Commit 7185b968 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Fix for BUG#25507 "multi-row insert delayed + auto increment causes

duplicate key entries on slave" (two concurrrent connections doing
multi-row INSERT DELAYED to insert into an auto_increment column,
caused replication slave to stop with "duplicate key error" (and
binlog was wrong)), and BUG#26116 "If multi-row INSERT
DELAYED has errors, statement-based binlogging breaks" (the binlog
was not accounting for all rows inserted, or slave could stop).
The fix is that: if (statement-based) binlogging is on, a multi-row
INSERT DELAYED is silently converted to a non-delayed INSERT.
Note: it is not possible to test BUG#25507 in 5.0 (requires mysqlslap),
so it is tested only in the changeset for 5.1. However, BUG#26116
is tested here, and the fix for BUG#25507 is the same code change.

  result update
  now that multi-row delayed inserts are converted to normal inserts
  if the statement-based binlog is enabled,
  no error is issued even if this engine does not support INSERT DELAYED,
  as the insert does not go through the INSERT DELAYED code.
  To preserve the goal of this test, we change the statements to single-
  row inserts.
  A multi-row INSERT DELAYED cannot be recorded to a statement-based
  binlog in a way that describes the insertions actually done;
  in that case we fallback to a non-delayed INSERT.
  result. Master and slave match.
  Test for BUG#26116 (see if one error at first row on master makes the
  slave's data incorrect, see if one error at second row on master
  makes slave stop).
parent ffe59804
......@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (c1 char(5) unique not null, c2 int, stamp timestamp) engine=innodb;
select * from t1;
c1 c2 stamp
replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2) values ( "text1","11"),( "text2","12");
replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2) values ( "text1","11");
ERROR HY000: Table storage engine for 't1' doesn't have this option
select * from t1;
c1 c2 stamp
replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2) values ( "text1","12"),( "text2","13"),( "text3","14", "a" ),( "text4","15", "b" );
replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2) values ( "text1","12");
ERROR HY000: Table storage engine for 't1' doesn't have this option
select * from t1;
c1 c2 stamp
stop slave;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
reset master;
reset slave;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
start slave;
CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT primary key auto_increment, name VARCHAR(64));
truncate table t1;
insert delayed into t1 values(10, "my name");
insert delayed into t1 values(10, "is Bond"), (20, "James Bond");
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '10' for key 1
flush table t1;
select * from t1;
id name
10 my name
select * from t1;
id name
10 my name
delete from t1 where id!=10;
insert delayed into t1 values(20, "is Bond"), (10, "James Bond");
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '10' for key 1
flush table t1;
select * from t1;
id name
10 my name
20 is Bond
select * from t1;
id name
10 my name
20 is Bond
drop table t1;
......@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (c1 char(5) unique not null, c2 int, stamp timestamp) engine=innodb;
select * from t1;
--error 1031
replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2) values ( "text1","11"),( "text2","12");
replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2) values ( "text1","11");
select * from t1;
--error 1031
replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2) values ( "text1","12"),( "text2","13"),( "text3","14", "a" ),( "text4","15", "b" );
replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2) values ( "text1","12");
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
connection master;
let $binlog_format_statement=1;
CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT primary key auto_increment, name VARCHAR(64));
# BUG#26116 "If multi-row INSERT DELAYED has errors,
# statement-based binlogging breaks";
# happened only in statement-based binlogging.
connection master;
truncate table t1;
# first scenario: duplicate on first row
insert delayed into t1 values(10, "my name");
if ($binlog_format_statement)
# statement below will be converted to non-delayed INSERT and so
# will stop at first error, guaranteeing replication.
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
insert delayed into t1 values(10, "is Bond"), (20, "James Bond");
if (!$binlog_format_statement)
insert delayed into t1 values(10, "is Bond"), (20, "James Bond");
flush table t1; # to wait for INSERT DELAYED to be done
select * from t1;
# when bug existed in statement-based binlogging, t1 on slave had
# different content from on master
select * from t1;
# second scenario: duplicate on second row
connection master;
delete from t1 where id!=10;
if ($binlog_format_statement)
# statement below will be converted to non-delayed INSERT and so
# will be binlogged with its ER_DUP_ENTRY error code, guaranteeing
# replication (slave will hit the same error code and so be fine).
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
insert delayed into t1 values(20, "is Bond"), (10, "James Bond");
if (!$binlog_format_statement)
insert delayed into t1 values(20, "is Bond"), (10, "James Bond");
flush table t1; # to wait for INSERT DELAYED to be done
select * from t1;
# when bug existed in statement-based binlogging, query was binlogged
# with error_code=0 so slave stopped
select * from t1;
# clean up
connection master;
drop table t1;
connection master;
......@@ -356,6 +356,27 @@ bool mysql_insert(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *table_list,
(duplic == DUP_UPDATE))
if ((lock_type == TL_WRITE_DELAYED) &&
log_on && mysql_bin_log.is_open() &&
(values_list.elements > 1))
Statement-based binary logging does not work in this case, because:
a) two concurrent statements may have their rows intermixed in the
queue, leading to autoincrement replication problems on slave (because
the values generated used for one statement don't depend only on the
value generated for the first row of this statement, so are not
b) if first row of the statement has an error the full statement is
not binlogged, while next rows of the statement may be inserted.
c) if first row succeeds, statement is binlogged immediately with a
zero error code (i.e. "no error"), if then second row fails, query
will fail on slave too and slave will stop (wrongly believing that the
master got no error).
So we fallback to non-delayed INSERT.
lock_type= TL_WRITE;
table_list->lock_type= lock_type;
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