Commit 824ce5f3 authored by Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar Vladislav Vaintroub

After talking to HeidiSQL people - libmysql.dll that comes with their...

After talking to HeidiSQL people -  libmysql.dll that comes with their distribution in place, dont replace with our own.
It also will result in less HeidiSQL restarts during MariaDB upgrades (since libmysql.dll won't be replaced)
parent c0f2f1f1
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<RemoveRegistryKey Id="HeidiSQL_RegistryCleanup" Root="HKCU" Key="SOFTWARE\HeidiSQL" Action="removeOnUninstall" />
<Component Id="component.HeidiSQL_libmysql.dll" Guid="*" Win64="no">
<File Id="heidisql.libmysql.dll" Name="libmysql.dll" Source="${LIBMYSQLDLL_SOURCE}" />
<File Id="heidisql.libmysql.dll" Name="libmysql.dll" Source="${HEIDISQL_DOWNLOAD_DIR}\libmysql.dll" />
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