Commit 722fa09e authored by Sven Sandberg's avatar Sven Sandberg

post-merge fixes to make tests pass after merging BUG#39934 to 5.1-rep+3.

parent 02ed973a
......@@ -506,8 +506,6 @@ select count(*)*255 from t3 into table_size;
until table_size > max_table_size*2 end repeat;
call bug14210_fill_table()|
Note 1592 Unsafe statement binlogged in statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Reason: Statement uses a system variable whose value may differ on slave.
drop procedure bug14210_fill_table|
create table t4 like t3|
create procedure bug14210()
......@@ -527,7 +527,9 @@ begin
select count(*)*255 from t3 into table_size;
until table_size > max_table_size*2 end repeat;
call bug14210_fill_table()|
drop procedure bug14210_fill_table|
create table t4 like t3|
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