Commit 5c2c68d4 authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

This is a major update concerning many source files.

Fix MDEV-12035.
  modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp

Working on MDEV-11832: Srcdef performance enhancement
This require to mark place holders into srcdef to indicate where to insert
the where/having clauses that are retrieved in push_cond.
However this also make necessary to handle aliases in the srcdef.
This was the opportunity to base all external tables on common classes
  modified:   storage/connect/array.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/array.h
  modified:   storage/connect/colblk.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/
  modified:   storage/connect/filamdbf.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/
  modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/
  modified:   storage/connect/myconn.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/odbconn.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
  modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/reldef.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabfix.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabfix.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h
  modified:   storage/connect/table.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabmac.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabmac.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.h
  modified:   storage/connect/taboccur.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabodbc.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabodbc.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabpivot.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabpivot.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabsys.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabsys.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabvct.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabvct.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabvir.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabwmi.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabxcl.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabxcl.h
  modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.h
  modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/xindex.h
  modified:   storage/connect/xobject.h
  modified:   storage/connect/xtable.h
  added:      storage/connect/tabext.cpp
  added:      storage/connect/tabext.h
parent 9fa0d2fe
This diff is collapsed.
/**************** Array H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/* Name: ARRAY.H Version 3.1 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2005-2014 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2005-2017 */
/* */
/* This file contains the ARRAY and VALBASE derived classes declares. */
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ class DllExport ARRAY : public XOBJECT, public CSORT { // Array descblock
using XOBJECT::GetIntValue;
virtual void Reset(void) {Bot = -1;}
virtual int Qcompare(int *, int *);
virtual bool Compare(PXOB) {assert(FALSE); return FALSE;}
virtual bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&) {assert(FALSE); return FALSE;}
virtual bool Compare(PXOB) {assert(false); return false;}
virtual bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&) {assert(false); return false;}
//virtual int CheckSpcCol(PTDB, int) {return 0;}
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *f, uint n);
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, char *ps, uint z);
/************* Colblk C++ Functions Source Code File (.CPP) ************/
/* Name: COLBLK.CPP Version 2.1 */
/* Name: COLBLK.CPP Version 2.2 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2015 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2017 */
/* */
/* This file contains the COLBLK class functions. */
......@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ FIDBLK::FIDBLK(PCOLUMN cp, OPVAL op) : SPCBLK(cp), Op(op)
#if defined(__WIN__)
Format.Prec = 1; // Case insensitive
#endif // __WIN__
Constant = (!((PTDBASE)To_Tdb)->GetDef()->GetMultiple() &&
Constant = (!To_Tdb->GetDef()->GetMultiple() &&
To_Tdb->GetAmType() != TYPE_AM_PLG &&
To_Tdb->GetAmType() != TYPE_AM_PLM);
Fn = NULL;
......@@ -312,11 +312,11 @@ FIDBLK::FIDBLK(PCOLUMN cp, OPVAL op) : SPCBLK(cp), Op(op)
void FIDBLK::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g)
if (Fn != ((PTDBASE)To_Tdb)->GetFile(g)) {
if (Fn != To_Tdb->GetFile(g)) {
char filename[_MAX_PATH];
Fn = ((PTDBASE)To_Tdb)->GetFile(g);
PlugSetPath(filename, Fn, ((PTDBASE)To_Tdb)->GetPath());
Fn = To_Tdb->GetFile(g);
PlugSetPath(filename, Fn, To_Tdb->GetPath());
if (Op != OP_XX) {
char buff[_MAX_PATH];
......@@ -378,10 +378,8 @@ void PRTBLK::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g)
if (Pname == NULL) {
char *p;
Pname = tdbp->GetDef()->GetStringCatInfo(g, "partname", "?");
Pname = To_Tdb->GetDef()->GetStringCatInfo(g, "partname", "?");
p = strrchr(Pname, '#');
Value->SetValue_psz((p) ? p + 1 : Pname);
} // endif Pname
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ bool CntCheckDB(PGLOBAL g, PHC handler, const char *pathname)
bool CntInfo(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tp, PXF info)
if (tp) {
bool b = ((PTDBASE)tp)->GetFtype() == RECFM_NAF;
bool b = (tp->GetFtype() == RECFM_NAF);
PTDBDOS tdbp = b ? NULL : (PTDBDOS)tp;
info->data_file_length = (b) ? 0 : (ulonglong)tdbp->GetFileLength(g);
......@@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ bool CntOpenTable(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, MODE mode, char *c1, char *c2,
} // endfor colp
// Attach the updated columns list to the main table
} else if (tdbp && mode == MODE_INSERT)
// Now do open the physical table
if (trace)
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ bool CntOpenTable(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, MODE mode, char *c1, char *c2,
if (del/* && ((PTDBASE)tdbp)->GetFtype() != RECFM_NAF*/) {
if (del/* && (tdbp->GetFtype() != RECFM_NAF*/) {
// To avoid erasing the table when doing a partial delete
// make a fake Next
// PDOSDEF ddp= new(g) DOSDEF;
......@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ RCODE CntReadNext(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp)
if (!tdbp)
return RC_FX;
else if (((PTDBASE)tdbp)->GetKindex()) {
else if (tdbp->GetKindex()) {
// Reading sequencially an indexed table. This happens after the
// handler function records_in_range was called and MySQL decides
// to quit using the index (!!!) Drop the index.
