Commit 4889ef9b authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

upmerge 57840

parents b183d119 2e279d1c
......@@ -177,8 +177,6 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($$$$) {
if ( $opt_reorder && !$quick_collect)
# Reorder the test cases in an order that will make them faster to run
my %sort_criteria;
# Make a mapping of test name to a string that represents how that test
# should be sorted among the other tests. Put the most important criterion
# first, then a sub-criterion, then sub-sub-criterion, etc.
......@@ -190,24 +188,31 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($$$$) {
# Append the criteria for sorting, in order of importance.
push(@criteria, "ndb=" . ($tinfo->{'ndb_test'} ? "A" : "B"));
push(@criteria, $tinfo->{template_path});
# Group test with equal options together.
# Ending with "~" makes empty sort later than filled
my $opts= $tinfo->{'master_opt'} ? $tinfo->{'master_opt'} : [];
push(@criteria, join("!", sort @{$opts}) . "~");
# Add slave opts if any
if ($tinfo->{'slave_opt'})
push(@criteria, join("!", sort @{$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}}));
# This sorts tests with force-restart *before* identical tests
push(@criteria, $tinfo->{force_restart} ? "force-restart" : "no-restart");
$sort_criteria{$tinfo->{name}} = join(" ", @criteria);
$tinfo->{criteria}= join(" ", @criteria);
@$cases = sort {
$sort_criteria{$a->{'name'}} . $a->{'name'} cmp
$sort_criteria{$b->{'name'}} . $b->{'name'}; } @$cases;
@$cases = sort {$a->{criteria} cmp $b->{criteria}; } @$cases;
# For debugging the sort-order
# foreach my $tinfo (@$cases)
# {
# print("$sort_criteria{$tinfo->{'name'}} -> \t$tinfo->{'name'}\n");
# my $tname= $tinfo->{name} . ' ' . $tinfo->{combination};
# my $crit= $tinfo->{criteria};
# print("$tname\n\t$crit\n");
# }
if (defined $print_testcases){
......@@ -697,22 +697,40 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
# Prefer same configuration, or just use next if --noreorder
if (!$opt_reorder or (defined $result and
$result->{template_path} eq $t->{template_path}))
#mtr_report("Test uses same config => good match");
# Test uses same config => good match
$next= splice(@$tests, $i, 1);
# Second best choice is the first that does not fulfill
# any of the above conditions
if (!defined $second_best){
#mtr_report("Setting second_best to $i");
$second_best= $i;
# Smart allocation of next test within this thread.
if ($opt_reorder and $opt_parallel > 1 and defined $result)
my $wid= $result->{worker};
# Reserved for other thread, try next
next if (defined $t->{reserved} and $t->{reserved} != $wid);
if (! defined $t->{reserved})
# Force-restart not relevant when comparing *next* test
$t->{criteria} =~ s/force-restart$/no-restart/;
my $criteria= $t->{criteria};
# Reserve similar tests for this worker, but not too many
my $maxres= (@$tests - $i) / $opt_parallel + 1;
for (my $j= $i+1; $j <= $i + $maxres; $j++)
my $tt= $tests->[$j];
last unless defined $tt;
last if $tt->{criteria} ne $criteria;
$tt->{reserved}= $wid;
# At this point we have found next suitable test
$next= splice(@$tests, $i, 1);
# Use second best choice if no other test has been found
......@@ -721,10 +739,12 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
mtr_error("Internal error, second best too large($second_best)")
if $second_best > $#$tests;
$next= splice(@$tests, $second_best, 1);
delete $next->{reserved};
if ($next) {
# We don't need this any more
delete $next->{criteria};
$next->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE');
$running{$next->key()}= $next;
$num_ndb_tests++ if ($next->{ndb_test});
......@@ -809,6 +829,11 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
# A sanity check. Should this happen often we need to look at it.
if (defined $test->{reserved} && $test->{reserved} != $thread_num) {
my $tres= $test->{reserved};
mtr_warning("Test reserved for w$tres picked up by w$thread_num");
$test->{worker} = $thread_num if $opt_parallel > 1;
......@@ -4673,17 +4698,6 @@ sub server_need_restart {
# Temporary re-enable the "always restart slave" hack
# this should be removed asap, but will require that each rpl
# testcase cleanup better after itself - ie. stop and reset
# replication
# Use the "#!use-slave-opt" marker to detect that this is a "slave"
# server
if ( $server->option("#!use-slave-opt") ){
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "Always restart slave(s)");
return 1;
my $is_mysqld= grep ($server eq $_, mysqlds());
if ($is_mysqld)
--max_binlog_size=4096 --default-storage-engine=MyISAM
......@@ -141,3 +141,4 @@ HEX(word)
SELECT * FROM tmptbl504451f4258$1;
ERROR 42S02: Table 'test.tmptbl504451f4258$1' doesn't exist
call mtr.force_restart();
--replicate-same-server-id --relay-log=slave-relay-bin
......@@ -174,3 +174,5 @@ SELECT * FROM tmptbl504451f4258$1;
connection master;
call mtr.force_restart();
rm -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_master_link
ln -s $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_master_link
rm -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_slave_link
ln -s $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_slave_link
--key_buffer_size=2M --small.key_buffer_size=256K --small.key_buffer_size=128K
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