Commit 48a40e2e authored by Andrei Elkin's avatar Andrei Elkin

merge with the main 5.1-bugteam

parents b41e0818 30d46cac
set @old_concurrent_insert= @@global.concurrent_insert;
set @@global.concurrent_insert= 0;
flush status;
show status like 'Table_lock%';
Variable_name Value
......@@ -7,22 +9,31 @@ select * from information_schema.session_status where variable_name like 'Table_
# Switched to connection: con1
set sql_log_bin=0;
set @old_general_log = @@global.general_log;
set global general_log = 'OFF';
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1(n int) engine=myisam;
insert into t1 values(1);
select 1;
# Switched to connection: con2
lock tables t1 read;
unlock tables;
lock tables t1 read;
# Switched to connection: con1
update t1 set n = 3;
# Switched to connection: con2
unlock tables;
# Switched to connection: con1
show status like 'Table_locks_waited';
Variable_name Value
Table_locks_waited 1
drop table t1;
set global general_log = @old_general_log;
# Switched to connection: default
select 1;
......@@ -198,3 +209,4 @@ ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'mysqltest_1'@'localhost' for table '
drop database db37908;
drop procedure proc37908;
drop function func37908;
set @@global.concurrent_insert= @old_concurrent_insert;
......@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
# embedded server causes different stat
-- source include/
# Disable concurrent inserts to avoid sporadic test failures as it might
# affect the the value of variables used throughout the test case.
set @old_concurrent_insert= @@global.concurrent_insert;
set @@global.concurrent_insert= 0;
# PS causes different statistics
......@@ -12,54 +17,45 @@ connect (con2,localhost,root,,);
flush status;
# Logging to the general query log table (--log-output=table --log) increments
# Table_locks_immediate with each query, so here Immediate becomes 1
show status like 'Table_lock%';
# ++Immediate = 2
select * from information_schema.session_status where variable_name like 'Table_lock%';
connection con1;
# ++Immediate = 3
set @old_general_log = @@global.general_log;
--echo # Switched to connection: con1
set sql_log_bin=0;
set @old_general_log = @@global.general_log;
set global general_log = 'OFF';
# ++Immediate = 4
drop table if exists t1;
# ++Immediate = 5
create table t1(n int) engine=myisam;
# Immediate + 2 = 7
insert into t1 values(1);
# Execute dummy select in order to ensure that tables used in the
# previous statement are unlocked and closed.
select 1;
connection con2;
# Immediate + 2 = 9
--echo # Switched to connection: con2
lock tables t1 read;
# ++Immediate = 10
unlock tables;
# Immediate + 2 = 12
lock tables t1 read;
connection con1;
# ++Immediate = 13
--echo # Switched to connection: con1
let $ID= `select connection_id()`;
# ++Immediate = 14 (Not +2, because this increments Table_locks_waited)
update t1 set n = 3;
--send update t1 set n = 3
connection con2;
--echo # Switched to connection: con2
# wait for the other query to start executing
let $wait_condition= select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where ID = $ID and STATE = "Locked";
# Immediate = 14 + $wait_condition_reps ($wait_timeout is 0, so no extra select
# is done inside
--source include/
# ++Immediate = 15 + $wait_condition_reps
unlock tables;
connection con1;
--echo # Switched to connection: con1
# ++Immediate = 16 + $wait_condition_reps
show status like 'Table_locks_waited';
drop table t1;
set global general_log = @old_general_log;
......@@ -67,6 +63,7 @@ set global general_log = @old_general_log;
disconnect con2;
disconnect con1;
connection default;
--echo # Switched to connection: default
# End of 4.1 tests
......@@ -295,3 +292,7 @@ drop database db37908;
drop procedure proc37908;
drop function func37908;
# End of 5.1 tests
# Restore global concurrent_insert value. Keep in the end of the test file.
--connection default
set @@global.concurrent_insert= @old_concurrent_insert;
......@@ -3720,8 +3720,9 @@ void assign_new_table_id(TABLE_SHARE *share)
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
/* Cause a spurious statement reprepare for debug purposes. */
static inline bool inject_reprepare(THD *thd)
static bool inject_reprepare(THD *thd)
if (thd->m_reprepare_observer && thd->stmt_arena->is_reprepared == FALSE)
......@@ -3731,6 +3732,7 @@ static inline bool inject_reprepare(THD *thd)
return FALSE;
Compare metadata versions of an element obtained from the table
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