......@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ RCODE CntWriteRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp)
PCOL colp;
//PTDBASE tp= (PTDBASE)tdbp;
if (!tdbp)
return RC_FX;
......@@ -500,13 +500,13 @@ RCODE CntWriteRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp)
} // endif rc
// Store column values in table write buffer(s)
for (colp= tp->GetSetCols(); colp; colp= colp->GetNext())
for (colp= tdbp->GetSetCols(); colp; colp= colp->GetNext())
if (!colp->GetColUse(U_VIRTUAL))
if (tp->IsIndexed())
if (tdbp->IsIndexed())
// Index values must be sorted before updating
rc= (RCODE)((PTDBDOS)tp)->GetTxfp()->StoreValues(g, true);
rc= (RCODE)((PTDBDOS)tdbp)->GetTxfp()->StoreValues(g, true);
// Return result code from write operation
rc= (RCODE)tdbp->WriteDB(g);
......@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ RCODE CntUpdateRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp)
RCODE CntDeleteRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, bool all)
//PTDBASE tp= (PTDBASE)tdbp;
if (!tdbp || tdbp->GetMode() != MODE_DELETE)
return RC_FX;
......@@ -542,16 +542,16 @@ RCODE CntDeleteRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, bool all)
return RC_NF;
if (all) {
if (((PTDBASE)tdbp)->GetDef()->Indexable())
if (tdbp->GetDef()->Indexable())
((PTDBDOS)tdbp)->Cardinal= 0;
// Note: if all, this call will be done when closing the table
rc= (RCODE)tdbp->DeleteDB(g, RC_FX);
//} else if (tp->GetKindex() && !tp->GetKindex()->IsSorted() &&
// tp->Txfp->GetAmType() != TYPE_AM_DBF) {
} else if(tp->IsIndexed()) {
//} else if (tdbp->GetKindex() && !((PTDBASE)tdbp)->GetKindex()->IsSorted() &&
// ((PTDBASE)tdbp)->Txfp->GetAmType() != TYPE_AM_DBF) {
} else if(tdbp->IsIndexed()) {
// Index values must be sorted before updating
rc= (RCODE)((PTDBDOS)tp)->GetTxfp()->StoreValues(g, false);
rc= (RCODE)((PTDBDOS)tdbp)->GetTxfp()->StoreValues(g, false);
} else // Return result code from delete operation
rc= (RCODE)tdbp->DeleteDB(g, RC_OK);
......@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ RCODE CntDeleteRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, bool all)
int CntCloseTable(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, bool nox, bool abort)
int rc= RC_OK;
TDBASE *tbxp= (PTDBASE)tdbp;
//TDBASE *tbxp= (PTDBASE)tdbp;
if (!tdbp)
return rc; // Nothing to do
......@@ -580,13 +580,13 @@ int CntCloseTable(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, bool nox, bool abort)
tdbp, tdbp->GetMode(), nox, abort);
if (tdbp->GetMode() == MODE_DELETE && tdbp->GetUse() == USE_OPEN) {
if (tbxp->IsIndexed())
if (tdbp->IsIndexed())
rc= ((PTDBDOS)tdbp)->GetTxfp()->DeleteSortedRows(g);
if (!rc)
rc= tdbp->DeleteDB(g, RC_EF); // Specific A.M. delete routine
} else if (tbxp->GetMode() == MODE_UPDATE && tbxp->IsIndexed())
} else if (tdbp->GetMode() == MODE_UPDATE && tdbp->IsIndexed())
rc= ((PTDBDOX)tdbp)->Txfp->UpdateSortedRows(g);
switch(rc) {
......@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ int CntCloseTable(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, bool nox, bool abort)
abort= true;
case RC_INFO:
PushWarning(g, tbxp);
PushWarning(g, tdbp);
} // endswitch rc
......@@ -630,11 +630,13 @@ int CntCloseTable(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, bool nox, bool abort)
if (trace > 1)
printf("About to reset opt\n");
// Make all the eventual indexes
tbxp= (TDBDOX*)tdbp;
tbxp->ResetKindex(g, NULL);
rc= tbxp->ResetTableOpt(g, true, tbxp->GetDef()->Indexable() == 1);
if (!tdbp->IsRemote()) {
// Make all the eventual indexes
PTDBDOX tbxp = (PTDBDOX)tdbp;
tbxp->ResetKindex(g, NULL);
rc = tbxp->ResetTableOpt(g, true, tbxp->GetDef()->Indexable() == 1);
} // endif remote
if (trace > 1)
......@@ -656,10 +658,10 @@ int CntIndexInit(PGLOBAL g, PTDB ptdb, int id, bool sorted)
if (!ptdb)
return -1;
else if (!((PTDBASE)ptdb)->GetDef()->Indexable()) {
else if (!ptdb->GetDef()->Indexable()) {
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(TABLE_NO_INDEX), ptdb->GetName());
return 0;
} else if (((PTDBASE)ptdb)->GetDef()->Indexable() == 3) {
} else if (ptdb->GetDef()->Indexable() == 3) {
return 1;
} else
tdbp= (PTDBDOX)ptdb;
......@@ -744,7 +746,7 @@ RCODE CntIndexRead(PGLOBAL g, PTDB ptdb, OPVAL op,
if (!ptdb)
return RC_FX;
x= ((PTDBASE)ptdb)->GetDef()->Indexable();
x= ptdb->GetDef()->Indexable();
if (!x) {
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(TABLE_NO_INDEX), ptdb->GetName());
......@@ -874,7 +876,7 @@ int CntIndexRange(PGLOBAL g, PTDB ptdb, const uchar* *key, uint *len,
if (!ptdb)
return -1;
x= ((PTDBASE)ptdb)->GetDef()->Indexable();
x= ptdb->GetDef()->Indexable();
if (!x) {
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(TABLE_NO_INDEX), ptdb->GetName());
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* */
/* ---------- */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2005-2015 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2005-2017 */
/* */
/* ----------------------- */
......@@ -593,6 +593,7 @@ bool DBFFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
if (Accept) {
Lrecl = reclen;
Blksize = Nrec * Lrecl;
PushWarning(g, Tdbp);
} else
return true;
......@@ -609,7 +610,7 @@ bool DBFFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
header->Filedate[1] = datm->tm_mon + 1;
header->Filedate[2] = datm->tm_mday;
descp = (DESCRIPTOR*)header;
// Currently only standard Xbase types are supported
......@@ -675,6 +676,7 @@ bool DBFFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
if (Accept) {
Lrecl = header.Reclen();
Blksize = Nrec * Lrecl;
PushWarning(g, Tdbp);
} else
return true;
......@@ -967,6 +969,7 @@ int DBMFAM::Cardinality(PGLOBAL g)
if (Accept) {
Lrecl = rln;
Blksize = Nrec * Lrecl;
PushWarning(g, Tdbp);
} else
return -1;
......@@ -1019,6 +1022,7 @@ bool DBMFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
if (Accept) {
Lrecl = hp->Reclen();
Blksize = Nrec * Lrecl;
PushWarning(g, Tdbp);
} else
return true;
This diff is collapsed.
