VARIABLE_COMMENT If this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit(). If this value is 0 then mysqld will reserve max_connections*5 or max_connections + table_cache*2 (whichever is larger) number of file descriptors
VARIABLE_COMMENT If this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit(). If this value is 0 or autoset then mysqld will reserve max_connections*5 or max_connections + table_cache*2 (whichever is larger) number of file descriptors
VARIABLE_COMMENT If this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit(). If this value is 0 then mysqld will reserve max_connections*5 or max_connections + table_cache*2 (whichever is larger) number of file descriptors
VARIABLE_COMMENT If this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit(). If this value is 0 or autoset then mysqld will reserve max_connections*5 or max_connections + table_cache*2 (whichever is larger) number of file descriptors
VARIABLE_COMMENT If this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit(). If this value is 0 then mysqld will reserve max_connections*5 or max_connections + table_cache*2 (whichever is larger) number of file descriptors
VARIABLE_COMMENT If this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit(). If this value is 0 or autoset then mysqld will reserve max_connections*5 or max_connections + table_cache*2 (whichever is larger) number of file descriptors
VARIABLE_COMMENT If this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit(). If this value is 0 then mysqld will reserve max_connections*5 or max_connections + table_cache*2 (whichever is larger) number of file descriptors
VARIABLE_COMMENT If this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit(). If this value is 0 or autoset then mysqld will reserve max_connections*5 or max_connections + table_cache*2 (whichever is larger) number of file descriptors