Commit 551dbc9e authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

upmerge 55503,55597

parents bed69062 22e8fc6a
......@@ -3097,7 +3097,8 @@ sub check_testcase($$)
my %started;
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} )
# Skip if server has been restarted with additional options
if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} && ! exists $mysqld->{'restart_opts'} )
my $proc= start_check_testcase($tinfo, $mode, $mysqld);
$started{$proc->pid()}= $proc;
......@@ -3862,8 +3863,8 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
if ($opt_valgrind_mysqld) {
# Skip valgrind summary from tests where server has been restarted
# Should this contain memory leaks, the final report will find it
$skip_valgrind= 1 if $line =~ /^==\d+== ERROR SUMMARY:/;
$skip_valgrind= 1 if $line =~ /^==\d+== HEAP SUMMARY:/;
# Use a generic pattern for summaries
$skip_valgrind= 1 if $line =~ /^==\d+== [A-Z ]+ SUMMARY:/;
$skip_valgrind= 0 unless $line =~ /^==\d+==/;
next if $skip_valgrind;
......@@ -4071,6 +4072,16 @@ sub check_expected_crash_and_restart {
# If last line begins "restart:", the rest of the line is read as
# extra command line options to add to the restarted mysqld.
# Anything other than 'wait' or 'restart:' (with a colon) will
# result in a restart with original mysqld options.
if ($last_line =~ /restart:(.+)/) {
my @rest_opt= split(' ', $1);
$mysqld->{'restart_opts'}= \@rest_opt;
} else {
delete $mysqld->{'restart_opts'};
# Start server with same settings as last time
......@@ -4418,7 +4429,13 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$) {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld'));
# Add any additional options from an in-test restart
my @all_opts= @$extra_opts;
if (exists $mysqld->{'restart_opts'}) {
push (@all_opts, @{$mysqld->{'restart_opts'}});
if ( $opt_debug )
......@@ -4599,7 +4616,10 @@ sub server_need_restart {
my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($server, $tinfo);
my $started_opts= $server->{'started_opts'};
if (!My::Options::same($started_opts, $extra_opts) )
# Also, always restart if server had been restarted with additional
# options within test.
if (!My::Options::same($started_opts, $extra_opts) ||
exists $server->{'restart_opts'})
my $use_dynamic_option_switch= 0;
if (!$use_dynamic_option_switch)
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