Commit 0d90b8be authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

Merge branch '5.5' into 10.0

parents 9a3ff078 df804208
......@@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ create table t_event3 (a int, b float);
drop event if exists event3;
Note 1305 Event event3 does not exist
create event event3 on schedule every 50 + 10 minute starts date_add("20100101", interval 5 minute) ends date_add("20151010", interval 5 day) comment "portokala_comment" DO insert into t_event3 values (unix_timestamp(), rand());
create event event3 on schedule every 50 + 10 minute starts date_add("20100101", interval 5 minute) ends date_add("20251010", interval 5 day)
comment "portokala_comment" DO insert into t_event3 values (unix_timestamp(), rand());
select count(*) from t_event3;
......@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ drop event existant;
create table t_event3 (a int, b float);
drop event if exists event3;
create event event3 on schedule every 50 + 10 minute starts date_add("20100101", interval 5 minute) ends date_add("20151010", interval 5 day) comment "portokala_comment" DO insert into t_event3 values (unix_timestamp(), rand());
create event event3 on schedule every 50 + 10 minute starts date_add("20100101", interval 5 minute) ends date_add("20251010", interval 5 day)
comment "portokala_comment" DO insert into t_event3 values (unix_timestamp(), rand());
let $wait_condition=SELECT count(*)=0 from t_event3;
--source include/
select count(*) from t_event3;
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