/************ Jdbconn C++ Functions Source Code File (.CPP) ************/
/* Name: JDBCONN.CPP Version 1.0 */
/* Name: JDBCONN.CPP Version 1.1 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2016 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2016-2017 */
/* */
/* This file contains the JDBC connection classes functions. */
......@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
#include "plgdbsem.h"
#include "xobject.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "tabext.h"
#include "tabjdbc.h"
//#include "jdbconn.h"
//#include "plgcnx.h" // For DB types
#include "resource.h"
#include "valblk.h"
#include "osutil.h"
......@@ -318,13 +318,21 @@ PQRYRES JDBCColumns(PGLOBAL g, char *db, char *table, char *colpat,
PQRYRES JDBCSrcCols(PGLOBAL g, char *src, PJPARM sjp)
char *sqry;
JDBConn *jcp = new(g)JDBConn(g, NULL);
if (jcp->Open(sjp))
return NULL;
qrp = jcp->GetMetaData(g, src);
if (strstr(src, "%s")) {
// Place holder for an eventual where clause
sqry = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(src) + 2);
sprintf(sqry, src, "1=1"); // dummy where clause
} else
sqry = src;
qrp = jcp->GetMetaData(g, sqry);
return qrp;
} // end of JDBCSrcCols
This diff is collapsed.
/* Copyright (C) Olivier Bertrand 2004 - 2016
/* Copyright (C) Olivier Bertrand 2004 - 2017
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
/*************** Mycat CC Program Source Code File (.CC) ***************/
/* ------------- */
/* Version 1.5 */
/* Version 1.6 */
/* */
/* Author: Olivier Bertrand 2012 - 2016 */
/* Author: Olivier Bertrand 2012 - 2017 */
/* */
/* ----------------------- */
......@@ -58,9 +58,10 @@
#endif // UNIX
#include "global.h"
#include "plgdbsem.h"
#include "reldef.h"
#include "tabcol.h"
//#include "reldef.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "tabext.h"
#include "tabcol.h"
#include "filamtxt.h"
#include "tabdos.h"
#include "tabfmt.h"
......@@ -559,13 +560,13 @@ PRELDEF MYCAT::MakeTableDesc(PGLOBAL g, PTABLE tablep, LPCSTR am)
case TAB_XML: tdp= new(g) XMLDEF; break;
#endif // XML_SUPPORT
#if defined(VCT_SUPPORT)
case TAB_VEC: tdp = new(g)VCTDEF; break;
case TAB_VEC: tdp = new(g) VCTDEF; break;
#endif // VCT_SUPPORT
#if defined(ODBC_SUPPORT)
case TAB_ODBC: tdp= new(g) ODBCDEF; break;
#endif // ODBC_SUPPORT
#if defined(JDBC_SUPPORT)
case TAB_JDBC: tdp= new(g)JDBCDEF; break;
case TAB_JDBC: tdp= new(g) JDBCDEF; break;
#endif // JDBC_SUPPORT
#if defined(__WIN__)
case TAB_MAC: tdp= new(g) MACDEF; break;
/************** MyConn C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) **************/
/* ------------- */
/* Version 1.8 */
/* Version 1.9 */
/* */
/* ---------- */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2007-2016 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2007-2017 */
/* */
/* ----------------------- */
......@@ -375,10 +375,18 @@ PQRYRES SrcColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *host, const char *db,
if (!port)
port = mysqld_port;
if (!strnicmp(srcdef, "select ", 7)) {
query = (char *)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(srcdef) + 9);
strcat(strcpy(query, srcdef), " LIMIT 0");
} else
if (!strnicmp(srcdef, "select ", 7) || strstr(srcdef, "%s")) {
query = (char *)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(srcdef) + 10);
if (strstr(srcdef, "%s"))
sprintf(query, srcdef, "1=1"); // dummy where clause
strcpy(query, srcdef);
if (!strnicmp(srcdef, "select ", 7))
strcat(query, " LIMIT 0");
} else
query = (char *)srcdef;
// Open a MySQL connection for this table
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
#include "global.h"
#include "plgdbsem.h"
#include "xobject.h"
//#include "kindex.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "tabext.h"
#include "odbccat.h"
#include "tabodbc.h"
#include "plgcnx.h" // For DB types
......@@ -413,12 +413,20 @@ PQRYRES ODBCColumns(PGLOBAL g, char *dsn, char *db, char *table,
PQRYRES ODBCSrcCols(PGLOBAL g, char *dsn, char *src, POPARM sop)
char *sqry;
ODBConn *ocp = new(g) ODBConn(g, NULL);
if (ocp->Open(dsn, sop, 10) < 1) // openReadOnly + noOdbcDialog
return NULL;
return ocp->GetMetaData(g, dsn, src);
if (strstr(src, "%s")) {
// Place holder for an eventual where clause
sqry = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(src) + 3);
sprintf(sqry, src, "1=1", "1=1"); // dummy where clause
} else
sqry = src;
return ocp->GetMetaData(g, dsn, sqry);
} // end of ODBCSrcCols
#if 0
......@@ -1417,7 +1425,7 @@ int ODBConn::ExecDirectSQL(char *sql, ODBCCOL *tocols)
b = true;
if (trace)
htrc("ExecDirect hstmt=%p %.64s\n", hstmt, sql);
htrc("ExecDirect hstmt=%p %.256s\n", hstmt, sql);
if (m_Tdb->Srcdef) {
// Be sure this is a query returning a result set
/************** PlgDBSem H Declares Source Code File (.H) **************/
/* Name: PLGDBSEM.H Version 3.7 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2016 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2017 */
/* */
/* This file contains the CONNECT storage engine definitions. */
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ enum TABTYPE {TAB_UNDEF = 0, /* Table of undefined type */
TAB_FIX = 2, /* Fixed column offset, fixed LRECL */
TAB_BIN = 3, /* Like FIX but can have binary fields */
TAB_CSV = 4, /* DOS files with CSV records */
TAB_FMT = 5, /* DOS files with formatted recordss */
TAB_FMT = 5, /* DOS files with formatted records */
TAB_DBF = 6, /* DBF Dbase or Foxpro files */
