() const { return prtype & DATA_VERSIONED; }
/** @return whether table of this system field is TRX_ID-based */
bool vers_native() const
ut_ad(mtype == DATA_INT || mtype == DATA_FIXBINARY);
return mtype == DATA_INT;
/** @return whether this is system versioned */
bool is_versioned() const { return !(~prtype & DATA_VERSIONED); }
/** @return whether this is the system version start */
......@@ -577,6 +577,9 @@ struct upd_node_t{
/* column assignment list */
ulint magic_n;
/** System Versioning: modify update vector to set row_start
* (or row_end in case of DELETE) to current trx_id. */
void vers_set_fields(const trx_t* trx);
#define UPD_NODE_MAGIC_N 1579975
......@@ -71,6 +71,15 @@ Created 9/17/2000 Heikki Tuuri
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
Get query start time as SQL field data.
Needed by InnoDB.
@param thd Thread object
@param buf Buffer to hold start time data
void thd_get_query_start_data(THD *thd, char *buf);
/** Provide optional 4.x backwards compatibility for 5.0 and above */
ibool row_rollback_on_timeout = FALSE;
......@@ -1781,6 +1790,50 @@ init_fts_doc_id_for_ref(
/** System Versioning: modify update vector to set row_start
* (or row_end in case of DELETE) to current trx_id. */
void upd_node_t::vers_set_fields(const trx_t* trx)
dict_index_t* clust_index = dict_table_get_first_index(table);
upd_field_t* ufield;
dict_col_t* col;
unsigned col_idx;
if (is_delete) {
ufield = &update->fields[0];
update->n_fields = 0;
col_idx = table->vers_end;
} else {
ut_ad(update->n_fields < table->n_cols);
ufield = &update->fields[update->n_fields];
col_idx = table->vers_start;
col = &table->cols[col_idx];
UNIV_MEM_INVALID(ufield, sizeof *ufield);
ulint field_no = dict_col_get_clust_pos(col, clust_index);
ut_ad(field_no != ULINT_UNDEFINED);
ufield->field_no = field_no;
ufield->orig_len = 0;
ufield->exp = NULL;
if (col->vers_native())
mach_write_to_8(update->vers_sys_value, trx->id);
} else {
thd_get_query_start_data(trx->mysql_thd, (char *)
dfield_t* dfield = &ufield->new_val;
dfield_set_data(dfield, update->vers_sys_value, col->len);
dict_col_copy_type(col, &dfield->type);
ut_ad(in_mysql_interface); // otherwise needs to recalculate node->cmpl_info
/** Does an update or delete of a row for MySQL.
@param[in,out] prebuilt prebuilt struct in MySQL handle
@return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
......@@ -1877,42 +1930,7 @@ row_update_for_mysql(row_prebuilt_t* prebuilt)
for (;;) {
if (vers_set_fields) {
/* System Versioning: modify update vector to set
row_start (or row_end in case of DELETE)
to current trx_id. */
dict_table_t* table = node->table;
dict_index_t* clust_index = dict_table_get_first_index(table);
upd_t* uvect = node->update;
upd_field_t* ufield;
dict_col_t* col;
unsigned col_idx;
if (node->is_delete) {
ufield = &uvect->fields[0];
uvect->n_fields = 0;
node->is_delete = VERSIONED_DELETE;
col_idx = table->vers_end;
} else {
ut_ad(uvect->n_fields < table->n_cols);
ufield = &uvect->fields[uvect->n_fields];
col_idx = table->vers_start;
col = &table->cols[col_idx];
UNIV_MEM_INVALID(ufield, sizeof *ufield);
ulint field_no = dict_col_get_clust_pos(col, clust_index);
ut_ad(field_no != ULINT_UNDEFINED);
ufield->field_no = field_no;
ufield->orig_len = 0;
ufield->exp = NULL;
mach_write_to_8(node->update->vers_sys_value, trx->id);
dfield_t* dfield = &ufield->new_val;
dfield_set_data(dfield, node->update->vers_sys_value, 8);
dict_col_copy_type(col, &dfield->type);
ut_ad(node->in_mysql_interface); // otherwise needs to recalculate node->cmpl_info
thr->run_node = node;
......@@ -2193,7 +2211,7 @@ row_update_cascade_for_mysql(
trx_t* trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
const trx_t* trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
bool vers_set_fields = node->table->versioned()
&& (node->is_delete == PLAIN_DELETE
......@@ -2201,43 +2219,7 @@ row_update_cascade_for_mysql(
for (;;) {
if (vers_set_fields) {
// FIXME: code duplication with row_update_for_mysql()
/* System Versioning: modify update vector to set
row_start (or row_end in case of DELETE)
to current trx_id. */
dict_table_t* table = node->table;
dict_index_t* clust_index = dict_table_get_first_index(table);
upd_t* uvect = node->update;
upd_field_t* ufield;
dict_col_t* col;
unsigned col_idx;
if (node->is_delete) {
ufield = &uvect->fields[0];
uvect->n_fields = 0;
node->is_delete = VERSIONED_DELETE;
col_idx = table->vers_end;
} else {
ut_ad(uvect->n_fields < table->n_cols);
ufield = &uvect->fields[uvect->n_fields];
col_idx = table->vers_start;
col = &table->cols[col_idx];
UNIV_MEM_INVALID(ufield, sizeof *ufield);
ulint field_no = dict_col_get_clust_pos(col, clust_index);
ut_ad(field_no != ULINT_UNDEFINED);
ufield->field_no = field_no;
ufield->orig_len = 0;
ufield->exp = NULL;
mach_write_to_8(node->update->vers_sys_value, trx->id);
dfield_t* dfield = &ufield->new_val;
dfield_set_data(dfield, node->update->vers_sys_value, 8);
dict_col_copy_type(col, &dfield->type);
ut_ad(node->in_mysql_interface); // otherwise needs to recalculate node->cmpl_info
thr->run_node = node;
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