Commit 53784d9a authored by Sergei Petrunia's avatar Sergei Petrunia

MDEV-9695: Wrong window frame when using RANGE BETWEEN N FOLLOWING AND PRECEDING

Part#2: Fix a couple more issues in rows-type frames.
This also has a code cleanup:
- introduce a separate Frame_rows_current_row_(top,bottom). This is
  is a special case which doesn't need its cursor or partition bound check
- Split Frame_n_rows into
  = Frame_n_rows_preceding (this one is now much simpler)
  = Frame_n_rows_following (simpler and works but may need some work still)
parent 0e9fb982
......@@ -683,4 +683,101 @@ pk a b bit_or
6 2 64 224
7 2 128 208
8 2 16 144
# Extra ROWS n PRECEDING tests
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) as bit_or
from t1;
pk a b bit_or
1 0 1 0
2 0 2 1
3 1 4 0
4 1 8 4
5 2 32 0
6 2 64 32
7 2 128 64
8 2 16 128
drop table t1;
create table t2 (
pk int,
a int,
b int
insert into t2 values
( 1, 0, 1),
( 2, 0, 2),
( 3, 0, 4),
( 4, 0, 8),
( 5, 1, 16),
( 6, 1, 32),
( 7, 1, 64),
( 8, 1, 128),
( 9, 2, 256),
(10, 2, 512),
(11, 2, 1024),
(12, 2, 2048);
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) as bit_or
from t2;
pk a b bit_or
1 0 1 0
2 0 2 1
3 0 4 2
4 0 8 4
5 1 16 0
6 1 32 16
7 1 64 32
8 1 128 64
9 2 256 0
10 2 512 256
11 2 1024 512
12 2 2048 1024
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND 2 PRECEDING) as bit_or
from t2;
pk a b bit_or
1 0 1 0
2 0 2 0
3 0 4 1
4 0 8 2
5 1 16 0
6 1 32 0
7 1 64 16
8 1 128 32
9 2 256 0
10 2 512 0
11 2 1024 256
12 2 2048 512
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) as bit_or
from t2;
pk a b bit_or
1 0 1 0
2 0 2 1
3 0 4 3
4 0 8 6
5 1 16 0
6 1 32 16
7 1 64 48
8 1 128 96
9 2 256 0
10 2 512 256
11 2 1024 768
12 2 2048 1536
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND CURRENT ROW) as bit_or
from t2;
pk a b bit_or
1 0 1 1
2 0 2 2
3 0 4 4
4 0 8 8
5 1 16 16
6 1 32 32
7 1 64 64
8 1 128 128
9 2 256 256
10 2 512 512
11 2 1024 1024
12 2 2048 2048
drop table t2;
......@@ -440,4 +440,50 @@ select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING) as bit_or
from t1;
--echo # Extra ROWS n PRECEDING tests
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) as bit_or
from t1;
drop table t1;
create table t2 (
pk int,
a int,
b int
insert into t2 values
( 1, 0, 1),
( 2, 0, 2),
( 3, 0, 4),
( 4, 0, 8),
( 5, 1, 16),
( 6, 1, 32),
( 7, 1, 64),
( 8, 1, 128),
( 9, 2, 256),
(10, 2, 512),
(11, 2, 1024),
(12, 2, 2048);
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) as bit_or
from t2;
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND 2 PRECEDING) as bit_or
from t2;
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) as bit_or
from t2;
--echo # Check CURRENT ROW
select pk, a, b,
bit_or(b) over (partition by a order by pk ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND CURRENT ROW) as bit_or
from t2;
drop table t2;
......@@ -609,94 +609,188 @@ class Frame_unbounded_following : public Frame_cursor
ROWS $n PRECEDING frame bound
class Frame_n_rows : public Frame_cursor
class Frame_n_rows_preceding : public Frame_cursor
/* Whether this is top of the frame or bottom */
/* Whether this is top of the frame or bottom */
const bool is_top_bound;
const ha_rows n_rows;
const bool is_preceding;
/* Number of rows that we need to skip before our cursor starts moving */
ha_rows n_rows_to_skip;
Table_read_cursor cursor;
bool cursor_eof; //TODO: need this still?
Group_bound_tracker bound_tracker;
bool at_partition_start;
bool at_partition_end;
Frame_n_rows(bool is_top_bound_arg, bool is_preceding_arg, ha_rows n_rows_arg) :
is_top_bound(is_top_bound_arg), n_rows(n_rows_arg), is_preceding(is_preceding_arg)
Frame_n_rows_preceding(bool is_top_bound_arg, ha_rows n_rows_arg) :
is_top_bound(is_top_bound_arg), n_rows(n_rows_arg)
void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list,
SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list)
cursor_eof= false;
at_partition_start= true;
bound_tracker.init(thd, partition_list);
void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item)
cursor_eof= false;
at_partition_start= true;
at_partition_end= false;
if (is_preceding)
Position our cursor to point at the first row in the new partition
(for rownum=0, it is already there, otherwise, it lags behind)
if (rownum != 0)
Suppose the bound is ROWS 2 PRECEDING, and current row is row#n:
n-2 --- bound row
n --- current_row
The bound should point at row #(n-2). Bounds are inclusive, so
- bottom bound should add row #(n-2) into the window function
- top bound should remove row (#n-3) from the window function.
n_rows_to_skip= n_rows + (is_top_bound? 1:0) - 1;
void next_row(Item_sum* item)
if (n_rows_to_skip)
if (rownum != 0)
/* The cursor in "ROWS n PRECEDING" lags behind by n_rows rows. */
n_rows_to_skip= n_rows - (is_top_bound? 0:1);
if (cursor.get_next())
return; // this is not expected to happen.
if (is_top_bound) // this is frame start endpoint
ROWS ... CURRENT ROW, Bottom bound.
