Commit 2481b4af authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Automerge 5.2->5.3

parents 485e5edb 0c8579ff
......@@ -1969,4 +1969,5 @@ plugin/handler_socket/client/hsclient
......@@ -891,7 +891,8 @@ sub collect_one_test_case {
if ( -f "$testdir/$tname.slave-mi");
my @source_files = tags_from_test_file($tinfo,"$testdir/${tname}.test");
my ($master_opts, $slave_opts)=
tags_from_test_file($tinfo, "$testdir/${tname}.test", $suitedir);
# Get default storage engine from suite.opt file
......@@ -1059,16 +1060,8 @@ sub collect_one_test_case {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Append mysqld extra options to master and slave, as appropriate
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
for (@source_files) {
push @{$tinfo->{master_opt}}, opts_from_file("$_.opt");
push @{$tinfo->{slave_opt}}, opts_from_file("$_.opt");
push @{$tinfo->{master_opt}}, opts_from_file("$_-master.opt");
push @{$tinfo->{slave_opt}}, opts_from_file("$_-slave.opt");
push(@{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}}, @::opt_extra_mysqld_opt);
push(@{$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}}, @::opt_extra_mysqld_opt);
push @{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}}, @$master_opts, @::opt_extra_mysqld_opt;
push @{$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}}, @$slave_opts, @::opt_extra_mysqld_opt;
process_opts($tinfo, 'master_opt');
process_opts($tinfo, 'slave_opt');
......@@ -1077,74 +1070,113 @@ sub collect_one_test_case {
# List of tags in the .test files that if found should set
# the specified value in "tinfo"
my @tags=
["include/", "big_test", 1],
["include/", "need_debug", 1],
["include/", "ndb_test", 1],
["include/", "ndb_test", 1],
["include/", "rpl_test", 1],
["include/", "rpl_test", 1],
["include/", "ndb_test", 1],
["include/", "not_embedded", 1],
["include/", "not_valgrind", 1],
["include/", "example_plugin_test", 1],
["include/", "oqgraph_test", 1],
["include/", "need_ssl", 1],
["include/", "long_test", 1],
sub tags_from_test_file {
my $tinfo= shift;
my $file= shift;
my $F= IO::File->new($file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
my @all_files=($file);
while ( my $line= <$F> )
my $tags_map= {'big_test' => ['big_test', 1],
'have_debug' => ['need_debug', 1],
'have_ndb' => ['ndb_test', 1],
'have_multi_ndb' => ['ndb_test', 1],
'master-slave' => ['rpl_test', 1],
'ndb_master-slave' => ['rpl_test', 1, 'ndb_test', 1],
'not_embedded' => ['not_embedded', 1],
'not_valgrind' => ['not_valgrind', 1],
'have_example_plugin' => ['example_plugin_test', 1],
'have_oqgraph_engine' => ['oqgraph_test', 1],
'have_ssl' => ['need_ssl', 1],
'long_test' => ['long_test', 1],
my $tags_regex_string= join('|', keys %$tags_map);
my $tags_regex= qr:include/($tags_regex_string)\.inc:o;
my $file_to_tags= { };
my $file_to_master_opts= { };
my $file_to_slave_opts= { };
