Commit 64f12c1c authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Improve sort algorithm for reorder, all test with smae name except for ending...

Improve sort algorithm for reorder, all test with smae name except for ending digit should be run after each other. 
Example of that is ndb_autodiscover[1-3]

parent 9a6efe6a
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($) {
next if $::opt_do_test and ! defined mtr_match_prefix($elem,$::opt_do_test);
......@@ -159,37 +159,71 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($) {
my %sort_criteria;
my $tinfo;
# Make a mapping of test name to a string that represents how that test
# should be sorted among the other tests. Put the most important criterion
# first, then a sub-criterion, then sub-sub-criterion, et c.
foreach $tinfo (@$cases)
foreach my $tinfo (@$cases)
my @this_criteria = ();
# Append the criteria for sorting, in order of importance.
my @criteria = ();
push(@this_criteria, "ndb=" . ($tinfo->{'ndb_test'} ? "1" : "0"));
push(@this_criteria, "restart=" . ($tinfo->{'master_restart'} ? "1" : "0"));
# Group test with similar options together.
# Ending with "~" makes empty sort later than filled
push(@this_criteria, join("!", sort @{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}}) . "~");
# Look for tests that muct be in run in a defined order
# that is defined by test having the same name except for
# the ending digit
# Finally, order by the name
push(@this_criteria, $tinfo->{'name'});
# Put variables into hash
my $test_name= $tinfo->{'name'};
my $depend_on_test_name;
if ( $test_name =~ /^([\D]+)([0-9]{1})$/ )
my $base_name= $1;
my $idx= $2;
mtr_verbose("$test_name => $base_name idx=$idx");
if ( $idx > 1 )
$idx-= 1;
$base_name= "$base_name$idx";
mtr_verbose("New basename $base_name");
foreach my $tinfo2 (@$cases)
if ( $tinfo2->{'name'} eq $base_name )
mtr_verbose("found dependent test $tinfo2->{'name'}");
$sort_criteria{$tinfo->{"name"}} = join(" ", @this_criteria);
if ( defined $depend_on_test_name )
mtr_verbose("Giving $test_name same critera as $depend_on_test_name");
$sort_criteria{$test_name} = $sort_criteria{$depend_on_test_name};
# Append the criteria for sorting, in order of importance.
push(@criteria, "ndb=" . ($tinfo->{'ndb_test'} ? "1" : "0"));
push(@criteria, "restart=" . ($tinfo->{'master_restart'} ? "1" : "0"));
# Group test with equal options together.
# Ending with "~" makes empty sort later than filled
push(@criteria, join("!", sort @{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}}) . "~");
$sort_criteria{$test_name} = join(" ", @criteria);
@$cases = sort { $sort_criteria{$a->{"name"}} cmp $sort_criteria{$b->{"name"}}; } @$cases;
@$cases = sort {
$sort_criteria{$a->{'name'}} . $a->{'name'} cmp
$sort_criteria{$b->{'name'}} . $b->{'name'}; } @$cases;
if ( $::opt_script_debug )
# For debugging the sort-order
foreach $tinfo (@$cases)
foreach my $tinfo (@$cases)
print("$sort_criteria{$tinfo->{'name'}} -> \t$tinfo->{'name'}\n");
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