TAB_XML = 7, /* XML or HTML files */
TAB_INI = 8, /* INI or CFG files */
......@@ -212,11 +212,24 @@ enum OPVAL {OP_EQ = 1, /* Filtering operator = */
OP_SUB = 17, /* Expression Substract operator */
OP_MULT = 18, /* Expression Multiply operator */
OP_DIV = 19, /* Expression Divide operator */
OP_NOP = 21, /* Scalar function is nopped */
OP_NUM = 22, /* Scalar function Op Num */
OP_ABS = 23, /* Scalar function Op Abs */
OP_MAX = 24, /* Scalar function Op Max */
OP_MIN = 25, /* Scalar function Op Min */
OP_EXP = 36, /* Scalar function Op Exp */
OP_FDISK = 94, /* Operator Disk of fileid */
OP_FPATH = 95, /* Operator Path of fileid */
OP_FNAME = 96, /* Operator Name of fileid */
OP_FTYPE = 97, /* Operator Type of fileid */
OP_LAST = 82, /* Index operator Find Last */
OP_FIRST = 106, /* Index operator Find First */
OP_NEXT = 107, /* Index operator Find Next */
OP_SAME = 108, /* Index operator Find Next Same */
OP_FSTDIF = 109, /* Index operator Find First dif */
OP_NXTDIF = 110, /* Index operator Find Next dif */
OP_PREV = 116}; /* Index operator Find Previous */
#if 0
OP_NOP = 21, /* Scalar function is nopped */
OP_ABS = 23, /* Scalar function Op Abs */
OP_CEIL = 26, /* Scalar function Op Ceil */
OP_FLOOR = 27, /* Scalar function Op Floor */
OP_MOD = 28, /* Scalar function Op Mod */
......@@ -312,6 +325,7 @@ enum OPVAL {OP_EQ = 1, /* Filtering operator = */
OP_REMOVE = 201, /* Scalar function Op Remove */
OP_RENAME = 202, /* Scalar function Op Rename */
OP_FCOMP = 203}; /* Scalar function Op Compare */
#endif // 0
enum TUSE {USE_NO = 0, /* Table is not yet linearized */
USE_LIN = 1, /* Table is linearized */
......@@ -356,6 +370,7 @@ typedef class XOBJECT *PXOB;
typedef class COLBLK *PCOL;
typedef class TDB *PTDB;
typedef class TDBASE *PTDBASE;
typedef class TDBEXT *PTDBEXT;
typedef class TDBDOS *PTDBDOS;
typedef class TDBFIX *PTDBFIX;
typedef class TDBFMT *PTDBFMT;
......@@ -374,6 +389,7 @@ typedef class KXYCOL *PXCOL;
typedef class CATALOG *PCATLG;
typedef class RELDEF *PRELDEF;
typedef class TABDEF *PTABDEF;
typedef class EXTDEF *PEXTBDEF;
typedef class DOSDEF *PDOSDEF;
typedef class CSVDEF *PCSVDEF;
typedef class VCTDEF *PVCTDEF;
......@@ -619,4 +635,4 @@ int global_open(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *filename, int flags, int mode)
DllExport LPCSTR PlugSetPath(LPSTR to, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR dir);
char *MakeEscape(PGLOBAL g, char* str, char q);
DllExport bool PushWarning(PGLOBAL, PTDBASE, int level = 1);
DllExport bool PushWarning(PGLOBAL, PTDB, int level = 1);
......@@ -621,8 +621,8 @@ bool OEMDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR, int)
RECFM rfm;
RECFM rfm;
PTDB tdbp = NULL;
// If define block not here yet, get it now
if (!Pxdef && !(Pxdef = GetXdef(g)))
......@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ PTDB OEMDEF::GetTable(PGLOBAL g, MODE mode)
/* Allocate a TDB of the proper type. */
/* Column blocks will be allocated only when needed. */
if (!(tdbp = (PTDBASE)Pxdef->GetTable(g, mode)))
if (!(tdbp = Pxdef->GetTable(g, mode)))
return NULL;
rfm = tdbp->GetFtype();
......@@ -64,15 +64,16 @@ class DllExport RELDEF : public BLOCK { // Relation definition block
}; // end of RELDEF
/* These classes correspond to the data base description contained in */
/* a .XDB file the A.M. DOS, FIX, CSV, MAP, BIN, VCT, PLG, ODBC, DOM. */
/* This class corresponds to the data base description for tables */
/* of type DOS, FIX, CSV, DBF, BIN, VCT, JSON, XML... */
class DllExport TABDEF : public RELDEF { /* Logical table descriptor */
friend class CATALOG;
friend class PLUGCAT;
friend class MYCAT;
friend class TDBASE;
friend class TDB;
friend class TDBEXT;
// Constructor
TABDEF(void); // Constructor
......@@ -112,11 +113,11 @@ class DllExport TABDEF : public RELDEF { /* Logical table descriptor */
int Sort; /* Table already sorted ??? */
int Multiple; /* 0: No 1: DIR 2: Section 3: filelist */
int Degree; /* Number of columns in the table */
int Pseudo; /* Bit: 1 ROWID Ok, 2 FILEID Ok */
int Pseudo; /* Bit: 1 ROWID }Ok, 2 FILEID Ok */
bool Read_Only; /* true for read only tables */
const CHARSET_INFO *m_data_charset;
const char *csname; /* Table charset name */
}; // end of TABDEF
}; // end of TABDEF
/* Externally defined OEM tables. */
......@@ -190,11 +191,12 @@ class DllExport COLCRT : public BLOCK { /* Column description block
/* Column definition block. */
class DllExport COLDEF : public COLCRT { /* Column description block */
class DllExport COLDEF : public COLCRT { /* Column description block */
friend class TABDEF;
friend class COLBLK;
friend class DBFFAM;
friend class TDBASE;
friend class TDB;
friend class TDBASE;
friend class TDBDOS;
COLDEF(void); // Constructor
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ TDBDOS::TDBDOS(PGLOBAL g, PTDBDOS tdbp) : TDBASE(tdbp)
} // end of TDBDOS copy constructor
// Method
PTDB tp;
PDOSCOL cp1, cp2;
......@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ PTDB TDBDOS::CopyOne(PTABS t)
} // endfor cp1
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Allocate DOS column description block. */
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class DllExport TDBDOS : public TDBASE {
{return (PTDB)new(g) TDBDOS(g, this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual void ResetDB(void) {Txfp->Reset();}
virtual bool IsUsingTemp(PGLOBAL g);
virtual bool IsIndexed(void) {return Indxd;}
This diff is collapsed.