This case is moved to separate class because here we don't need to maintain
our own cursor, or check for partition bound.
class Frame_rows_current_row_bottom : public Frame_cursor
void pre_next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item)
void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) {}
void pre_next_row(Item_sum* item)
/* Temp table's current row is current_row. Add it to the window func */
void next_row(Item_sum* item) {};
ROWS-type CURRENT ROW, top bound.
This serves for processing "ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND ..." frames.
n --+ --- current_row, and top frame bound
n+1 |
... |
when the current_row moves to row #n, this frame bound should remove the
row #(n-1) from the window function.
In other words, we need what "ROWS PRECEDING 0" provides.
class Frame_rows_current_row_top: public Frame_n_rows_preceding
Frame_rows_current_row_top() :
Frame_n_rows_preceding(true /*top*/, 0 /* n_rows */)
ROWS $n FOLLOWING frame bound.
class Frame_n_rows_following : public Frame_cursor
/* Whether this is top of the frame or bottom */
const bool is_top_bound;
const ha_rows n_rows;
Table_read_cursor cursor;
bool at_partition_end;
This cursor reaches partition end before the main cursor has reached it.
bound_tracker is used to detect partition end.
Group_bound_tracker bound_tracker;
Frame_n_rows_following(bool is_top_bound_arg, ha_rows n_rows_arg) :
is_top_bound(is_top_bound_arg), n_rows(n_rows_arg)
DBUG_ASSERT(n_rows > 0);
void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list,
SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list)
at_partition_end= false;
bound_tracker.init(thd, partition_list);
void pre_next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item)
at_partition_end= false;
// Fetch current partition value
if (rownum != 0)
"ROWS n FOLLOWING" is already at the first row in the next partition.
Move it to be n_rows ahead.
n_rows_to_skip= 0;
// This is only needed for "FOLLOWING 1". It is one row behind
if ((rownum != 0) && (!is_top_bound || n_rows))
// We are positioned at the first row in the partition anyway
if (is_top_bound) // this is frame top endpoint
Note: i_end=-1 when this is a top-endpoint "CURRENT ROW" which is
implemented as "ROWS 0 FOLLOWING".
longlong i_end= n_rows + ((rownum==0)?1:0)- is_top_bound;
for (longlong i= 0; i < i_end; i++)
if (next_row_intern(item))
if (i_end == -1)
if (!cursor.get_next())
// Current row points at the first row in the partition
if (is_top_bound) // this is frame top endpoint
void next_row(Item_sum* item)
/* Move our cursor to be n_rows ahead. */
void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item)
if (n_rows_to_skip)
longlong i_end= n_rows + ((rownum==0)?1:0)- is_top_bound;
for (longlong i= 0; i < i_end; i++)
if (next_row_intern(item))
void next_row(Item_sum* item)
if (at_partition_end)
......@@ -705,43 +799,25 @@ class Frame_n_rows : public Frame_cursor
bool next_row_intern(Item_sum *item)
if (!cursor_eof)
if (!cursor.get_next())
if (!(cursor_eof= (0 != cursor.get_next())))
if (bound_tracker.check_if_next_group())
at_partition_end= true;
bool new_group= is_preceding? false: bound_tracker.check_if_next_group();
if (at_partition_start || !new_group)
if (is_top_bound) // this is frame start endpoint
at_partition_start= false;
return false; /* Action done */
if (is_top_bound) // this is frame start endpoint
at_partition_end= true;
return true;
return true; /* Action not done */
at_partition_end= true;
return at_partition_end;
/* CURRENT ROW is the same as "ROWS 0 FOLLOWING" */
class Frame_current_row : public Frame_n_rows
Frame_current_row(bool is_top_bound_arg) :
Frame_n_rows(is_top_bound_arg, false /*is_preceding*/, ha_rows(0))
Frame_cursor *get_frame_cursor(Window_frame *frame, bool is_top_bound)
// TODO-cvicentiu When a frame is not specified, which is the frame type
......@@ -777,7 +853,10 @@ Frame_cursor *get_frame_cursor(Window_frame *frame, bool is_top_bound)
if (frame->units == Window_frame::UNITS_ROWS)
longlong n_rows= bound->offset->val_int();
return new Frame_n_rows(is_top_bound, is_preceding, n_rows);
if (is_preceding)
return new Frame_n_rows_preceding(is_top_bound, n_rows);
return new Frame_n_rows_following(is_top_bound, n_rows);
......@@ -789,7 +868,12 @@ Frame_cursor *get_frame_cursor(Window_frame *frame, bool is_top_bound)
if (bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::CURRENT)
if (frame->units == Window_frame::UNITS_ROWS)
return new Frame_current_row(is_top_bound);
if (is_top_bound)
return new Frame_rows_current_row_top;
return new Frame_rows_current_row_bottom;
if (is_top_bound)
......@@ -798,7 +882,7 @@ Frame_cursor *get_frame_cursor(Window_frame *frame, bool is_top_bound)
return new Frame_range_current_row_bottom;
return NULL;
return NULL;
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