Commit 4beb7e53 authored by Igor Babaev's avatar Igor Babaev

Fixed the bug mdev-12373.

Condition pushdown into derived tables / views with side effects
is not allowed.
parent 0906dc49
......@@ -8350,3 +8350,100 @@ DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt1;
# MDEV-12373: pushdown into derived with side effects is prohibited
CREATE TABLE sales_documents (
sale_id int NULL DEFAULT NULL,
type tinyint unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL,
data text NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci',
order_number int unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL,
created_at int NULL DEFAULT NULL,
updated_at int NULL DEFAULT NULL,
generated tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
synced_at int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
sum decimal(13,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
INSERT INTO sales_documents
(id, sale_id, type, order_number, data, created_at,
updated_at, date, generated, synced_at, sum)
(555, 165, 3, 5, '{}', 1486538300, 1486722835, '2017-02-17', 0, 1486538313, 2320.00),
(556, 165, 2, 3, '{}', 1486538304, 1486563125, '2017-02-08', 1, 1486538302, 2320.00),
(557, 158, 2, 2, '{}', 1486538661, 1486538661, '2017-02-08', 0, 1486538660, 2320.00),
(558, 171, 1, 3, '{}', 1486539104, 1488203405, '2017-02-08', 1, 1486539102, 23230.00),
(559, 171, 2, 5, '{}', 1486549233, 1487146010, '2017-02-08', 1, 1486549225, 37690.00),
(560, 172, 1, 1, '{}', 1486658260, 1488203409, '2017-02-09', 1, 1486658256, 40312.00),
(561, 172, 2, 1, '{}', 1486711997, 1486711997, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486711996, 40312.00),
(562, 172, 3, 1, '{}', 1486712104, 1486721395, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486712101, 40312.00),
(563, 171, 3, 2, '{}', 1486712953, 1486720244, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486712910, 23230.00),
(564, 170, 1, 2, '{}', 1486715948, 1488203410, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486715930, 28873.00),
(565, 170, 3, 3, '{}', 1486716782, 1486717426, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486716779, 61948.00),
(566, 166, 3, 4, '{}', 1486720947, 1486720947, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486720945, 4640.00),
(567, 167, 3, 5, '{}', 1486722741, 1486722783, '2017-02-26', 0, 1486722738, 14755.00),
(568, 165, 1, 4, '{}', 1486722849, 1486722849, '2017-02-10', 0, 1486722846, 2320.00),
(569, 173, 2, 2, '{}', 1486723073, 1487071275, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486723071, 14282.00),
(570, 173, 1, 4, '{}', 1486723100, 1488203412, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486723099, 14282.00),
(571, 167, 2, 4, '{}', 1486730859, 1486730859, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486730856, 18655.00),
(572, 167, 1, 5, '{}', 1486730883, 1488203412, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486730877, 18655.00),
(573, 174, 2, 51, '{}', 1486731622, 1487060259, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486731620, 7140.00),
(574, 174, 3, 5, '{}', 1486993472, 1486993472, '2017-02-13', 1, 1488216147, 28020.00),
(575, 174, 1, 6, '{}', 1486993530, 1488203412, '2017-02-13', 1, 1486993505, 7140.00),
(576, 173, 3, 6, '{}', 1487071425, 1487071425, '2017-02-14', 0, 1487071422, 14282.00),
(577, 178, 2, 6, '{}', 1487327372, 1487327372, '2017-02-17', 1, 1487327370, 12321.00),
(578, 177, 2, 7, '{}', 1487327394, 1487327394, '2017-02-17', 0, 1487327391, 4270.00),
(579, 182, 3, 6, '{}', 1487750589, 1487751693, '2017-02-22', 1, 1487751688, 4270.00),
(580, 182, 2, 7, '{}', 1487750601, 1487750663, '2017-02-22', 1, 1487750598, 4270.00),
(581, 182, 1, 7, '{}', 1487750694, 1488203412, '2017-02-22', 1, 1487750692, 4270.00),
(582, 185, 3, 7, '{}', 1487774051, 1487774051, '2017-02-22', 0, 1487774043, 8913.00),