# Get various tags from a file, recursively scanning also included files.
# And get options from .opt file, also recursively for included files.
# Return a list of [TAG_TO_SET, VALUE_TO_SET_TO] of found tags.
# Also returns lists of options for master and slave found in .opt files.
# Each include file is scanned only once, and subsequent calls just look up the
# cached result.
# We need to be a bit careful about speed here; previous version of this code
# took forever to scan the full test suite.
sub get_tags_from_file {
my ($file, $suitedir)= @_;
return ($file_to_tags->{$file}, $file_to_master_opts->{$file},
if exists($file_to_tags->{$file});
my $F= IO::File->new($file)
or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
my $tags= [];
my $master_opts= [];
my $slave_opts= [];
while (my $line= <$F>)
# Ignore comments.
next if $line =~ /^\#/;
# Skip line if it start's with #
next if ( $line =~ /^#/ );
# Match this line against tag in "tags" array
foreach my $tag (@tags)
# Add any tag we find.
if ($line =~ /$tags_regex/o)
if ( index($line, $tag->[0]) >= 0 )
my $to_set= $tags_map->{$1};
for (my $i= 0; $i < @$to_set; $i+= 2)
# Tag matched, assign value to "tinfo"
$tinfo->{"$tag->[1]"}= $tag->[2];
push @$tags, [$to_set->[$i], $to_set->[$i+1]];
# If test sources another file, open it as well
if ( $line =~ /^\-\-([[:space:]]*)source(.*)$/ or
$line =~ /^([[:space:]]*)source(.*);$/ )
# Check for a sourced include file.
if ($line =~ /^(--)?[[:space:]]*source[[:space:]]+([^;[:space:]]+)/)
my $value= $2;
$value =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove leading space
$value =~ s/[[:space:]]+$//; # Remove ending space
# Sourced file may exist relative to test or
# in global location
foreach my $sourced_file (dirname($file). "/$value",
my $include= $2;
# Sourced file may exist relative to test file, or in global location.
# Note that for the purpose of tag collection we ignore
# non-existing files, and let mysqltest handle the error
# (e.g. mysqltest.test needs this)
for my $sourced_file (dirname($file) . '/' . $include,
$suitedir . '/' . $include,
$::glob_mysql_test_dir . '/' . $include)
if ( -f $sourced_file )
# Only source the file if it exists, we may get
# false positives in the regexes above if someone
# writes "source nnnn;" in a test case(such as mysqltest.test)
unshift @all_files, tags_from_test_file($tinfo, $sourced_file);
if (-e $sourced_file)
my ($sub_tags, $sub_master_opts, $sub_slave_opts)=
get_tags_from_file($sourced_file, $suitedir);
push @$tags, @$sub_tags;
push @$master_opts, @$sub_master_opts;
push @$slave_opts, @$sub_slave_opts;
# Add options from main file _after_ those of any includes; this allows a
# test file to override options set by includes (eg. rpl.rpl_ddl uses this
# to enable innodb, then disable innodb in the slave.
my $file_no_ext= $file;
$file_no_ext =~ s/\.\w+$//;
my @common_opts= opts_from_file("$file_no_ext.opt");
push @$master_opts, @common_opts, opts_from_file("$file_no_ext-master.opt");
push @$slave_opts, @common_opts, opts_from_file("$file_no_ext-slave.opt");
# Save results so we can reuse without parsing if seen again.
$file_to_tags->{$file}= $tags;
$file_to_master_opts->{$file}= $master_opts;
$file_to_slave_opts->{$file}= $slave_opts;
return ($tags, $master_opts, $slave_opts);
sub tags_from_test_file {
my ($tinfo, $file, $suitedir)= @_;
my ($tags, $master_opts, $slave_opts)= get_tags_from_file($file, $suitedir);
for (@$tags)
$tinfo->{$_->[0]}= $_->[1];
return ($master_opts, $slave_opts);
sub unspace {
......@@ -4459,6 +4459,7 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
qr|mysqld: Table '\./mtr/test_suppressions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired|,
qr|Can't open shared library.*ha_archive|,
qr|InnoDB: Error: table 'test/bug39438'|,
qr|table.*is full|,
my $matched_lines= [];
--source include/
--source include/
set session transaction isolation level read committed;
create table innodb_bug52663 (what varchar(5), id integer, count integer, primary key
drop table if exists t1,t2;
Note 1051 Unknown table 't1'
Note 1051 Unknown table 't2'
create table t1 (id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, v varchar(1000), b blob) row_format=page max_rows=2 engine=aria;
create table t2 (id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, v varchar(1000), b blob) row_format=page max_rows=20000000 engine=aria;
lock tables t1 write,t2 write;
show table status like "t_";
Name Engine Version Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment Create_time Update_time Check_time Collation Checksum Create_options Comment
t1 MARIA 10 Page 0 0 8192 268320768 8192 0 1 # # # latin1_swedish_ci NULL max_rows=2 row_format=PAGE
t2 MARIA 10 Page 0 0 8192 17592186011648 8192 0 1 # # # latin1_swedish_ci NULL max_rows=20000000 row_format=PAGE
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("ab",100),repeat("def",1000));
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("de",200),repeat("ghi",2000));
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("fe",300),repeat("ghi",3000));
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("gh",400),repeat("jkl",10000));
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
unlock tables;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
ERROR HY000: The table 't1' is full
check table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1 check warning Datafile is almost full, 268230656 of 268320768 used
test.t1 check status OK
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("gh",400),repeat("jkl",10000));
ERROR HY000: The table 't1' is full
check table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1 check warning Datafile is almost full, 268230656 of 268320768 used
test.t1 check status OK
truncate table t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
ERROR HY000: The table 't1' is full
check table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1 check warning Datafile is almost full, 268230656 of 268320768 used
test.t1 check status OK
drop table t1,t2;
