Commit 5d8e9727 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

updated makefile so that default is to only make html docs

to make pdf do "make all-pdf"
parent 27eb1963
DOXYDIR = doxygen
noinst_HEADERS = $(DOXYDIR)/ $(DOXYDIR)/ $(DOXYDIR)/Doxyfile.ndbapi $(DOXYDIR)/Doxyfile.mgmapi $(DOXYDIR)/header.ndbapi.tex $(DOXYDIR)/header.mgmapi.tex
all: do-check ndbapidoc mgmapidoc
all: do-check-html ndbapidoc-html mgmapidoc-html
all-pdf: do-check-pdf ndbapidoc-pdf mgmapidoc-pdf
DOXYTMP = .doxytmp
DOXYOUT = .doxyout
......@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ clean:
rm -rf ndbapi.pdf ndbapi.html mgmapi.pdf mgmapi.html
rm -rf $(DOXYTMP) $(DOXYOUT)
@set -x; \
if test @PERL@ = no ; then \
echo "Perl needed to make docs"; \
......@@ -22,6 +23,8 @@ do-check:
echo "Doxygen needed to make docs"; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
do-check-pdf: do-check-html
if test @PDFLATEX@ = no ; then \
echo "Pdflatex needed to make docs"; \
exit 1; \
......@@ -30,13 +33,15 @@ do-check:
echo "Makeindex needed to make docs"; \
exit 1; \
# NDB API Programmer's Guide
ndbapidoc: ndbapi.pdf
ndbapidoc-html: ndbapi.html
ndbapidoc-pdf: ndbapi.pdf
ndbapi.pdf: $(noinst_HEADERS)
ndbapi.html: $(noinst_HEADERS)
@set -x; \
@RM@ -f ndbapi.pdf ndbapi.html; \
......@@ -50,6 +55,8 @@ ndbapi.pdf: $(noinst_HEADERS)
@PERL@ $(DOXYDIR)/ $(DOXYOUT)/ndbapi.latex "NDB API Programmer Guide"; \
(cd $(DOXYOUT) && \
find ndbapi.html -print | cpio -pdm ..); \
ndbapi.pdf: ndbapi.html
(cd $(DOXYOUT)/ndbapi.latex && \
@PDFLATEX@ refman.tex && @MAKEINDEX@ refman && @PDFLATEX@ refman.tex && \
cp -p refman.pdf ../../ndbapi.pdf);
......@@ -58,9 +65,10 @@ ndbapi.pdf: $(noinst_HEADERS)
# MGM API Guide
mgmapidoc: mgmapi.pdf
mgmapidoc-html: mgmapi.html
mgmapidoc-pdf: mgmapi.pdf
mgmapi.pdf: $(noinst_HEADERS)
mgmapi.html: $(noinst_HEADERS)
@set -x; \
@RM@ -f mgmapi.pdf mgmapi.html; \
......@@ -73,6 +81,8 @@ mgmapi.pdf: $(noinst_HEADERS)
@PERL@ $(DOXYDIR)/ $(DOXYOUT)/mgmapi.latex "NDB Cluster MGM API Guide"; \
(cd $(DOXYOUT) && \
find mgmapi.html -print | cpio -pdm ..); \
mgmapi.pdf: mgmapi.html
(cd $(DOXYOUT)/mgmapi.latex && \
@PDFLATEX@ refman.tex && @MAKEINDEX@ refman && @PDFLATEX@ refman.tex && \
cp -p refman.pdf ../../mgmapi.pdf);
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