(583, 184, 3, 7, '{}', 1487774071, 1487774235, '2017-02-22', 0, 1487774093, 3285.00),
(584, 184, 2, 8, '{}', 1487774074, 1487774074, '2017-02-22', 0, 1487774073, 3285.00),
(585, 184, 1, 8, '{}', 1487774081, 1487774081, '2017-02-22', 0, 1487774075, 3285.00),
(586, 193, 2, 8, '{}', 1487955294, 1487955318, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487955311, 4270.00),
(587, 193, 1, 8, '{}', 1487955324, 1487955324, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487955320, 4270.00),
(588, 193, 3, 7, '{}', 1487955341, 1487955341, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487955325, 4270.00),
(589, 186, 1, 8, '{}', 1487957291, 1487957464, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487957459, 6960.00),
(590, 186, 2, 8, '{}', 1487957308, 1487957468, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487957465, 6960.00),
(591, 186, 3, 7, '{}', 1487957312, 1487957473, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487957469, 6960.00),
(592, 194, 1, 8, '{}', 1488193293, 1488203412, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488193280, 2320.00),
(593, 194, 2, 8, '{}', 1488193304, 1488193304, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488193303, 2320.00),
(594, 210, 1, 9, '{}', 1488198896, 1488198896, '2017-02-27', 0, 1488198885, 4270.00),
(595, 210, 2, 12, '{}', 1488198901, 1488198901, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488532585, 4270.00),
(596, 210, 3, 10, '{}', 1488198904, 1488198904, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488532565, 4270.00),
(597, 209, 2, 9, '{}', 1488200016, 1488450772, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488450449, 4270.00),
(598, 209, 1, 9, '{}', 1488200020, 1488200063, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488200017, 4271.00),
(599, 209, 3, 7, '{}', 1488200053, 1488200053, '2017-02-27', 0, 1488200021, 4271.00),
(600, 211, 2, 10, '{}', 1488216265, 1489402027, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488216264, 2320.00),
(601, 211, 3, 7, '{}', 1488216281, 1488216281, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488216276, 2320.00),
(602, 211, 1, 10, '{}', 1488216283, 1488216283, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488216282, 2320.00),
(603, 198, 2, 11, '{}', 1488280125, 1488280125, '2017-02-28', 0, 1488280095, 4270.00),
(604, 198, 1, 11, '{}', 1488280160, 1488280160, '2017-02-28', 0, 1488280126, 4270.00),
(605, 198, 3, 8, '{}', 1488280440, 1488280440, '2017-02-28', 0, 1488280435, 4270.00),
(606, 212, 1, 12, '{}', 1488286301, 1489402168, '2017-02-28', 1, 1488286295, 13825.00),
(607, 212, 3, 8, '{}', 1488289644, 1488289690, '2017-02-28', 1, 1488289642, 25295.00),
(608, 212, 2, 13, '{}', 1488290350, 1488290431, '2017-02-28', 1, 1488290347, 13133.75),
(609, 213, 1, 11, '{}', 1488529470, 1488529470, '2017-03-03', 1, 1488529461, 5660.00),
(610, 213, 2, 11, '{}', 1488529484, 1488529484, '2017-03-03', 1, 1488529479, 5660.00),
(611, 213, 3, 9, '{}', 1488529493, 1488529493, '2017-03-03', 1, 1488529489, 5660.00),
(612, 197, 2, 13, '{}', 1489400715, 1489400715, '2017-03-13', 0, 1489398959, 4270.00),
(613, 219, 3, 11, '{}', 1490084337, 1490181958, '2017-03-21', 1, 1490084334, 73526.00),
(614, 216, 3, 11, '{}', 1490085757, 1490086717, '2017-03-21', 0, 1490085755, 5377.00);
(SELECT @row := @row + 1 as row, a.* from (
SELECT t.order_number
FROM sales_documents t
t.type = 2 AND >= '2017-01-01' AND <= '2017-12-31' AND
t.order_number IS NOT NULL AND
t.generated = 1
GROUP BY t.order_number
) a, (SELECT @row := 0) r) t
WHERE row <> order_number;
row order_number
14 51
DROP TABLE sales_documents;
......@@ -1353,3 +1353,102 @@ DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt2;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-12373: pushdown into derived with side effects is prohibited
--echo #
CREATE TABLE sales_documents (
sale_id int NULL DEFAULT NULL,