/*************** Tabext H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/* Name: TABEXT.H Version 1.0 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2017 */
/* */
/* This is the EXTDEF, TABEXT and EXTCOL classes definitions. */
#ifndef __TABEXT_H
#define __TABEXTF_H
#include "reldef.h"
typedef class ALIAS *PAL;
class ALIAS : public BLOCK {
ALIAS(PAL x, PSZ n, PSZ a, bool h)
{Next = x, Name = n, Alias = a, Having = h;}
PAL Next;
PSZ Name;
PSZ Alias;
bool Having;
}; // end of class ALIAS
// Condition filter structure
class CONDFIL : public BLOCK {
// Constructor
CONDFIL(const Item *cond, uint idx, AMT type);
// Functions
int Init(PGLOBAL g, PHC hc);
const char *Chk(const char *cln, bool *h);
// Members
const Item *Cond;
AMT Type;
uint Idx;
PCMD Cmds;
PAL Alist;
bool All;
bool Bd;
bool Hv;
char *Body;
char *Having;
}; // end of class CONDFIL
/* This class corresponds to the data base description for external */
/* tables of type MYSQL, ODBC, JDBC... */
class DllExport EXTDEF : public TABDEF { /* EXT table */
friend TDBEXT;
// Constructor
EXTDEF(void); // Constructor
// Implementation
virtual const char *GetType(void) { return "EXT"; }
inline PSZ GetTabname(void) { return Tabname; }
inline PSZ GetTabschema(void) { return Tabschema; }
inline PSZ GetUsername(void) { return Username; };
inline PSZ GetPassword(void) { return Password; };
inline PSZ GetTabcat(void) { return Tabcat; }
inline PSZ GetSrcdef(void) { return Srcdef; }
inline char GetSep(void) { return (Sep) ? *Sep : 0; }
inline int GetQuoted(void) { return Quoted; }
inline int GetOptions(void) { return Options; }
// Methods
virtual int Indexable(void) { return 2; }
virtual bool DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff);
// Members
PSZ Tabname; /* External table name */
PSZ Tabschema; /* External table schema */
PSZ Username; /* User connect name */
PSZ Password; /* Password connect info */
PSZ Tabcat; /* External table catalog */
PSZ Tabtyp; /* Catalog table type */
PSZ Colpat; /* Catalog column pattern */
PSZ Srcdef; /* The source table SQL definition */
PSZ Qchar; /* Identifier quoting character */
PSZ Qrystr; /* The original query */
PSZ Sep; /* Decimal separator */
//PSZ Alias; /* Column alias list */
PSZ Phpos; /* Place holer positions */
int Options; /* Open connection options */
int Cto; /* Open connection timeout */
int Qto; /* Query (command) timeout */
int Quoted; /* Identifier quoting level */
int Maxerr; /* Maxerr for an Exec table */
int Maxres; /* Maxres for a catalog table */
int Memory; /* Put result set in memory */
bool Scrollable; /* Use scrollable cursor */
bool Xsrc; /* Execution type */
}; // end of EXTDEF
/* This is the base class for all external tables. */
class DllExport TDBEXT : public TDB {
// Constructors
// Implementation
// Properties
virtual bool IsRemote(void) { return true; }
// Methods
virtual PSZ GetServer(void) { return "Remote"; }
virtual int GetRecpos(void);
// Database routines
virtual int GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int GetProgMax(PGLOBAL g);
// Internal functions
virtual bool MakeSQL(PGLOBAL g, bool cnt);
//virtual bool MakeInsert(PGLOBAL g);
virtual bool MakeCommand(PGLOBAL g);
int Decode(char *utf, char *buf, size_t n);
// Members
PQRYRES Qrp; // Points to storage result
PSTRG Query; // Constructed SQL query
char *TableName; // Points to ODBC table name
char *Schema; // Points to ODBC table Schema
char *User; // User connect info
char *Pwd; // Password connect info
char *Catalog; // Points to ODBC table Catalog
char *Srcdef; // The source table SQL definition
char *Count; // Points to count(*) SQL statement
//char *Where; // Points to local where clause
char *Quote; // The identifier quoting character
char *MulConn; // Used for multiple ODBC tables
char *DBQ; // The address part of Connect string
char *Qrystr; // The original query
char Sep; // The decimal separator
int Options; // Connect options
int Cto; // Connect timeout
int Qto; // Query timeout
int Quoted; // The identifier quoting level
int Fpos; // Position of last read record
int Curpos; // Cursor position of last fetch
int AftRows; // The number of affected rows
int Rows; // Rowset size
int CurNum; // Current buffer line number
int Rbuf; // Number of lines read in buffer
int BufSize; // Size of connect string buffer
int Nparm; // The number of statement parameters
int Memory; // 0: No 1: Alloc 2: Put 3: Get
int Ncol; // The column number (JDBC)
bool Scrollable; // Use scrollable cursor
bool Placed; // True for position reading
}; // end of class TDBEXT
/* Virual class EXTCOL: external column. */
class DllExport EXTCOL : public COLBLK {
friend class TDBEXT;
// Constructor
EXTCOL(PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tdbp, PCOL cprec, int i, PSZ am);
EXTCOL(PEXTCOL colp, PTDB tdbp); // Constructor used in copy process
// Implementation
inline int GetRank(void) { return Rank; }
inline void SetRank(int k) { Rank = k; }
//inline PVBLK GetBlkp(void) {return Blkp;}
inline void SetCrp(PCOLRES crp) { Crp = crp; }
// Methods
virtual bool SetBuffer(PGLOBAL g, PVAL value, bool ok, bool check);
virtual void ReadColumn(PGLOBAL) = 0;
virtual void WriteColumn(PGLOBAL) = 0;
// Constructor for count(*) column
// Members
PCOLRES Crp; // To storage result
void *Bufp; // To extended buffer
PVBLK Blkp; // To Value Block
PVAL To_Val; // To value used for Insert
int Rank; // Rank (position) number in the query
//int Flag; // ???
