Commit 301ac2da authored by Ramil Kalimullin's avatar Ramil Kalimullin


parents 28e9aa4d eeef9467
......@@ -4,24 +4,6 @@ reset master;
reset slave;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
start slave;
drop table if exists t999;
create temporary table t999(
id int,
user char(255),
host char(255),
db char(255),
Command char(255),
time int,
State char(255),
info char(255)
LOAD DATA INFILE "./tmp/bl_dump_thread_id" into table t999;
drop table t999;
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO user43748@localhost;
KILL `select id from information_schema.processlist where command='Binlog Dump'`;
ERROR HY000: You are not owner of thread `select id from information_schema.processlist where command='Binlog Dump'`
DROP USER user43748@localhost;
reset master;
SET @save_select_limit=@@session.sql_select_limit;
SET @@session.sql_select_limit=10, @@session.pseudo_thread_id=100;
......@@ -3,42 +3,6 @@ source include/;
source include/;
# Bug#43748: crash when non-super user tries to kill the replication threads
--connection master
--connection slave
--connection slave
# in 5.0, we need to do some hocus pocus to get a system-thread ID (-> $id)
--source include/
# make a non-privileged user on slave. try to KILL system-thread as her.
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO user43748@localhost;
--connect (mysqltest_2_con,localhost,user43748,,test,$SLAVE_MYPORT,)
--connection mysqltest_2_con
--replace_result $id "`select id from information_schema.processlist where command='Binlog Dump'`"
eval KILL $id;
--disconnect mysqltest_2_con
--connection slave
DROP USER user43748@localhost;
--connection master
# Clean up old slave's binlogs.
# The slave is started with --log-slave-updates
# and this test does SHOW BINLOG EVENTS on the slave's
......@@ -2145,6 +2145,13 @@ void Security_context::skip_grants()
bool Security_context::user_matches(Security_context *them)
return ((user != NULL) && (them->user != NULL) &&
!strcmp(user, them->user));
Handling of open and locked tables states.
......@@ -985,6 +985,7 @@ class Security_context {
return (*priv_host ? priv_host : (char *)"%");
bool user_matches(Security_context *);
......@@ -7427,22 +7427,21 @@ void kill_one_thread(THD *thd, ulong id, bool only_kill_query)
If we're SUPER, we can KILL anything, including system-threads.
No further checks.
thd..user could in theory be NULL while we're still in
"unauthenticated" state. This is more a theoretical case.
KILLer: thd->security_ctx->user could in theory be NULL while
we're still in "unauthenticated" state. This is a theoretical
case (the code suggests this could happen, so we play it safe).
tmp..user will be NULL for system threads (cf Bug#43748).
KILLee: tmp->security_ctx->user will be NULL for system threads.
We need to check so Jane Random User doesn't crash the server
when trying to kill a) system threads or b) unauthenticated
users' threads.
when trying to kill a) system threads or b) unauthenticated users'
threads (Bug#43748).
If user of both killer and killee are non-null, proceed with
If user of both killer and killee are non-NULL, proceed with
slayage if both are string-equal.
if ((thd->security_ctx->master_access & SUPER_ACL) ||
((thd->security_ctx->user != NULL) &&
(tmp->security_ctx->user != NULL) &&
!strcmp(thd->security_ctx->user, tmp->security_ctx->user)))
tmp->awake(only_kill_query ? THD::KILL_QUERY : THD::KILL_CONNECTION);
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