Commit 3faa1fcd authored by msvensson@neptunus.(none)'s avatar msvensson@neptunus.(none)

Merge neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-4.1-maint

into  neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0-maint
parents 098164e6 804d2eff
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......@@ -2472,17 +2472,13 @@ static st_error global_error_names[] =
#include <mysqld_ername.h>
{ 0, 0 }
uint get_errcode_from_name(char *error_name, char *error_end)
/* SQL error as string */
st_error *e= global_error_names;
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("error_name: %s", error_name));
/* Loop through the array of known error names */
......@@ -2501,13 +2497,17 @@ uint get_errcode_from_name(char *error_name, char *error_end)
if (!e->name)
die("Unknown SQL error name '%s'", error_name);
uint get_errcode_from_name(char *error_name __attribute__((unused)),
char *error_end __attribute__((unused)))
return 0; /* Never reached */
void do_get_errcodes(struct st_command *command)
......@@ -2536,6 +2536,8 @@ void do_get_errcodes(struct st_command *command)
if (*p == 'S')
char *to_ptr= to->code.sqlstate;
- Must be SQLSTATE_LENGTH long
......@@ -2546,7 +2548,6 @@ void do_get_errcodes(struct st_command *command)
die("The sqlstate must be exactly %d chars long", SQLSTATE_LENGTH);
/* Check sqlstate string validity */
char *to_ptr= to->code.sqlstate;
while (*p && p != end)
if (my_isdigit(charset_info, *p) || my_isupper(charset_info, *p))
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($) {
next if $::opt_do_test and ! defined mtr_match_prefix($elem,$::opt_do_test);
......@@ -159,37 +159,71 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($) {
my %sort_criteria;
my $tinfo;
# Make a mapping of test name to a string that represents how that test
# should be sorted among the other tests. Put the most important criterion
# first, then a sub-criterion, then sub-sub-criterion, et c.
foreach $tinfo (@$cases)
foreach my $tinfo (@$cases)
my @this_criteria = ();
# Append the criteria for sorting, in order of importance.
my @criteria = ();
push(@this_criteria, "ndb=" . ($tinfo->{'ndb_test'} ? "1" : "0"));
push(@this_criteria, "restart=" . ($tinfo->{'master_restart'} ? "1" : "0"));
# Group test with similar options together.
# Ending with "~" makes empty sort later than filled
push(@this_criteria, join("!", sort @{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}}) . "~");
# Look for tests that muct be in run in a defined order
# that is defined by test having the same name except for
# the ending digit
# Finally, order by the name
push(@this_criteria, $tinfo->{'name'});
# Put variables into hash
my $test_name= $tinfo->{'name'};
my $depend_on_test_name;
if ( $test_name =~ /^([\D]+)([0-9]{1})$/ )
my $base_name= $1;
my $idx= $2;
mtr_verbose("$test_name => $base_name idx=$idx");
if ( $idx > 1 )
$idx-= 1;
$base_name= "$base_name$idx";
mtr_verbose("New basename $base_name");
foreach my $tinfo2 (@$cases)
if ( $tinfo2->{'name'} eq $base_name )
mtr_verbose("found dependent test $tinfo2->{'name'}");
$sort_criteria{$tinfo->{"name"}} = join(" ", @this_criteria);
if ( defined $depend_on_test_name )
mtr_verbose("Giving $test_name same critera as $depend_on_test_name");
$sort_criteria{$test_name} = $sort_criteria{$depend_on_test_name};
# Append the criteria for sorting, in order of importance.
push(@criteria, "ndb=" . ($tinfo->{'ndb_test'} ? "1" : "0"));
push(@criteria, "restart=" . ($tinfo->{'master_restart'} ? "1" : "0"));
# Group test with equal options together.
# Ending with "~" makes empty sort later than filled
push(@criteria, join("!", sort @{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}}) . "~");
$sort_criteria{$test_name} = join(" ", @criteria);
@$cases = sort { $sort_criteria{$a->{"name"}} cmp $sort_criteria{$b->{"name"}}; } @$cases;
@$cases = sort {
$sort_criteria{$a->{'name'}} . $a->{'name'} cmp
$sort_criteria{$b->{'name'}} . $b->{'name'}; } @$cases;
if ( $::opt_script_debug )
# For debugging the sort-order
foreach $tinfo (@$cases)
foreach my $tinfo (@$cases)
print("$sort_criteria{$tinfo->{'name'}} -> \t$tinfo->{'name'}\n");
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