# Test max data length
# This test will use around 1.3G of disk space!
--source include/
--source include/
drop table if exists t1,t2;
create table t1 (id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, v varchar(1000), b blob) row_format=page max_rows=2 engine=aria;
create table t2 (id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, v varchar(1000), b blob) row_format=page max_rows=20000000 engine=aria;
lock tables t1 write,t2 write;
--replace_column 12 # 13 # 14 #
show table status like "t_";
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("ab",100),repeat("def",1000));
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("de",200),repeat("ghi",2000));
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("fe",300),repeat("ghi",3000));
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("gh",400),repeat("jkl",10000));
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
insert into t2 (v,b) select v,b from t1;
unlock tables;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
check table t1;
insert into t1 values(null, repeat("gh",400),repeat("jkl",10000));
check table t1;
# Test also with inserting into empty table (different code)
truncate table t1;
insert into t1 (v,b) select v,b from t2;
check table t1;
drop table t1,t2;
......@@ -211,7 +211,10 @@ static inline my_bool write_changed_bitmap(MARIA_SHARE *share,
share Share handler
file data file handler
file Data file handler
last_page Pointer to last page (max_file_size) that needs to be
mapped by the bitmap. This is adjusted to bitmap
This is called the first time a file is opened.
......@@ -221,7 +224,8 @@ static inline my_bool write_changed_bitmap(MARIA_SHARE *share,
1 error
my_bool _ma_bitmap_init(MARIA_SHARE *share, File file)
my_bool _ma_bitmap_init(MARIA_SHARE *share, File file,
pgcache_page_no_t *last_page)
uint aligned_bit_blocks;
uint max_page_size;
......@@ -244,7 +248,7 @@ my_bool _ma_bitmap_init(MARIA_SHARE *share, File file)
/* Size needs to be aligned on 6 */
aligned_bit_blocks= (share->block_size - PAGE_SUFFIX_SIZE) / 6;
bitmap->total_size= aligned_bit_blocks * 6;
bitmap->max_total_size= bitmap->total_size= aligned_bit_blocks * 6;
In each 6 bytes, we have 6*8/3 = 16 pages covered
The +1 is to add the bitmap page, as this doesn't have to be covered
......@@ -272,6 +276,27 @@ my_bool _ma_bitmap_init(MARIA_SHARE *share, File file)
first_bitmap_with_space= share->state.first_bitmap_with_space;
The bitmap used to map the file are aligned on 6 bytes. We now
calculate the max file size that can be used by the bitmap. This
is needed to get ma_info() give a true file size so that the user can
estimate if there is still space free for records in the file.
