Commit 46cea4fc authored by Rohit Kalhans's avatar Rohit Kalhans

upmerge from mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5

parents fc3eab46 b2c19cfe
# checks if mysqlbinlog is debug compiled
# this "cannot" be done simply by using
--let $temp_out_help_file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlbinlog_help.tmp
--exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --help>$temp_out_help_file
let log_tmp=$temp_out_help_file;
--let $temp_inc=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/
let inc_tmp=$temp_inc;
use strict;
my $tmp_file= $ENV{'log_tmp'} or die "log_tmp not set";
open(FILE, "$tmp_file") or die("Unable to open $tmp_file: $!\n");
my $count = () = grep(/Output debug log/g,<FILE>);
close FILE;
my $temp_inc= $ENV{'inc_tmp'} or die "temp_inc not set";
open(FILE_INC,">", "$temp_inc") or die("can't open file \"$temp_inc\": $!");
print FILE_INC '--let $is_debug= '.$count;
close FILE_INC;
--source $temp_inc
if (!$is_debug)
--skip mysqlbinlog needs to be debug compiled
--remove_file $temp_out_help_file
--remove_file $temp_inc
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