Commit 8228b17b authored by Matthias Leich's avatar Matthias Leich

Merge of latest changes into local tree

parents fae2668c 1d03d6ef
use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use POSIX qw(strftime getcwd);
......@@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ sub start_mysqlds()
@options = defaults_for_group($groups[$i]);
$basedir_found= 0; # The default
$mysqld_found= 1; # The default
$mysqld_found= 0 if (!length($mysqld));
$com= "$mysqld";
......@@ -310,6 +311,14 @@ sub start_mysqlds()
$com= $options[$j];
$mysqld_found= 1;
elsif ("--basedir=" eq substr($options[$j], 0, 10))
$basedir= $options[$j];
$basedir =~ s/^--basedir=//;
$basedir_found= 1;
$options[$j]= quote_shell_word($options[$j]);
$tmp.= " $options[$j]";
$options[$j]= quote_shell_word($options[$j]);
......@@ -337,7 +346,16 @@ sub start_mysqlds()
print "group [$groups[$i]] separately.\n";
if ($basedir_found)
chdir($basedir) or die "Can't change to datadir $basedir";
if ($basedir_found)
chdir($curdir) or die "Can't change back to original dir $curdir";
if (!$i && !$opt_no_log)
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