Commit 41f42dff authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

cleanup: mtr startup warning

options --log-slow-admin-statements, --log-queries-not-using-indexes and --log-slow-slave-statements have no effect if --log_slow_queries is not set

1. s/--log_slow_queries/--log-slow-queries/
2. disable log-slow-admin-statement/etc in mytr when doing mysqld --help
parent 6f6d0531
......@@ -1833,6 +1833,9 @@ sub collect_mysqld_features {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--lc-messages-dir=%s", $path_language);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-grant-tables");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-warnings=0");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-slow-admin-statements=0");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-queries-not-using-indexes=0");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-slow-slave-statements=0");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--verbose");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--help");
......@@ -9480,7 +9480,7 @@ static int get_options(int *argc_ptr, char ***argv_ptr)
sql_print_information("options --log-slow-admin-statements, "
"--log-queries-not-using-indexes and "
"--log-slow-slave-statements have no "
"effect if --log_slow_queries is not set");
"effect if --log-slow-queries is not set");
if (global_system_variables.net_buffer_length >
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