pgcache_page_no_t last_bitmap_page;
ulong blocks, bytes;
last_bitmap_page= *last_page - *last_page % bitmap->pages_covered;
blocks= *last_page - last_bitmap_page;
bytes= (blocks * 3) / 8; /* 3 bit per page / 8 bits per byte */
/* Size needs to be aligned on 6 */
bytes/= 6;
bytes*= 6;
bitmap->last_bitmap_page= last_bitmap_page;
bitmap->last_total_size= bytes;
*last_page= ((last_bitmap_page + bytes*8/3));
/* Restore first_bitmap_with_space if it's resonable */
if (first_bitmap_with_space <= (share->state.state.data_file_length /
......@@ -322,11 +347,12 @@ my_bool _ma_bitmap_end(MARIA_SHARE *share)
and then mutex lock would happen in the wrong order.
static inline void _ma_bitmap_mark_file_changed(MARIA_SHARE *share)
static inline void _ma_bitmap_mark_file_changed(MARIA_SHARE *share,
my_bool flush_translog)
It's extremely unlikely that the following test is true as it
only happens once if the table has changed.
It's extremely unlikely that the following test is true as it
only happens once if the table has changed.
if (unlikely(!share->global_changed &&
(share->state.changed & STATE_CHANGED)))
......@@ -334,6 +360,14 @@ static inline void _ma_bitmap_mark_file_changed(MARIA_SHARE *share)
/* purecov: begin inspected */
/* unlock mutex as it can't be hold during _ma_mark_file_changed() */
We have to flush the translog to ensure we have registered that the
table is open.
if (flush_translog && share->now_transactional)
(void) translog_flush(share->state.logrec_file_id);
/* purecov: end */
......@@ -375,6 +409,12 @@ my_bool _ma_bitmap_flush(MARIA_SHARE *share)
if (share->bitmap.changed)
We have to mark the file changed here, as otherwise the following
write to pagecache may force a page out from this file, which would
cause _ma_mark_file_changed() to be called with bitmaplock hold!
_ma_bitmap_mark_file_changed(share, 1);
res= write_changed_bitmap(share, &share->bitmap);
share->bitmap.changed= 0;
......@@ -442,7 +482,7 @@ my_bool _ma_bitmap_flush_all(MARIA_SHARE *share)
_ma_bitmap_mark_file_changed(share, 0);
The following should be true as it was tested above. We have to test
......@@ -634,7 +674,7 @@ void _ma_bitmap_delete_all(MARIA_SHARE *share)
bzero(bitmap->map, bitmap->block_size);
bitmap->changed= 1;
bitmap->page= 0;
bitmap->used_size= bitmap->total_size;
bitmap->used_size= bitmap->total_size= bitmap->max_total_size;
......@@ -671,7 +711,7 @@ void _ma_bitmap_reset_cache(MARIA_SHARE *share)
(This can only happen if writing to a bitmap page fails)
bitmap->page= ((pgcache_page_no_t) 0) - bitmap->pages_covered;
bitmap->used_size= bitmap->total_size;
bitmap->used_size= bitmap->total_size= bitmap->max_total_size;
bfill(bitmap->map, share->block_size, 255);
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
memcpy(bitmap->map + bitmap->block_size, bitmap->map, bitmap->block_size);
......@@ -946,6 +986,20 @@ void _ma_get_bitmap_description(MARIA_FILE_BITMAP *bitmap,
Adjust bitmap->total_size to not go over max_data_file_size
static void adjust_total_size(MARIA_HA *info, pgcache_page_no_t page)
MARIA_FILE_BITMAP *bitmap= &info->s->bitmap;
if (page < bitmap->last_bitmap_page)
bitmap->total_size= bitmap->max_total_size; /* Use all bits in bitmap */
bitmap->total_size= bitmap->last_total_size;
Reading & writing bitmap pages
......@@ -982,12 +1036,16 @@ static my_bool _ma_read_bitmap_page(MARIA_HA *info,
bitmap->page= page;
if (((page + 1) * bitmap->block_size) > share->state.state.data_file_length)
if ((page + 1) * bitmap->block_size > share->state.state.data_file_length)
/* Inexistent or half-created page */
res= _ma_bitmap_create_missing(info, bitmap, page);
if (!res)
adjust_total_size(info, page);
adjust_total_size(info, page);
bitmap->used_size= bitmap->total_size;
DBUG_ASSERT(share->pagecache->block_size == bitmap->block_size);
res= pagecache_read(share->pagecache,
......@@ -1036,7 +1094,12 @@ static my_bool _ma_change_bitmap_page(MARIA_HA *info,
We have to mark the file changed here, as otherwise the following
read/write to pagecache may force a page out from this file, which would
cause _ma_mark_file_changed() to be called with bitmaplock hold!