type tinyint unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL,
data text NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci',
order_number int unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL,
created_at int NULL DEFAULT NULL,
updated_at int NULL DEFAULT NULL,
generated tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
synced_at int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
sum decimal(13,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
INSERT INTO sales_documents
(id, sale_id, type, order_number, data, created_at,
updated_at, date, generated, synced_at, sum)
(555, 165, 3, 5, '{}', 1486538300, 1486722835, '2017-02-17', 0, 1486538313, 2320.00),
(556, 165, 2, 3, '{}', 1486538304, 1486563125, '2017-02-08', 1, 1486538302, 2320.00),
(557, 158, 2, 2, '{}', 1486538661, 1486538661, '2017-02-08', 0, 1486538660, 2320.00),
(558, 171, 1, 3, '{}', 1486539104, 1488203405, '2017-02-08', 1, 1486539102, 23230.00),
(559, 171, 2, 5, '{}', 1486549233, 1487146010, '2017-02-08', 1, 1486549225, 37690.00),
(560, 172, 1, 1, '{}', 1486658260, 1488203409, '2017-02-09', 1, 1486658256, 40312.00),
(561, 172, 2, 1, '{}', 1486711997, 1486711997, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486711996, 40312.00),
(562, 172, 3, 1, '{}', 1486712104, 1486721395, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486712101, 40312.00),
(563, 171, 3, 2, '{}', 1486712953, 1486720244, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486712910, 23230.00),
(564, 170, 1, 2, '{}', 1486715948, 1488203410, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486715930, 28873.00),
(565, 170, 3, 3, '{}', 1486716782, 1486717426, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486716779, 61948.00),
(566, 166, 3, 4, '{}', 1486720947, 1486720947, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486720945, 4640.00),
(567, 167, 3, 5, '{}', 1486722741, 1486722783, '2017-02-26', 0, 1486722738, 14755.00),
(568, 165, 1, 4, '{}', 1486722849, 1486722849, '2017-02-10', 0, 1486722846, 2320.00),
(569, 173, 2, 2, '{}', 1486723073, 1487071275, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486723071, 14282.00),
(570, 173, 1, 4, '{}', 1486723100, 1488203412, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486723099, 14282.00),
(571, 167, 2, 4, '{}', 1486730859, 1486730859, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486730856, 18655.00),
(572, 167, 1, 5, '{}', 1486730883, 1488203412, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486730877, 18655.00),
(573, 174, 2, 51, '{}', 1486731622, 1487060259, '2017-02-10', 1, 1486731620, 7140.00),
(574, 174, 3, 5, '{}', 1486993472, 1486993472, '2017-02-13', 1, 1488216147, 28020.00),
(575, 174, 1, 6, '{}', 1486993530, 1488203412, '2017-02-13', 1, 1486993505, 7140.00),
(576, 173, 3, 6, '{}', 1487071425, 1487071425, '2017-02-14', 0, 1487071422, 14282.00),
(577, 178, 2, 6, '{}', 1487327372, 1487327372, '2017-02-17', 1, 1487327370, 12321.00),
(578, 177, 2, 7, '{}', 1487327394, 1487327394, '2017-02-17', 0, 1487327391, 4270.00),
(579, 182, 3, 6, '{}', 1487750589, 1487751693, '2017-02-22', 1, 1487751688, 4270.00),
(580, 182, 2, 7, '{}', 1487750601, 1487750663, '2017-02-22', 1, 1487750598, 4270.00),
(581, 182, 1, 7, '{}', 1487750694, 1488203412, '2017-02-22', 1, 1487750692, 4270.00),
(582, 185, 3, 7, '{}', 1487774051, 1487774051, '2017-02-22', 0, 1487774043, 8913.00),
(583, 184, 3, 7, '{}', 1487774071, 1487774235, '2017-02-22', 0, 1487774093, 3285.00),
(584, 184, 2, 8, '{}', 1487774074, 1487774074, '2017-02-22', 0, 1487774073, 3285.00),
(585, 184, 1, 8, '{}', 1487774081, 1487774081, '2017-02-22', 0, 1487774075, 3285.00),
(586, 193, 2, 8, '{}', 1487955294, 1487955318, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487955311, 4270.00),
(587, 193, 1, 8, '{}', 1487955324, 1487955324, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487955320, 4270.00),
