Commit 70a7e97e authored by Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar Vladislav Vaintroub

Fixed high-impact Windows 64bit warnings (at least 4000 of them)

parent 28cb3b85
......@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ class Statement: public ilink, public Query_arena
Server_side_cursor *cursor;
inline char *query() { return query_string.str; }
inline uint32 query_length() { return query_string.length; }
inline uint32 query_length() { return (uint32)query_string.length; }
void set_query_inner(char *query_arg, uint32 query_length_arg);
......@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ uint JOIN_CACHE::write_record_data(uchar * link, bool *is_full)
/* Make an adjustment for the size of the auxiliary buffer if there is any */
uint incr= aux_buffer_incr(records);
ulong rem= rem_space();
size_t rem= rem_space();
aux_buff_size+= len+incr < rem ? incr : rem;
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ class JOIN_CACHE :public Sql_alloc
virtual uint aux_buffer_incr(ulong recno);
/* Shall calculate how much space is remaining in the join buffer */
virtual ulong rem_space()
virtual size_t rem_space()
return max(buff_size-(end_pos-buff)-aux_buff_size,0);
......@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ class JOIN_CACHE :public Sql_alloc
virtual int init();
/* Get the current size of the cache join buffer */
ulong get_join_buffer_size() { return buff_size; }
size_t get_join_buffer_size() { return buff_size; }
/* Set the size of the cache join buffer to a new value */
void set_join_buffer_size(size_t sz) { buff_size= sz; }
......@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ class JOIN_CACHE_HASHED: public JOIN_CACHE
Calculate how much space in the buffer would not be occupied by
records, key entries and additional memory for the MMR buffer.
ulong rem_space()
size_t rem_space()
return max(last_key_entry-end_pos-aux_buff_size,0);
......@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ class Lifo_buffer
void sort(qsort2_cmp cmp_func, void *cmp_func_arg)
uint elem_size= size1 + size2;
uint n_elements= used_size() / elem_size;
size_t elem_size= size1 + size2;
size_t n_elements= used_size() / elem_size;
my_qsort2(used_area(), n_elements, elem_size, cmp_func, cmp_func_arg);
......@@ -1706,7 +1706,7 @@ bool JOIN::shrink_join_buffers(JOIN_TAB *jt,
cache= tab->cache;
if (cache)
ulong buff_size;
size_t buff_size;
if (needed_space < cache->get_min_join_buffer_size())
return TRUE;
if (cache->shrink_join_buffer_in_ratio(curr_space, needed_space))
......@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class String
void qs_append(const char *str)
qs_append(str, strlen(str));
qs_append(str, (uint32)strlen(str));
void qs_append(const char *str, uint32 len);
void qs_append(double d);
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