_ma_bitmap_mark_file_changed(info->s, 1);
if (bitmap->changed)
......@@ -2978,6 +3041,11 @@ static my_bool _ma_bitmap_create_missing(MARIA_HA *info,
/* First (in offset order) bitmap page to create */
if (data_file_length < block_size)
goto err; /* corrupted, should have first bitmap page */
if (page * block_size >= share->base.max_data_file_length)
goto err;
from= (data_file_length / block_size - 1) / bitmap->pages_covered + 1;
from*= bitmap->pages_covered;
......@@ -414,14 +414,29 @@ void _ma_init_block_record_data(void)
my_bool _ma_once_init_block_record(MARIA_SHARE *share, File data_file)
my_bool res;
pgcache_page_no_t last_page;
First calculate the max file length with can have with a pointer of size
(((ulonglong) 1 << ((share->base.rec_reflength-1)*8))-1) *
The 'rec_reflength - 1' is because one byte is used for row
position withing the page.
The /2 comes from _ma_transaction_recpos_to_keypos() where we use
the lowest bit to mark if there is a transid following the rownr.
last_page= ((ulonglong) 1 << ((share->base.rec_reflength-1)*8))/2;
if (!last_page) /* Overflow; set max size */
last_page= ~(pgcache_page_no_t) 0;
res= _ma_bitmap_init(share, data_file, &last_page);
share->base.max_data_file_length= _ma_safe_mul(last_page + 1,
#if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4
set_if_smaller(share->base.max_data_file_length, INT_MAX32);
set_if_smaller(share->base.max_data_file_length, INT_MAX32);
return _ma_bitmap_init(share, data_file);
return res;
......@@ -5187,7 +5202,7 @@ my_bool _ma_scan_init_block_record(MARIA_HA *info)
(uchar *) my_malloc(share->block_size * 2, MYF(MY_WME))))))
info->scan.page_buff= info->scan.bitmap_buff + share->block_size;
info->scan.bitmap_end= info->scan.bitmap_buff + share->bitmap.total_size;
info->scan.bitmap_end= info->scan.bitmap_buff + share->bitmap.max_total_size;
/* Set scan variables to get _ma_scan_block() to start with reading bitmap */
info->scan.number_of_rows= 0;
......@@ -187,7 +187,8 @@ maria_page_get_lsn(uchar *page, pgcache_page_no_t page_no, uchar* data_ptr);
/* ma_bitmap.c */
extern const char *bits_to_txt[];
my_bool _ma_bitmap_init(MARIA_SHARE *share, File file);
my_bool _ma_bitmap_init(MARIA_SHARE *share, File file,
pgcache_page_no_t *last_page);
my_bool _ma_bitmap_end(MARIA_SHARE *share);
my_bool _ma_bitmap_flush(MARIA_SHARE *share);
my_bool _ma_bitmap_flush_all(MARIA_SHARE *share);
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ int maria_chk_size(HA_CHECK *param, register MARIA_HA *info)
size= my_seek(share->kfile.file, 0L, MY_SEEK_END, MYF(MY_THREADSAFE));
if ((skr=(my_off_t) share->state.state.key_file_length) != size)
/* Don't give error if file generated by mariapack */
/* Don't give error if file generated by maria_pack */
if (skr > size && maria_is_any_key_active(share->state.key_map))
......@@ -422,13 +422,20 @@ int maria_chk_size(HA_CHECK *param, register MARIA_HA *info)
"Size of indexfile is: %-8s Expected: %s",
llstr(size,buff), llstr(skr,buff2));
if (!(param->testflag & T_VERY_SILENT) &&
! (share->options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) &&
ulonglong2double(share->state.state.key_file_length) >
if (size > share->base.max_key_file_length)
"Size of indexfile is: %-8s which is bigger than max indexfile size: %s",
ullstr(share->base.max_key_file_length, buff2));
else if (!(param->testflag & T_VERY_SILENT) &&
! (share->options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) &&
