Commit 61629c32 authored by vasil's avatar vasil

Introduce a lock queue iterator for easy (and opaque) traversing of lock

queues. Supports table and record lock queues via the same interface.

There is only "get previous" method because currently there is no need
for "get next" - it would be unused. Feel free to add one if needed.

Approved by:	Heikki
parent 3323f25e
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ noinst_HEADERS = include/btr0btr.h include/btr0btr.ic \
include/ha0ha.ic include/hash0hash.h \
include/hash0hash.ic include/ibuf0ibuf.h \
include/ibuf0ibuf.ic include/ibuf0types.h \
include/lock0iter.h \
include/lock0lock.h include/lock0lock.ic \
include/lock0priv.h include/lock0priv.ic \
include/lock0types.h include/log0log.h \
......@@ -130,7 +131,8 @@ libinnobase_a_SOURCES = btr/btr0btr.c btr/btr0cur.c btr/btr0pcur.c \
eval/eval0eval.c eval/eval0proc.c \
fil/fil0fil.c fsp/fsp0fsp.c fut/fut0fut.c \
fut/fut0lst.c ha/ha0ha.c ha/hash0hash.c \
ibuf/ibuf0ibuf.c lock/lock0lock.c \
ibuf/ibuf0ibuf.c lock/lock0iter.c \
lock/lock0lock.c \
log/log0log.c log/log0recv.c mach/mach0data.c \
mem/mem0mem.c mem/mem0pool.c mtr/mtr0log.c \
mtr/mtr0mtr.c os/os0file.c os/os0proc.c \
Lock queue iterator type and function prototypes.
(c) 2007 Innobase Oy
Created July 16, 2007 Vasil Dimov
#ifndef lock0iter_h
#define lock0iter_h
#include "univ.i"
#include "lock0types.h"
typedef struct lock_queue_iterator_struct {
lock_t* current_lock;
/* In case this is a record lock queue (not table lock queue)
then bit_no is the record number within the heap in which the
record is stored. */
ulint bit_no;
} lock_queue_iterator_t;
Initialize lock queue iterator so that it starts to iterate from
"lock". bit_no specifies the record number within the heap where the
record is stored. It can be undefined (ULINT_UNDEFINED) in two cases:
1. If the lock is a table lock, thus we have a table lock queue;
2. If the lock is a record lock and it is a wait lock. In this case
bit_no is calculated in this function by using
lock_rec_find_set_bit(). There is exactly one bit set in the bitmap
of a wait lock. */
lock_queue_iterator_t* iter, /* out: iterator */
lock_t* lock, /* in: lock to start from */
ulint bit_no);/* in: record number in the
heap */
Gets the previous lock in the lock queue, returns NULL if there are no
more locks (i.e. the current lock is the first one). The iterator is
receded (if not-NULL is returned). */
/* out: previous lock or NULL */
lock_queue_iterator_t* iter); /* in/out: iterator */
#endif /* lock0iter_h */
Lock queue iterator. Can iterate over table and record
lock queues.
(c) 2007 Innobase Oy
Created July 16, 2007 Vasil Dimov
#include "univ.i"
#include "lock0iter.h"
#include "lock0lock.h"
#include "lock0priv.h"
#include "ut0dbg.h"
#include "ut0lst.h"
Initialize lock queue iterator so that it starts to iterate from
"lock". bit_no specifies the record number within the heap where the
record is stored. It can be undefined (ULINT_UNDEFINED) in two cases:
1. If the lock is a table lock, thus we have a table lock queue;
2. If the lock is a record lock and it is a wait lock. In this case
bit_no is calculated in this function by using
lock_rec_find_set_bit(). There is exactly one bit set in the bitmap
of a wait lock. */
lock_queue_iterator_t* iter, /* out: iterator */
lock_t* lock, /* in: lock to start from */
ulint bit_no) /* in: record number in the
heap */
iter->current_lock = lock;
if (bit_no != ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
iter->bit_no = bit_no;
} else {
switch (lock_get_type(lock)) {
iter->bit_no = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
case LOCK_REC:
iter->bit_no = lock_rec_find_set_bit(lock);
ut_a(iter->bit_no != ULINT_UNDEFINED);
Gets the previous lock in the lock queue, returns NULL if there are no
more locks (i.e. the current lock is the first one). The iterator is
receded (if not-NULL is returned). */
/* out: previous lock or NULL */
lock_queue_iterator_t* iter) /* in/out: iterator */
ulint bit_no;
lock_t* prev_lock;
switch (lock_get_type(iter->current_lock)) {
case LOCK_REC:
prev_lock = lock_rec_get_prev(
iter->current_lock, iter->bit_no);
prev_lock = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(
un_member.tab_lock.locks, iter->current_lock);
if (prev_lock != NULL) {
iter->current_lock = prev_lock;
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