Commit 34238208 authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

Bug #11751927 42960: MTR2: NO MORE --STRESS PARAMETERS

  Quick fix: run via a wrapper test
  Amend mtr to run just that test when using --stress
  Updated to exit(1) if wrong options
parent e744b45c
......@@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ GetOptions("server-host=s", "server-logs-dir=s", "server-port=s",
"test-duration=i", "test-suffix=s", "check-tests-file",
"verbose", "log-error-details", "cleanup", "mysqltest=s",
# OBN: (changing 'abort-on-error' to numberic for WL-4626/4685)
"abort-on-error=i" => \$opt_abort_on_error, "help") || usage();
"abort-on-error=i" => \$opt_abort_on_error, "help") || usage(1);
usage() if ($opt_help);
usage(0) if ($opt_help);
......@@ -1131,6 +1131,7 @@ sub sig_TERM_handler
sub usage
my $retcode= shift;
print <<EOF;
The MySQL Stress suite Ver $stress_suite_version
......@@ -1234,7 +1235,7 @@ perl \
--cleanup \
......@@ -181,6 +181,8 @@ our @opt_combinations;
our @opt_extra_mysqld_opt;
our @opt_mysqld_envs;
my $opt_stress;
my $opt_compress;
my $opt_ssl;
my $opt_skip_ssl;
......@@ -423,8 +425,8 @@ sub main {
$ENV{MTR_PARALLEL} = $opt_parallel;
if ($opt_parallel > 1 && $opt_start_exit) {
mtr_warning("Parallel and --start-and-exit cannot be combined\n" .
if ($opt_parallel > 1 && ($opt_start_exit || $opt_stress)) {
mtr_warning("Parallel cannot be used with --start-and-exit or --stress\n" .
"Setting parallel to 1");
$opt_parallel= 1;
......@@ -1174,6 +1176,7 @@ sub command_line_setup {
'report-times' => \$opt_report_times,
'result-file' => \$opt_resfile,
'unit-tests!' => \$opt_ctest,
'stress=s' => \$opt_stress,
'help|h' => \$opt_usage,
# list-options is internal, not listed in help
......@@ -1627,6 +1630,22 @@ sub command_line_setup {
mtr_error("--wait-all can only be used with --start options");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gather stress-test options and modify behavior
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($opt_stress)
$opt_stress=~ s/,/ /g;
$opt_user_args= 1;
mtr_error("--stress cannot be combined with named ordinary suites or tests")
if $opt_suites || @opt_cases;
@opt_cases= ("wrapper");
$ENV{MST_OPTIONS}= $opt_stress;
$opt_ctest= 0;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check timeout arguments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -6128,6 +6147,8 @@ Misc options
nounit-tests Do not run unit tests. Normally run if configured
and if not running named tests/suites
unit-tests Run unit tests even if they would otherwise not be run
stress=ARGS Run stress test, providing options to Options are separated by comma.
Some options that control enabling a feature for normal test runs,
can be turned off by prepending 'no' to the option, e.g. --notimer.
# This is a wrapper "pseudo" test for mtr --stress execution.
# It should not be run directly (will be skipped)
# Do not create a result file!
if (!$MST_OPTIONS) {
skip Only to be run with mtr --stress;
# echo Running MST with options $MST_OPTIONS;
my ($mtest)= split " ", $ENV{MYSQL_TEST};
open(FILE, ">", "$ENV{MYSQL_TMP_DIR}/") or die;
print FILE "let \$MYSQLTEST_BIN= $mtest;\n";
close FILE;
--source $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/
--remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/
exec perl --mysqltest=$MYSQLTEST_BIN
--server-port=$MASTER_MYPORT --server-socket=$MASTER_MYSOCK
--server-user=root --cleanup
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