Commit 7aa2cb58 authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska

test Db::associate closes #226 closes #234

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@1431 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 0b0d4702
......@@ -31,4 +31,6 @@ check: $(TARGETS)
$(VGRIND) ./db_dump_e foo.db > foo.out
diff foo.out foo.expectout
$(VGRIND) ./exceptions
$(VGRIND) ./test_no_env
\ No newline at end of file
$(VGRIND) ./test_no_env
$(VGRIND) ./test_db_assoc3
$(VGRIND) ./test_db_assoc3 --more
......@@ -203,18 +203,18 @@ void create_databases (void) {
int r;
dbenv = new DbEnv(DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS);
dbp = new Db(dbenv, DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS);
r = dbp->open(null_txn, "primary.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0600); CKERR(r);
namedb = new Db(dbenv, DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS);
r = namedb->set_flags(DB_DUP|DB_DUPSORT);
r = namedb->open(null_txn, "name.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0600); CKERR(r);
r = namedb->open(null_txn, "name.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0600); CKERR(r);
expiredb = new Db(dbenv, DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS);
r = expiredb->set_flags(DB_DUP|DB_DUPSORT);
r = expiredb->open(null_txn, "expire.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0600); CKERR(r);
r = expiredb->open(null_txn, "expire.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0600); CKERR(r);
r = dbp->associate(NULL, namedb, name_callback, 0); CKERR(r);
r = dbp->associate(NULL, expiredb, expire_callback, 0); CKERR(r);
......@@ -223,17 +223,17 @@ void create_databases (void) {
void close_databases (void) {
int r;
if (delete_cursor) {
r = delete_cursor->close(); CKERR(r);
r = delete_cursor->close(); CKERR(r);
if (name_cursor) {
r = name_cursor->close(); CKERR(r);
if (nc_key.get_data()) free(nc_key.get_data());
if (nc_key.get_data()) free(nc_key.get_data());
if (nc_data.get_data()) free(nc_data.get_data());
r = namedb->close(0); CKERR(r);
r = dbp->close(0); CKERR(r);
r = expiredb->close(0); CKERR(r);
r = dbenv->close(0); CKERR(r);
r = namedb->close(0); CKERR(r); delete namedb;
r = dbp->close(0); CKERR(r); delete dbp;
r = expiredb->close(0); CKERR(r); delete expiredb;
r = dbenv->close(0); CKERR(r); delete dbenv;
......@@ -261,16 +261,16 @@ void setup_for_db_create (void) {
dbenv = new DbEnv(DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS);
r = dbenv->open(DIR, DB_PRIVATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL, 0); CKERR(r);
r = dbenv->open(DIR, DB_PRIVATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL, 0); CKERR(r);
dbp = new Db(dbenv, DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS);
r = dbp->open(null_txn, "primary.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, 0, 0600); CKERR(r);
namedb = new Db(dbenv, DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS);
r = namedb->open(null_txn, "name.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0600); CKERR(r);
r = namedb->open(null_txn, "name.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0600); CKERR(r);
expiredb = new Db(dbenv, DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS);
r = expiredb->open(null_txn, "expire.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, 0, 0600); CKERR(r);
r = expiredb->open(null_txn, "expire.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, 0, 0600); CKERR(r);
r = dbp->associate(NULL, expiredb, expire_callback, 0); CKERR(r);
r = dbp->associate(NULL, namedb, name_callback, DB_CREATE); CKERR(r);
......@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ void setup_for_db_create (void) {
int count_entries (Db *db) {
Dbc *dbc;
int r = db->cursor(null_txn, &dbc, 0); CKERR(r);
int r = db->cursor(null_txn, &dbc, 0); CKERR(r);
Dbt key,data;
int n_found=0;
for (r = dbc->get(&key, &data, DB_FIRST);
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ int count_entries (Db *db) {
int count_entries_and_max_tod (Db *db, int *tod) {
Dbc *dbc;
int r = db->cursor(null_txn, &dbc, 0); CKERR(r);
int r = db->cursor(null_txn, &dbc, 0); CKERR(r);
Dbt key,data;
int n_found=0;
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