Commit 19569a8b authored by marko's avatar marko

branches/zip: Minor cleanup.

page_cur_tuple_insert(), page_cur_rec_insert(): Improve the documentation.
Note that the physical position of page_cursor may change.

page_cur_rec_insert(), page_cur_insert_rec_low(), page_cur_insert_rec_zip():
Add a const qualifier to the parameter rec.
parent e7284367
......@@ -139,14 +139,15 @@ page_cur_move_to_prev(
Inserts a record next to page cursor. Returns pointer to inserted record if
succeed, i.e., enough space available, NULL otherwise. The cursor stays at
the same position. */
the same logical position, but the physical position may change if it is
pointing to a compressed page that was reorganized. */
/* out: pointer to record if succeed, NULL
otherwise */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in: a page cursor */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in/out: a page cursor */
const dtuple_t* tuple, /* in: pointer to a data tuple */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: record descriptor */
const ulint* ext, /* in: array of extern field numbers */
......@@ -155,15 +156,16 @@ page_cur_tuple_insert(
Inserts a record next to page cursor. Returns pointer to inserted record if
succeed, i.e., enough space available, NULL otherwise. The cursor stays at
the same position. */
the same logical position, but the physical position may change if it is
pointing to a compressed page that was reorganized. */
/* out: pointer to record if succeed, NULL
otherwise */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in: a page cursor */
rec_t* rec, /* in: record to insert */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in/out: a page cursor */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record to insert */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: record descriptor */
ulint* offsets,/* in/out: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mini-transaction handle, or NULL */
......@@ -180,7 +182,7 @@ page_cur_insert_rec_low(
rec_t* current_rec,/* in: pointer to current record after
which the new record is inserted */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: record descriptor */
rec_t* rec, /* in: pointer to a physical record */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: pointer to a physical record */
ulint* offsets,/* in/out: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mini-transaction handle, or NULL */
......@@ -198,7 +200,7 @@ page_cur_insert_rec_zip(
which the new record is inserted */
buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block of *current_rec */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: record descriptor */
rec_t* rec, /* in: pointer to a physical record */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: pointer to a physical record */
ulint* offsets,/* in/out: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mini-transaction handle, or NULL */
......@@ -207,14 +207,15 @@ page_cur_search(
Inserts a record next to page cursor. Returns pointer to inserted record if
succeed, i.e., enough space available, NULL otherwise. The cursor stays at
the same position. */
the same logical position, but the physical position may change if it is
pointing to a compressed page that was reorganized. */
/* out: pointer to record if succeed, NULL
otherwise */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in: a page cursor */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in/out: a page cursor */
const dtuple_t* tuple, /* in: pointer to a data tuple */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: record descriptor */
const ulint* ext, /* in: array of extern field numbers */
......@@ -250,15 +251,16 @@ page_cur_tuple_insert(
Inserts a record next to page cursor. Returns pointer to inserted record if
succeed, i.e., enough space available, NULL otherwise. The cursor stays at
the same position. */
the same logical position, but the physical position may change if it is
pointing to a compressed page that was reorganized. */
/* out: pointer to record if succeed, NULL
otherwise */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in: a page cursor */
rec_t* rec, /* in: record to insert */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in/out: a page cursor */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record to insert */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: record descriptor */
ulint* offsets,/* in/out: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle, or NULL */
......@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ page_cur_insert_rec_low(
rec_t* current_rec,/* in: pointer to current record after
which the new record is inserted */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: record descriptor */
rec_t* rec, /* in: pointer to a physical record */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: pointer to a physical record */
ulint* offsets,/* in/out: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle, or NULL */
......@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ page_cur_insert_rec_zip(
which the new record is inserted */
buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block of *current_rec */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: record descriptor */
rec_t* rec, /* in: pointer to a physical record */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: pointer to a physical record */
ulint* offsets,/* in/out: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle, or NULL */
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