Commit 6bc2df5f authored by Michael Okoko's avatar Michael Okoko Committed by Sergei Petrunia

Add parser to read JSON array (of histograms) into string vector

Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Okoko <>
parent 524322ad
......@@ -282,6 +282,14 @@ int json_key_matches(json_engine_t *je, json_string_t *k);
int json_read_value(json_engine_t *j);
* smart_read_value() reads parses a scalar value and value length from the json engine,
* and copies them into `value` and `value_length` respectively.
* It should only be called when the json_engine state is JST_VALUE.
* If it encounters a non-scalar value (say object or array) before getting to value_len,
* such value is also read and copied into value.
enum json_types smart_read_value(json_engine_t *je, const char **value, int *value_len);
json_skip_key() makes parser skip the content of the current
......@@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> bucket_bounds = {};
return 0;
void build() {
void build_json_from_histogram() {
Json_writer *writer = new Json_writer();
for(auto& value: bucket_bounds) {
......@@ -1645,6 +1645,87 @@ std::vector<std::string> bucket_bounds = {};
Binary_string *json_string = (Binary_string *) writer->output.get_string();
histogram->set_values((uchar *) json_string->c_ptr());
std::vector<std::string> buckets = parse_histogram_from_json(json_string->c_ptr());
printf("%zu", buckets.size());
static std::vector<std::string> parse_histogram_from_json(const char *json)
std::vector<std::string> hist_buckets= {};
enum json_types vt = json_get_array_items(json, json + strlen(json), hist_buckets);
printf("%d", vt);
printf("%zu", hist_buckets.size());
return hist_buckets;
static void test_parse_histogram_from_json()
std::vector<std::string> bucket = {};
std::string json;
std::string tests[7] = {
R"(["aabbb", "ccccdd", "eeefff"])",
R"(["aabbb", "ccc{}dd", "eeefff"])",
R"(["aabbb", {"a": "b"}, "eeefff"])",
R"([1,2,3, null])",
for(const auto& test : tests) {
json = test;
bucket = parse_histogram_from_json(json.c_str());
printf("%zu", bucket.size());
* json_get_array_items expects a JSON array as argument,
* and pushes the elements of the array into the `container` vector.
* It only works if all the elements in the original JSON array
* are scalar values (i.e., strings, numbers, true or false), and returns JSV_BAD_JSON if:
* the original JSON is not an array OR the JSON array contains non-scalar elements.
static json_types json_get_array_items(const char *json, const char *json_end, std::vector<std::string> &container) {
json_engine_t je;
enum json_types value_type;
int vl;
const char *v;
json_scan_start(&je, &my_charset_utf8mb4_bin, (const uchar *)json, (const uchar *)json_end);
if (json_read_value(&je) || je.value_type != JSON_VALUE_ARRAY)
return JSV_BAD_JSON;
value_type = static_cast<json_types>(je.value_type);
std::string val;
if (je.value_type != JSON_VALUE_STRING &&
je.value_type != JSON_VALUE_NUMBER &&
je.value_type != JSON_VALUE_TRUE &&
je.value_type != JSON_VALUE_FALSE)
return JSV_BAD_JSON;
value_type = smart_read_value(&je, &v, &vl);
val = std::string(v, vl);
return value_type;
......@@ -1772,7 +1853,7 @@ class Count_distinct_field: public Sql_alloc
Histogram_builder_json hist_builder(table_field, tree_key_length, rows);
tree->walk(table_field->table, json_histogram_build_walk,
(void *) &hist_builder);;
distincts= hist_builder.get_count_distinct();
distincts_single_occurence= hist_builder.get_count_single_occurence();
} else
......@@ -1868,7 +1868,7 @@ int json_path_compare(const json_path_t *a, const json_path_t *b,
static enum json_types smart_read_value(json_engine_t *je,
enum json_types smart_read_value(json_engine_t *je,
const char **value, int *value_len)
if (json_read_value(je))
......@@ -1952,7 +1952,6 @@ enum json_types json_get_array_item(const char *js, const char *js_end,
return JSV_BAD_JSON;
/** Simple json lookup for a value by the key.
Expects JSON object.
......@@ -2029,6 +2028,7 @@ enum json_types json_get_object_nkey(const char *js __attribute__((unused)),
/** Check if json is valid (well-formed)
@retval 0 - success, json is well-formed
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