ulonglong2double(share->state.state.key_file_length) >
_ma_check_print_warning(param,"Keyfile is almost full, %10s of %10s used",
size= my_seek(info->dfile.file, 0L, MY_SEEK_END, MYF(0));
skr=(my_off_t) share->state.state.data_file_length;
......@@ -456,13 +463,19 @@ int maria_chk_size(HA_CHECK *param, register MARIA_HA *info)
llstr(size,buff), llstr(skr,buff2));
if (!(param->testflag & T_VERY_SILENT) &&
!(share->options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) &&
ulonglong2double(share->state.state.data_file_length) >
if (size > share->base.max_data_file_length)
"Size of datafile is: %-8s which is bigger than max datafile size: %s",
ullstr(share->base.max_data_file_length, buff2));
} else if (!(param->testflag & T_VERY_SILENT) &&
!(share->options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) &&
ulonglong2double(share->state.state.data_file_length) >
_ma_check_print_warning(param, "Datafile is almost full, %10s of %10s used",
} /* maria_chk_size */
......@@ -1983,8 +1996,8 @@ static int check_block_record(HA_CHECK *param, MARIA_HA *info, int extend,
data= bitmap_buff + offset_page / 8;
bitmap_pattern= uint2korr(data);
if (((bitmap_pattern >> offset)) ||
(data + 2 < bitmap_buff + share->bitmap.total_size &&
_ma_check_if_zero(data+2, bitmap_buff + share->bitmap.total_size -
(data + 2 < bitmap_buff + share->bitmap.max_total_size &&
_ma_check_if_zero(data+2, bitmap_buff + share->bitmap.max_total_size -
data - 2)))
ulonglong bitmap_page;
......@@ -2098,23 +2111,23 @@ int maria_chk_data_link(HA_CHECK *param, MARIA_HA *info, my_bool extend)
else if (param->record_checksum &&
if (param->record_checksum &&
param->record_checksum != param->tmp_record_checksum)
"Key pointers and record positions doesn't match");
else if (param->glob_crc != share->state.state.checksum &&
(share->options &
if (param->glob_crc != share->state.state.checksum &&
(share->options &
"Record checksum is not the same as checksum "
"stored in the index file");
else if (!extend)
if (!extend)
uint key;
for (key=0 ; key < share->base.keys; key++)
......@@ -5321,7 +5334,10 @@ int _ma_sort_write_record(MARIA_SORT_PARAM *sort_param)
if ((sort_param->current_filepos=
(*share->write_record_init)(info, sort_param->record)) ==
_ma_check_print_error(param, "%d when writing to datafile", my_errno);
/* Pointer to end of file */
sort_param->filepos= share->state.state.data_file_length;
......@@ -5943,6 +5959,9 @@ int maria_recreate_table(HA_CHECK *param, MARIA_HA **org_info, char *filename)
MARIA_CREATE_INFO create_info;
if ((!(param->testflag & T_SILENT)))
printf("Recreating table '%s'\n", param->isam_file_name);
error=1; /* Default error */
info= **org_info;
status_info= (*org_info)->state[0];
......@@ -326,7 +326,15 @@ int maria_create(const char *name, enum data_file_type datafile_type,
(~(ulonglong) 0)/ci->max_rows < (ulonglong) pack_reclength)
ci->data_file_length= ~(ulonglong) 0;
ci->data_file_length=(ulonglong) ci->max_rows*pack_reclength;
ci->data_file_length= _ma_safe_mul(ci->max_rows, pack_reclength);
if (datafile_type == BLOCK_RECORD)
/* Assume that blocks are only half full (very pessimistic!) */
ci->data_file_length= _ma_safe_mul(ci->data_file_length, 2);
set_if_bigger(ci->data_file_length, maria_block_size*2);
else if (!ci->max_rows)
......@@ -338,7 +346,7 @@ int maria_create(const char *name, enum data_file_type datafile_type,
ulonglong data_file_length= ci->data_file_length;
