Commit 78d534eb authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

- Re-install blank trimming to have the xml test pass.

  Note that the problem if far more complex. To be revisited.

parent 17c67043
......@@ -469,12 +469,13 @@ char *XML2NODE::GetText(char *buf, int len)
if ((Content = xmlNodeGetContent(Nodep))) {
char *extra = " \t\r\n";
char *p1 = (char*)Content, *p2 = buf;
bool b = false;
// Copy content eliminating extra characters
for (; *p1 && (p2 - buf) < (len - 1); p1++)
if (strchr("\t\r\n", *p1)) {
for (; *p1 && (p2 - buf) < len; p1++)
if (strchr(extra, *p1)) {
if (b) {
// This to have one blank between sub-nodes
*p2++ = ' ';
......@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ class DllExport XMLDEF : public TABDEF { /* Logical table description */
char *Encoding; /* New XML table file encoding */
char *Tabname; /* Name of Table node */
char *Rowname; /* Name of first level nodes */
char *Colname; /* Name of second level nodes */
char *Colname; /* Name of second level nodes */
char *Mulnode; /* Name of multiple node */
char *XmlDB; /* Name of XML DB node */
char *Nslist; /* List of namespaces to register */
char *Nslist; /* List of namespaces to register */
char *DefNs; /* Dummy name of default namespace */
char *Attrib; /* Table node attributes */
char *Hdattr; /* Header node attributes */
char *Attrib; /* Table node attributes */
char *Hdattr; /* Header node attributes */
int Coltype; /* Default column type */
int Limit; /* Limit of multiple values */
int Header; /* n first rows are header rows */
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class DllExport TDBXML : public TDBASE {
virtual PTDB CopyOne(PTABS t);
virtual int GetRecpos(void);
virtual int GetProgCur(void) {return N;}
virtual PSZ GetFile(PGLOBAL g) {return Xfile;}
virtual PSZ GetFile(PGLOBAL g) {return Xfile;}
virtual void SetFile(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fn) {Xfile = fn;}
virtual void ResetDB(void) {N = 0;}
virtual void ResetSize(void) {MaxSize = -1;}
......@@ -126,26 +126,26 @@ class DllExport TDBXML : public TDBASE {
bool NewRow; // True when inserting a new row
bool Hasnod; // True if rows have subnodes
bool Write; // True for Insert and Update
bool Usedom; // True for DOM, False for libxml2
bool Usedom; // True for DOM, False for libxml2
bool Bufdone; // True when column buffers allocated
bool Nodedone; // True when column nodes allocated
bool Skipnull; // True to skip writing nullnodes
bool Nodedone; // True when column nodes allocated
bool Skipnull; // True to skip writing nullnodes
bool Void; // True if the file does not exist
char *Xfile; // The XML file
char *Xfile; // The XML file
char *Enc; // New XML table file encoding
char *Tabname; // Name of Table node
char *Rowname; // Name of first level nodes
char *Colname; // Name of second level nodes
char *Colname; // Name of second level nodes
char *Mulnode; // Name of multiple node
char *XmlDB; // Name of XML DB node
char *Nslist; // List of namespaces to register
char *Nslist; // List of namespaces to register
char *DefNs; // Dummy name of default namespace
char *Attrib; // Table node attribut(s)
char *Hdattr; // Header node attribut(s)
char *Attrib; // Table node attribut(s)
char *Hdattr; // Header node attribut(s)
int Coltype; // Default column type
int Limit; // Limit of multiple values
int Header; // n first rows are header rows
int Nrow; // The table cardinality
int Nrow; // The table cardinality
int Irow; // The current row index
int Nsub; // The current subrow index
int N; // The current Rowid
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class XMLCOL : public COLBLK {
char *Valbuf; // To the node value buffer
char *Valbuf; // To the node value buffer
char *Xname; // The node or attribute name
char* *Nodes; // The intermediate nodes
int Type; // 0: Attribute, 1: Tag, 2: position
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