}; // end of class EXTCOL
#endif // __TABEXT_H
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ TDBFIX::TDBFIX(PGLOBAL g, PTDBFIX tdbp) : TDBDOS(g, tdbp)
} // end of TDBFIX copy constructor
// Method
PTDB tp;
PGLOBAL g = t->G;
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ PTDB TDBFIX::CopyOne(PTABS t)
} // endif Ftype
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Reset read/write position values. */
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class DllExport TDBFIX : public TDBDOS {
{return (PTDB)new(g) TDBFIX(g, this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual void ResetDB(void);
virtual bool IsUsingTemp(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int RowNumber(PGLOBAL g, bool b = false);
......@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ TDBCSV::TDBCSV(PGLOBAL g, PTDBCSV tdbp) : TDBDOS(g, tdbp)
} // end of TDBCSV copy constructor
// Method
PTDB tp;
PCSVCOL cp1, cp2;
......@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ PTDB TDBCSV::CopyOne(PTABS t)
} // endfor cp1
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Allocate CSV column description block. */
......@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ TDBFMT::TDBFMT(PGLOBAL g, PTDBFMT tdbp) : TDBCSV(g, tdbp)
} // end of TDBFMT copy constructor
// Method
PTDB tp;
PCSVCOL cp1, cp2;
......@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ PTDB TDBFMT::CopyOne(PTABS t)
} // endfor cp1
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Allocate FMT column description block. */
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class DllExport TDBCSV : public TDBDOS {
{return (PTDB)new(g) TDBCSV(g, this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
//virtual bool IsUsingTemp(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int GetBadLines(void) {return (int)Nerr;}
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class DllExport TDBFMT : public TDBCSV {
{return (PTDB)new(g) TDBFMT(g, this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
// Database routines
virtual PCOL MakeCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PCOL cprec, int n);
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ TDBJSN::TDBJSN(TDBJSN *tdbp) : TDBDOS(NULL, tdbp)
} // end of TDBJSN copy constructor
// Used for update
PTDB tp;
......@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ PTDB TDBJSN::CopyOne(PTABS t)
} // endfor cp1
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Allocate JSN column description block. */
......@@ -1578,7 +1578,7 @@ TDBJSON::TDBJSON(PJTDB tdbp) : TDBJSN(tdbp)
} // end of TDBJSON copy constructor
// Used for update
PTDB tp;
PJCOL cp1, cp2;
......@@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ PTDB TDBJSON::CopyOne(PTABS t)
} // endfor cp1
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Make the document tree from the object path. */
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class TDBJSN : public TDBDOS {
void SetG(PGLOBAL g) {G = g;}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual PCOL MakeCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PCOL cprec, int n);
virtual PCOL InsertSpecialColumn(PCOL colp);
virtual int RowNumber(PGLOBAL g, bool b = FALSE)
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class TDBJSON : public TDBJSN {
PJAR GetDoc(void) {return Doc;}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
// Database routines
virtual int Cardinality(PGLOBAL g);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "global.h"
#include "plgdbsem.h"
//#include "catalog.h"
#include "reldef.h"
//#include "reldef.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "colblk.h"
#include "tabmac.h"
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class TDBMAC : public TDBASE {
//virtual PTDB Duplicate(PGLOBAL g) {return (PTDB)new(g) TDBMAC(g, this);}
// Methods
//virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
//virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual int GetRecpos(void) {return N;}
virtual int RowNumber(PGLOBAL g, bool b = false) {return N;}
/************* TabMul C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) **************/
/* ------------- */
/* Version 1.7 */
/* Version 1.8 */
/* */
/* ---------- */
/* (C) Copyright to PlugDB Software Development 2003 - 2015 */
/* (C) Copyright to PlugDB Software Development 2003 - 2017 */
/* Author: Olivier BERTRAND */
/* */
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
/* TABMUL constructors. */
TDBMUL::TDBMUL(PTDB tdbp) : TDBASE(tdbp->GetDef())
Tdbp = tdbp;
Filenames = NULL;
......@@ -94,22 +94,22 @@ TDBMUL::TDBMUL(PTDBMUL tdbp) : TDBASE(tdbp)
} // end of TDBMUL copy constructor
// Method
PGLOBAL g = t->G; // Is this really useful ???
tp = new(g) TDBMUL(this);
tp->Tdbp = (PTDBASE)Tdbp->CopyOne(t);
tp->Tdbp = Tdbp->Clone(t);
tp->Columns = tp->Tdbp->GetColumns();
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
PTDBMUL tmup = new(g) TDBMUL(this);
tmup->Tdbp = (PTDBASE)Tdbp->Duplicate(g);
tmup->Tdbp = Tdbp->Duplicate(g);
return tmup;
} // end of Duplicate
......@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ TDBDIR::TDBDIR(PTDBDIR tdbp) : TDBASE(tdbp)
} // end of TDBDIR copy constructor
// Method
PTDB tp;
PGLOBAL g = t->G; // Is this really useful ???
......@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ PTDB TDBDIR::CopyOne(PTABS t)
tp = new(g) TDBDIR(this);
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Initialize/get the components of the search file pattern. */
......@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ TDBSDR::TDBSDR(PTDBSDR tdbp) : TDBDIR(tdbp)
} // end of TDBSDR copy constructor
// Method
PTDB tp;
PGLOBAL g = t->G; // Is this really useful ???
