Commit 6728aae3 authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

Merge branch '5.5' into 10.0

parents e4e801d4 b948b5f7
create table t1 (a datetime,
# get_datetime_value
b int as (a > 1), # Arg_comparator
c int as (a in (1,2,3)), # in_datetime
d int as ((a,a) in ((1,1),(2,1),(NULL,1))), # cmp_item_datetime
# other issues
e int as ((a,1) in ((1,1),(2,1),(NULL,1))) # cmp_item_row::alloc_comparators()
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '3'
show create table t1;
Table Create Table
t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (
`a` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`b` int(11) AS (a > 1) VIRTUAL,
`c` int(11) AS (a in (1,2,3)) VIRTUAL,
`d` int(11) AS ((a,a) in ((1,1),(2,1),(NULL,1))) VIRTUAL,
`e` int(11) AS ((a,1) in ((1,1),(2,1),(NULL,1))) VIRTUAL
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '3'
insert t1 (a) values ('2010-10-10 10:10:10');
select * from t1;
a b c d e
2010-10-10 10:10:10 1 0 0 NULL
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2'
select * from t1;
a b c d e
2010-10-10 10:10:10 1 0 0 NULL
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2'
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a datetime,
b datetime as (least(a,1)) # Item_func_min_max::get_date
insert t1 (a) values ('2010-10-10 10:10:10');
select * from t1;
a b
2010-10-10 10:10:10 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
select * from t1;
a b
2010-10-10 10:10:10 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1'
drop table t1;
# This tests various issues when vcol items allocate memory (e.g. more items)
# not in the TABLE::expr_arena.
# MDEV-9690 concurrent queries with virtual columns crash in temporal code
create table t1 (a datetime,
# get_datetime_value
b int as (a > 1), # Arg_comparator
c int as (a in (1,2,3)), # in_datetime
d int as ((a,a) in ((1,1),(2,1),(NULL,1))), # cmp_item_datetime
# other issues
e int as ((a,1) in ((1,1),(2,1),(NULL,1))) # cmp_item_row::alloc_comparators()
show create table t1;
connect con1, localhost, root;
insert t1 (a) values ('2010-10-10 10:10:10');
select * from t1;
disconnect con1;
connection default;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
connect con1, localhost, root;
create table t1 (a datetime,
b datetime as (least(a,1)) # Item_func_min_max::get_date
insert t1 (a) values ('2010-10-10 10:10:10');
select * from t1;
disconnect con1;
connection default;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
......@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ int Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func(Item_result_field *owner_arg,
Item **a1, Item **a2,
Item_result type)
thd= current_thd;
THD *thd= current_thd;
owner= owner_arg;
set_null= set_null && owner_arg;
a= a1;
......@@ -868,7 +868,6 @@ Item** Arg_comparator::cache_converted_constant(THD *thd_arg, Item **value,
void Arg_comparator::set_datetime_cmp_func(Item_result_field *owner_arg,
Item **a1, Item **b1)
thd= current_thd;
owner= owner_arg;
a= a1;
b= b1;
......@@ -943,12 +942,10 @@ get_datetime_value(THD *thd, Item ***item_arg, Item **cache_arg,
if (cache_arg && item->const_item() &&
!(item->type() == Item::CACHE_ITEM && item->cmp_type() == TIME_RESULT))
Query_arena backup;
Query_arena *save_arena= thd->switch_to_arena_for_cached_items(&backup);
Item_cache_temporal *cache= new Item_cache_temporal(f_type);
if (save_arena)
if (!thd)
thd= current_thd;
Item_cache_temporal *cache= new Item_cache_temporal(f_type);
cache->store_packed(value, item);
*cache_arg= cache;
*item_arg= cache_arg;
......@@ -983,12 +980,12 @@ int Arg_comparator::compare_datetime()
owner->null_value= 1;
/* Get DATE/DATETIME/TIME value of the 'a' item. */
a_value= get_datetime_value(thd, &a, &a_cache, *b, &a_is_null);
a_value= get_datetime_value(0, &a, &a_cache, *b, &a_is_null);
if (a_is_null)
return -1;
/* Get DATE/DATETIME/TIME value of the 'b' item. */
b_value= get_datetime_value(thd, &b, &b_cache, *a, &b_is_null);
b_value= get_datetime_value(0, &b, &b_cache, *a, &b_is_null);
if (b_is_null)
return -1;
......@@ -1006,10 +1003,10 @@ int Arg_comparator::compare_e_datetime()
longlong a_value, b_value;
/* Get DATE/DATETIME/TIME value of the 'a' item. */
a_value= get_datetime_value(thd, &a, &a_cache, *b, &a_is_null);
a_value= get_datetime_value(0, &a, &a_cache, *b, &a_is_null);
/* Get DATE/DATETIME/TIME value of the 'b' item. */
b_value= get_datetime_value(thd, &b, &b_cache, *a, &b_is_null);
b_value= get_datetime_value(0, &b, &b_cache, *a, &b_is_null);
return a_is_null || b_is_null ? a_is_null == b_is_null
: a_value == b_value;
......@@ -3663,7 +3660,7 @@ void in_datetime::set(uint pos,Item *item)
bool is_null;
struct packed_longlong *buff= &((packed_longlong*) base)[pos];
buff->val= get_datetime_value(thd, &tmp_item, 0, warn_item, &is_null);
buff->val= get_datetime_value(0, &tmp_item, 0, warn_item, &is_null);
buff->unsigned_flag= 1L;
......@@ -3671,7 +3668,7 @@ uchar *in_datetime::get_value(Item *item)
bool is_null;
Item **tmp_item= lval_cache ? &lval_cache : &item;
tmp.val= get_datetime_value(thd, &tmp_item, &lval_cache, warn_item, &is_null);
tmp.val= get_datetime_value(0, &tmp_item, &lval_cache, warn_item, &is_null);
if (item->null_value)
return 0;
tmp.unsigned_flag= 1L;
......@@ -3915,7 +3912,7 @@ void cmp_item_datetime::store_value(Item *item)
bool is_null;
Item **tmp_item= lval_cache ? &lval_cache : &item;
value= get_datetime_value(thd, &tmp_item, &lval_cache, warn_item, &is_null);
value= get_datetime_value(0, &tmp_item, &lval_cache, warn_item, &is_null);
......@@ -3924,7 +3921,7 @@ int cmp_item_datetime::cmp(Item *arg)
bool is_null;
Item **tmp_item= &arg;
return value !=
get_datetime_value(thd, &tmp_item, 0, warn_item, &is_null);
get_datetime_value(0, &tmp_item, 0, warn_item, &is_null);
......@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ class Arg_comparator: public Sql_alloc
Arg_comparator *comparators; // used only for compare_row()
double precision;
/* Fields used in DATE/DATETIME comparison. */
THD *thd;
Item *a_cache, *b_cache; // Cached values of a and b items
// when one of arguments is NULL.