(588, 193, 3, 7, '{}', 1487955341, 1487955341, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487955325, 4270.00),
(589, 186, 1, 8, '{}', 1487957291, 1487957464, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487957459, 6960.00),
(590, 186, 2, 8, '{}', 1487957308, 1487957468, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487957465, 6960.00),
(591, 186, 3, 7, '{}', 1487957312, 1487957473, '2017-02-24', 0, 1487957469, 6960.00),
(592, 194, 1, 8, '{}', 1488193293, 1488203412, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488193280, 2320.00),
(593, 194, 2, 8, '{}', 1488193304, 1488193304, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488193303, 2320.00),
(594, 210, 1, 9, '{}', 1488198896, 1488198896, '2017-02-27', 0, 1488198885, 4270.00),
(595, 210, 2, 12, '{}', 1488198901, 1488198901, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488532585, 4270.00),
(596, 210, 3, 10, '{}', 1488198904, 1488198904, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488532565, 4270.00),
(597, 209, 2, 9, '{}', 1488200016, 1488450772, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488450449, 4270.00),
(598, 209, 1, 9, '{}', 1488200020, 1488200063, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488200017, 4271.00),
(599, 209, 3, 7, '{}', 1488200053, 1488200053, '2017-02-27', 0, 1488200021, 4271.00),
(600, 211, 2, 10, '{}', 1488216265, 1489402027, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488216264, 2320.00),
(601, 211, 3, 7, '{}', 1488216281, 1488216281, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488216276, 2320.00),
(602, 211, 1, 10, '{}', 1488216283, 1488216283, '2017-02-27', 1, 1488216282, 2320.00),
(603, 198, 2, 11, '{}', 1488280125, 1488280125, '2017-02-28', 0, 1488280095, 4270.00),
(604, 198, 1, 11, '{}', 1488280160, 1488280160, '2017-02-28', 0, 1488280126, 4270.00),
(605, 198, 3, 8, '{}', 1488280440, 1488280440, '2017-02-28', 0, 1488280435, 4270.00),
(606, 212, 1, 12, '{}', 1488286301, 1489402168, '2017-02-28', 1, 1488286295, 13825.00),
(607, 212, 3, 8, '{}', 1488289644, 1488289690, '2017-02-28', 1, 1488289642, 25295.00),
(608, 212, 2, 13, '{}', 1488290350, 1488290431, '2017-02-28', 1, 1488290347, 13133.75),
(609, 213, 1, 11, '{}', 1488529470, 1488529470, '2017-03-03', 1, 1488529461, 5660.00),
(610, 213, 2, 11, '{}', 1488529484, 1488529484, '2017-03-03', 1, 1488529479, 5660.00),
(611, 213, 3, 9, '{}', 1488529493, 1488529493, '2017-03-03', 1, 1488529489, 5660.00),
(612, 197, 2, 13, '{}', 1489400715, 1489400715, '2017-03-13', 0, 1489398959, 4270.00),
(613, 219, 3, 11, '{}', 1490084337, 1490181958, '2017-03-21', 1, 1490084334, 73526.00),
(614, 216, 3, 11, '{}', 1490085757, 1490086717, '2017-03-21', 0, 1490085755, 5377.00);
(SELECT @row := @row + 1 as row, a.* from (
SELECT t.order_number
FROM sales_documents t
t.type = 2 AND >= '2017-01-01' AND <= '2017-12-31' AND
t.order_number IS NOT NULL AND
t.generated = 1
GROUP BY t.order_number
) a, (SELECT @row := 0) r) t
WHERE row <> order_number;
DROP TABLE sales_documents;
......@@ -4698,7 +4698,10 @@ bool Item_func_set_user_var::fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref)
for (derived= unit->derived;
derived= derived->select_lex->master_unit()->derived)
derived->prohibit_cond_pushdown= true;
return FALSE;
......@@ -1147,6 +1147,9 @@ bool pushdown_cond_for_derived(THD *thd, Item *cond, TABLE_LIST *derived)
st_select_lex_unit *unit= derived->get_unit();
st_select_lex *sl= unit->first_select();
if (derived->prohibit_cond_pushdown)
/* Do not push conditions into constant derived */
if (unit->executed)
......@@ -2148,6 +2148,8 @@ struct TABLE_LIST
/* I_S: Flags to open_table (e.g. OPEN_TABLE_ONLY or OPEN_VIEW_ONLY) */
uint i_s_requested_object;
bool prohibit_cond_pushdown;
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