......@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ PTDB TDBSDR::CopyOne(PTABS t)
tp = new(g) TDBSDR(this);
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* SDR GetMaxSize: returns the number of retrieved files. */
......@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ TDBDHR::TDBDHR(PTDBDHR tdbp) : TDBASE(tdbp)
} // end of TDBDHR copy constructor
// Method
PTDB tp;
PGLOBAL g = t->G; // Is this really useful ???
......@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ PTDB TDBDHR::CopyOne(PTABS t)
tp = new(g) TDBDHR(this);
tp->Columns = Columns;
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Allocate DHR column description block. */
/*************** Tabmul H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/* Name: TABMUL.H Version 1.4 */
/* Name: TABMUL.H Version 1.5 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to PlugDB Software Development 2003-2012 */
/* (C) Copyright to PlugDB Software Development 2003-2017 */
/* Author: Olivier BERTRAND */
/* */
/* This file contains the TDBMUL and TDBDIR classes declares. */
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class DllExport TDBMUL : public TDBASE {
//friend class MULCOL;
// Constructor
// Implementation
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class DllExport TDBMUL : public TDBASE {
// Methods
virtual void ResetDB(void);
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual bool IsSame(PTDB tp) {return tp == (PTDB)Tdbp;}
virtual PSZ GetFile(PGLOBAL g) {return Tdbp->GetFile(g);}
virtual int GetRecpos(void) {return 0;}
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class DllExport TDBMUL : public TDBASE {
// Members
TDBASE *Tdbp; // Points to a (file) table class
PTDB Tdbp; // Points to a (file) table class
char* *Filenames; // Points to file names
int Rows; // Total rows of already read files
int Mul; // Type of multiple file list
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class TDBDIR : public TDBASE {
{return (PTDB)new(g) TDBDIR(this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual int GetRecpos(void) {return iFile;}
// Database routines
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class TDBSDR : public TDBDIR {
{return (PTDB)new(g) TDBSDR(this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
// Database routines
virtual int GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g);
This diff is collapsed.
// TDBMYSQL.H Olivier Bertrand 2007-2014
// TDBMYSQL.H Olivier Bertrand 2007-2017
#include "myconn.h" // MySQL connection declares
typedef class MYSQLDEF *PMYDEF;
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ typedef class MYSQLC *PMYC;
/* MYSQL table. */
class MYSQLDEF : public TABDEF {/* Logical table description */
class MYSQLDEF : public EXTDEF {/* Logical table description */
friend class TDBMYSQL;
friend class TDBMYEXC;
friend class TDBMCL;
......@@ -27,19 +27,18 @@ class MYSQLDEF : public TABDEF {/* Logical table description */
// Constructor
// Implementation
virtual const char *GetType(void) {return "MYSQL";}
inline PSZ GetHostname(void) {return Hostname;};
inline PSZ GetDatabase(void) {return Database;};
inline PSZ GetTabname(void) {return Tabname;}
inline PSZ GetSrcdef(void) {return Srcdef;}
inline PSZ GetUsername(void) {return Username;};
inline PSZ GetPassword(void) {return Password;};
//inline PSZ GetDatabase(void) {return Tabschema;};
//inline PSZ GetTabname(void) {return Tabname;}
//inline PSZ GetSrcdef(void) {return Srcdef;}
//inline PSZ GetUsername(void) {return Username;};
//inline PSZ GetPassword(void) {return Password;};
inline int GetPortnumber(void) {return Portnumber;}
// Methods
virtual int Indexable(void) {return 2;}
//virtual int Indexable(void) {return 2;}
virtual bool DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff);
virtual PTDB GetTable(PGLOBAL g, MODE m);
bool ParseURL(PGLOBAL g, char *url, bool b = true);
......@@ -48,27 +47,27 @@ class MYSQLDEF : public TABDEF {/* Logical table description */
// Members
PSZ Hostname; /* Host machine to use */
PSZ Database; /* Database to be used by server */
PSZ Tabname; /* External table name */
PSZ Srcdef; /* The source table SQL definition */
PSZ Username; /* User logon name */
PSZ Password; /* Password logon info */
//PSZ Tabschema; /* Database to be used by server */
//PSZ Tabname; /* External table name */
//PSZ Srcdef; /* The source table SQL definition */
//PSZ Username; /* User logon name */
//PSZ Password; /* Password logon info */
PSZ Server; /* PServerID */
PSZ Qrystr; /* The original query */
//PSZ Qrystr; /* The original query */
int Portnumber; /* MySQL port number (0 = default) */
int Mxr; /* Maxerr for an Exec table */
int Quoted; /* Identifier quoting level */
//int Maxerr; /* Maxerr for an Exec table */
//int Quoted; /* Identifier quoting level */
bool Isview; /* true if this table is a MySQL view */
bool Bind; /* Use prepared statement on insert */
bool Delayed; /* Delayed insert */
bool Xsrc; /* Execution type */
//bool Xsrc; /* Execution type */
bool Huge; /* True for big table */
}; // end of MYSQLDEF
/* This is the class declaration for the MYSQL table. */
class TDBMYSQL : public TDBASE {
class TDBMYSQL : public TDBEXT {
friend class MYSQLCOL;
// Constructor
......@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ class TDBMYSQL : public TDBASE {
virtual PTDB Duplicate(PGLOBAL g) {return (PTDB)new(g) TDBMYSQL(this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
//virtual int GetAffectedRows(void) {return AftRows;}
virtual int GetRecpos(void) {return N;}
virtual int GetProgMax(PGLOBAL g);
......@@ -88,12 +87,12 @@ class TDBMYSQL : public TDBASE {
virtual int RowNumber(PGLOBAL g, bool b = false);
virtual bool IsView(void) {return Isview;}
virtual PSZ GetServer(void) {return Server;}
void SetDatabase(LPCSTR db) {Database = (char*)db;}
void SetDatabase(LPCSTR db) {Schema = (char*)db;}
// Database routines
// Schema routines
virtual PCOL MakeCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PCOL cprec, int n);
virtual int Cardinality(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g);
//virtual int GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g);
virtual bool OpenDB(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int ReadDB(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int WriteDB(PGLOBAL g);
......@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ class TDBMYSQL : public TDBASE {