int set_compare_func(Item_result_field *owner, Item_result type);
......@@ -61,10 +60,10 @@ class Arg_comparator: public Sql_alloc
/* Allow owner function to use string buffers. */
String value1, value2;
Arg_comparator(): set_null(TRUE), comparators(0), thd(0),
Arg_comparator(): set_null(TRUE), comparators(0),
a_cache(0), b_cache(0) {};
Arg_comparator(Item **a1, Item **a2): a(a1), b(a2), set_null(TRUE),
comparators(0), thd(0), a_cache(0), b_cache(0) {};
comparators(0), a_cache(0), b_cache(0) {};
int set_cmp_func(Item_result_field *owner_arg,
Item **a1, Item **a2,
......@@ -963,15 +962,13 @@ class in_longlong :public in_vector
class in_datetime :public in_longlong
THD *thd;
/* An item used to issue warnings. */
Item *warn_item;
/* Cache for the left item. */
Item *lval_cache;
in_datetime(Item *warn_item_arg, uint elements)
:in_longlong(elements), thd(current_thd), warn_item(warn_item_arg),
lval_cache(0) {};
:in_longlong(elements), warn_item(warn_item_arg), lval_cache(0) {};
void set(uint pos,Item *item);
uchar *get_value(Item *item);
Item* create_item()
......@@ -1131,14 +1128,13 @@ class cmp_item_datetime :public cmp_item
longlong value;
THD *thd;
/* Item used for issuing warnings. */
Item *warn_item;
/* Cache for the left item. */
Item *lval_cache;
cmp_item_datetime(Item *warn_item_arg)
:thd(current_thd), warn_item(warn_item_arg), lval_cache(0) {}
: warn_item(warn_item_arg), lval_cache(0) {}
void store_value(Item *item);
int cmp(Item *arg);
int compare(cmp_item *ci);
......@@ -2853,7 +2853,6 @@ void Item_func_min_max::fix_length_and_dec()
thd= current_thd;
for (uint i=0 ; i < arg_count ; i++)
......@@ -2926,13 +2925,11 @@ bool Item_func_min_max::get_date(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, ulonglong fuzzy_date)
Item **arg= args + i;
bool is_null;
longlong res= get_datetime_value(thd, &arg, 0, compare_as_dates, &is_null);
longlong res= get_datetime_value(0, &arg, 0, compare_as_dates, &is_null);
/* Check if we need to stop (because of error or KILL) and stop the loop */
if (thd->is_error() || args[i]->null_value)
if (args[i]->null_value)
return (null_value= 1);
if (i == 0 || (res < min_max ? cmp_sign : -cmp_sign) > 0)
min_max= res;
......@@ -1077,7 +1077,6 @@ class Item_func_min_max :public Item_func
int cmp_sign;
/* An item used for issuing warnings while string to DATETIME conversion. */
Item *compare_as_dates;
THD *thd;
enum_field_types cached_field_type;
......@@ -1054,7 +1054,6 @@ THD::THD()
m_internal_handler= NULL;
m_binlog_invoker= INVOKER_NONE;
arena_for_cached_items= 0;
memset(&invoker_user, 0, sizeof(invoker_user));
memset(&invoker_host, 0, sizeof(invoker_host));
prepare_derived_at_open= FALSE;
......@@ -3676,26 +3676,7 @@ class THD :public Statement,
This reference points to the table arena when the expression
for a virtual column is being evaluated
Query_arena *arena_for_cached_items;
void reset_arena_for_cached_items(Query_arena *new_arena)
arena_for_cached_items= new_arena;
Query_arena *switch_to_arena_for_cached_items(Query_arena *backup)
if (!arena_for_cached_items)
return 0;
set_n_backup_active_arena(arena_for_cached_items, backup);
return backup;
void clear_wakeup_ready() { wakeup_ready= false; }
Sleep waiting for others to wake us up with signal_wakeup_ready().
......@@ -6704,7 +6704,9 @@ int update_virtual_fields(THD *thd, TABLE *table,
int error __attribute__ ((unused))= 0;
DBUG_ASSERT(table && table->vfield);
Query_arena backup_arena;
thd->set_n_backup_active_arena(table->expr_arena, &backup_arena);
/* Iterate over virtual fields in the table */
for (vfield_ptr= table->vfield; *vfield_ptr; vfield_ptr++)
......@@ -6722,7 +6724,7 @@ int update_virtual_fields(THD *thd, TABLE *table,
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("field '%s' - skipped", vfield->field_name));
thd->restore_active_arena(table->expr_arena, &backup_arena);
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