Commit 13184601 authored by Yoni Fogel's avatar Yoni Fogel

Addresses #596

An informal .h file to describe functionality provided by
the order maintenance structure.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@3498 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 950b199a
#if !defined(OM_H)
#define OM_H
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
/* Each of these C++ templated items can be wrapped with a simple header that uses pure C. */
template <typename ITEM_TYPE, typename EXTRA_RENUMBER>
struct OMS {
/* Stuff */
/* The actual header would be written entirely in C, using wrapper functions, this is just a starting example. */
/* The templated functions are static and inline so the wrapper C functions don't add any overhead. */
1- Do we really need to wrap items in an OMITEM<ITEM_TYPE> container?
I assume yes.. for example, the ITEM_TYPE could be a DBT,
and the OMITEM<DBT*> would also hold the index (plus maybe additional stuff).
2- For a single OMS, do we need to support CHANGING the renumberf function?
i.e. won't it be the same function for every insert for a given OMS?
I'm assuming the renumberf function stays the same, so I provide it just
once in the constructor.
Actually, if the function is constant, and only the 'extra' can differ,
it can be a template parameter and be even faster.
3- Similarly to #2, will the 'extra info' to the renumberf function ever change?
I'm assuming it stays the same for the duration of an OMS,
and am passing it to the constructor.
4- For 'insert_in_appropriate place', I know the comparison function is not always available
So I'm giving it as a parameter to that function.
5- Extra info to the comparison function. This can change (for the lock tree),
so its a parameter to the functoins that use comparisons.
6- Do we need some way of 'loading' an order maintenance structure?
i.e. use these tags for the following items instead of 'inserting' over and over.
template <typename ITEM_TYPE, typename EXTRA_RENUMBER, typename EXTRA_CMP>
static inline int toku_oms_create(OMS<ITEM_TYPE, EXTRA_RENUMBER, EXTRA_CMP>** poms,
void (*renumberf)(OMITEM<ITEM_TYPE>*, u_int64_t old_index, u_int64_t new_index, EXTRA_RENUMBER* extra_for_renumberf),
/* Additional parameters to pass to the callback function. */
EXTRA_RENUMBER* extra_for_renumberf);
template <typename ITEM_TYPE, typename EXTRA_RENUMBER, typename EXTRA_CMP>
static inline int toku_oms_close(OMS<ITEM_TYPE, EXTRA_RENUMBER, EXTRA_CMP>* oms);
static inline int toku_oms_insert(OMS* oms, /* The order maintenance structure. */
template <typename ITEM_TYPE, typename EXTRA_RENUMBER, typename EXTRA_CMP>
static inline int toku_oms_insert(OMS<ITEM_TYPE, EXTRA_RENUMBER, EXTRA_CMP>* oms, /* The order maintenance structure. */
OMITEM<ITEM_TYPE>* prev_omi, /* Pass in NULL if the new item is at the head, otherwise pass in the predecessor. */
DATA_ITEM* item); /* The user-provided data item. */
template <typename ITEM_TYPE, typename EXTRA_RENUMBER, typename EXTRA_CMP>
static inline int toku_oms_delete(OMS<ITEM_TYPE, EXTRA_RENUMBER, EXTRA_CMP>* oms, /* The order maintenance structure. */
OMSITEM<ITEM_TYPE>* to_remove); /* The user-provided data item. */
/* This will use the comparison function to find the appropriate location,
and then call toku_oms_insert with the appropriate predecessor. */
static inline int toku_oms_insert_appropriately(OMS<ITEM_TYPE, EXTRA_RENUMBER, EXTRA_CMP>* oms, /* The order maintenance structure. */
DATA_ITEM* item,
void (*cmp)(EXTRA_CMP* extra_for_cmp, ITEM_TYPE*, ITEM_TYPE*),
/* Additional parameters to pass to the comparison function. */
EXTRA_CMP* extra_for_cmp);
/* Example wrapper */
extern "C" {
int toku_node_node_oms_insert(toku_node_oms* oms,
toku_node_omsitem* prev_omi,
DBT* item) {
return toku_oms_insert<toku_node_omsitem, DBT, int, DB>(oms, prev_omi, item);
#endif /* #ifndef OM_H */
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