bool MakeSelect(PGLOBAL g, bool mx);
bool MakeInsert(PGLOBAL g);
int BindColumns(PGLOBAL g);
int MakeCommand(PGLOBAL g);
virtual bool MakeCommand(PGLOBAL g);
//int MakeUpdate(PGLOBAL g);
//int MakeDelete(PGLOBAL g);
int SendCommand(PGLOBAL g);
......@@ -119,25 +118,25 @@ class TDBMYSQL : public TDBASE {
// Members
MYSQLC Myc; // MySQL connection class
MYSQL_BIND *Bind; // To the MySQL bind structure array
PSTRG Query; // Constructed SQL query
//PSTRG Query; // Constructed SQL query
char *Host; // Host machine to use
char *User; // User logon info
char *Pwd; // Password logon info
char *Database; // Database to be used by server
char *Tabname; // External table name
char *Srcdef; // The source table SQL definition
//char *User; // User logon info
//char *Pwd; // Password logon info
//char *Schema; // Database to be used by server
//char *TableName; // External table name
//char *Srcdef; // The source table SQL definition
char *Server; // The server ID
char *Qrystr; // The original query
//char *Qrystr; // The original query
bool Fetched; // True when fetch was done
bool Isview; // True if this table is a MySQL view
bool Prep; // Use prepared statement on insert
bool Delayed; // Use delayed insert
int m_Rc; // Return code from command
int AftRows; // The number of affected rows
//int AftRows; // The number of affected rows
int N; // The current table index
int Port; // MySQL port number (0 = default)
int Nparm; // The number of statement parameters
int Quoted; // The identifier quoting level
//int Nparm; // The number of statement parameters
//int Quoted; // The identifier quoting level
}; // end of class TDBMYSQL
......@@ -162,9 +161,6 @@ class MYSQLCOL : public COLBLK {
bool FindRank(PGLOBAL g);
// Default constructor not to be used
MYSQLCOL(void) {}
// Members
MYSQL_BIND *Bind; // This column bind structure pointer
PVAL To_Val; // To value used for Update/Insert
......@@ -187,7 +183,7 @@ class TDBMYEXC : public TDBMYSQL {
virtual PTDB Duplicate(PGLOBAL g) {return (PTDB)new(g) TDBMYEXC(this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual bool IsView(void) {return Isview;}
// Database routines
......@@ -228,9 +224,6 @@ class MYXCOL : public MYSQLCOL {
virtual void WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g);
// Default constructor not to be used
MYXCOL(void) {}
// Members
char *Buffer; // To get returned message
int Flag; // Column content desc
/************ TabOccur CPP Declares Source Code File (.CPP) ************/
/* Name: TABOCCUR.CPP Version 1.1 */
/* Name: TABOCCUR.CPP Version 1.2 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2013 - 2015 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2013 - 2017 */
/* */
/* OCCUR: Table that provides a view of a source table where the */
/* contain of several columns of the source table is placed in only */
......@@ -39,12 +39,13 @@
#include "global.h"
#include "plgdbsem.h"
#include "reldef.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "tabext.h"
//#include "reldef.h"
#include "filamtxt.h"
#include "tabdos.h"
#include "tabcol.h"
#include "taboccur.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "tabmysql.h"
#include "ha_connect.h"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/************ TabPivot C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) *************/
/* ------------- */
/* Version 1.6 */
/* Version 1.7 */
/* */
/* ---------- */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2005-2015 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2005-2017 */
/* */
/* ----------------------- */
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "global.h"
#include "plgdbsem.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "tabext.h"
#include "tabcol.h"
#include "colblk.h"
#include "tabmysql.h"
......@@ -883,7 +884,7 @@ SRCCOL::SRCCOL(PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tdbp, PCOL cprec, int n)
/* Initialize the column as pointing to the source column. */
bool SRCCOL::Init(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tp)
if (PRXCOL::Init(g, tp))
return true;
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class SRCCOL : public PRXCOL {
using PRXCOL::Init;
virtual void Reset(void) {}
void SetColumn(void);
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g, PTDBASE tp);
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tp);
bool CompareLast(void);
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ TDBINI::TDBINI(PTDBINI tdbp) : TDBASE(tdbp)
} // end of TDBINI copy constructor
// Is this really useful ???
PTDB tp;
PINICOL cp1, cp2;
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ PTDB TDBINI::CopyOne(PTABS t)
} // endfor cp1
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Get the section list from the INI file. */
......@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ TDBXIN::TDBXIN(PTDBXIN tdbp) : TDBINI(tdbp)
} // end of TDBXIN copy constructor
// Is this really useful ???
PTDB tp;
PXINCOL cp1, cp2;
......@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ PTDB TDBXIN::CopyOne(PTABS t)
} // endfor cp1
return tp;
} // end of CopyOne
} // end of Clone
/* Get the key list from the INI file. */
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class TDBINI : public TDBASE {
virtual PTDB Duplicate(PGLOBAL g) {return (PTDB)new(g) TDBINI(this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual int GetRecpos(void) {return N;}
virtual int GetProgCur(void) {return N;}
//virtual int GetAffectedRows(void) {return 0;}
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class TDBXIN : public TDBINI {
virtual PTDB Duplicate(PGLOBAL g) {return (PTDB)new(g) TDBXIN(this);}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual int GetRecpos(void);
virtual bool SetRecpos(PGLOBAL g, int recpos);
virtual void ResetDB(void)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class DllExport TDBVCT : public TDBFIX {
bool IsSplit(void) {return ((VCTDEF*)To_Def)->Split;}
// Methods
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual bool IsUsingTemp(PGLOBAL g);
// Database routines
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "plgdbsem.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "reldef.h"
//#include "reldef.h"
#include "colblk.h"
#include "mycat.h" // for FNC_COL
#include "tabvir.h"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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