Commit 7b292f8c authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

merge 46007 from 5.1

parents a04648de 347f0752
......@@ -3023,7 +3023,8 @@ test case was executed:\n";
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
"The server $proc crashed while running ".
"'check testcase $mode test'";
"'check testcase $mode test'".
get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name});
$result= 3;
......@@ -3141,7 +3142,8 @@ sub run_on_all($$)
else {
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
"The server $proc crashed while running '$run'";
"The server $proc crashed while running '$run'".
get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name});
# Kill any check processes still running
......@@ -3541,7 +3543,8 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# Server failed, probably crashed
"Server $proc failed during test run";
"Server $proc failed during test run" .
get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name});
# ----------------------------------------------------
# It's not mysqltest that has exited, kill it
......@@ -3596,12 +3599,11 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# Extract server log from after the last occurrence of named test
# Return as an array of lines
# Perform a rough examination of the servers
# error log and write all lines that look
# suspicious into $error_log.warnings
sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
sub extract_server_log ($$) {
my ($error_log, $tname) = @_;
# Open the servers .err log file and read all lines
......@@ -3653,8 +3655,37 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
return @lines;
# Get log from server identified from its $proc object, from named test
# Return as a single string
sub get_log_from_proc ($$) {
my ($proc, $name)= @_;
my $srv_log= "";
foreach my $mysqld (mysqlds()) {
if ($mysqld->{proc} eq $proc) {
my @srv_lines= extract_server_log($mysqld->value('#log-error'), $name);
$srv_log= "\nServer log from this test:\n" . join ("", @srv_lines);
return $srv_log;
# Perform a rough examination of the servers
# error log and write all lines that look
# suspicious into $error_log.warnings
sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
my ($error_log, $tname) = @_;
my @lines= extract_server_log($error_log, $tname);
# Write all suspicious lines to $error_log.warnings file
# Write all suspicious lines to $error_log.warnings file
my $warning_log = "$error_log.warnings";
my $Fwarn = IO::File->new($warning_log, "w")
or die("Could not open file '$warning_log' for writing: $!");
......@@ -3837,7 +3868,8 @@ sub check_warnings ($) {
else {
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
"The server $proc crashed while running 'check warnings'";
"The server $proc crashed while running 'check warnings'".
get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name});
$result= 3;
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