if (!data_file_length)
data_file_length= ((((ulonglong) 1 << ((BLOCK_RECORD_POINTER_SIZE-1) *
8)) -1) * maria_block_size);
8))/2 -1) * maria_block_size);
if (rows_per_page > 0)
set_if_smaller(rows_per_page, MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE);
......@@ -360,11 +368,11 @@ int maria_create(const char *name, enum data_file_type datafile_type,
The + 1 is for record position withing page
The / 2 is because we need one bit for knowing if there is transid's
The * 2 is because we need one bit for knowing if there is transid's
after the row pointer
pointer= maria_get_pointer_length((ci->data_file_length /
(maria_block_size * 2)), 3) + 1;
maria_block_size) * 2, 3) + 1;
set_if_smaller(pointer, BLOCK_RECORD_POINTER_SIZE);
if (!max_rows)
......@@ -8166,6 +8166,7 @@ int translog_assign_id_to_share(MARIA_HA *tbl_info, TRN *trn)
before it's written to the log.
share->id= id;
share->state.logrec_file_id= lsn;
return 0;
......@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ MARIA_HA *maria_open(const char *name, int mode, uint open_flags)
(ulonglong) 1 << (share->base.rec_reflength*8))-1);
((ulonglong) 1 << (share->base.key_reflength*8))-1);
#if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4
set_if_smaller(max_data_file_length, INT_MAX32);
......@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ MARIA_HA *maria_open(const char *name, int mode, uint open_flags)
share->base.margin_key_file_length=(share->base.max_key_file_length -
share->block_size * keys : 0));
share->block_size= share->base.block_size;
my_free(disk_cache, MYF(0));
if ((*share->once_init)(share, info.dfile.file))
......@@ -1576,8 +1576,8 @@ static void descript(HA_CHECK *param, register MARIA_HA *info, char *name)
if (share->base.max_data_file_length != HA_OFFSET_ERROR ||
share->base.max_key_file_length != HA_OFFSET_ERROR)
printf("Max datafile length: %16s Max keyfile length: %18s\n",
printf("Block_size: %16d\n",(int) share->block_size);
......@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ typedef struct st_maria_state_info
LSN skip_redo_lsn;
/* LSN when we wrote file id to the log */
LSN logrec_file_id;
/* the following isn't saved on disk */
uint state_diff_length; /* Should be 0 */
......@@ -245,9 +247,10 @@ typedef struct st_maria_file_bitmap
uchar *map;
pgcache_page_no_t page; /* Page number for current bitmap */
uint used_size; /* Size of bitmap head that is not 0 */
pgcache_page_no_t last_bitmap_page; /* Last possible bitmap page */
my_bool changed; /* 1 if page needs to be written */
my_bool changed_not_flushed; /* 1 if some bitmap is not flushed */
uint used_size; /* Size of bitmap head that is not 0 */
uint flush_all_requested; /**< If _ma_bitmap_flush_all waiting */
uint waiting_for_flush_all_requested; /* If someone is waiting for above */
uint non_flushable; /**< 0 if bitmap and log are in sync */
......@@ -261,6 +264,8 @@ typedef struct st_maria_file_bitmap
/* Constants, allocated when initiating bitmaps */
uint sizes[8]; /* Size per bit combination */
uint total_size; /* Total usable size of bitmap page */
uint max_total_size; /* Max value for total_size */
uint last_total_size; /* Size of bitmap on last_bitmap_page */
uint block_size; /* Block size of file */
ulong pages_covered; /* Pages covered by bitmap + 1 */
DYNAMIC_ARRAY pinned_pages; /**< not-yet-flushable bitmap pages */
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