Commit 542afc17 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

add new trigger to prevent certain naming clashes

  catch duplicate file names, ignoring capitalisation, mostly to avoid changesets where a deleted file foobar and a deleted file FooBar break a tree on case insensitive file systems
parent 211aaf1f
my $status = 0;
my $pending = $ENV{'BK_PENDING'};
exit 0 unless -f $pending;
open FI, "<", $pending || exit 0;
while(<FI>) {
my ($file, $stuff) = split /\|/, $_, 2;
next unless -f $file;
$file =~ s/^(.*)\/([^\/]*)$/$2/;
my $path = $1;
opendir DIR, $path;
my @files = sort map { lc } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
my %count = ();
$count{$_}++ for @files;
@files = grep { $count{$_} > 1 } keys %count;
if(@files > 0) {
print "$path/$file: duplicate file names: " . (join " ", @files) . "\n";
$status = 1;
close FI;
exit $status;
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