Commit 863b5faf authored by Georgi Kodinov's avatar Georgi Kodinov

Fixed the test cleanup code post-merge

parent a7c356e4
......@@ -4626,6 +4626,7 @@ DELIMITER ;
/*!50003 SET collation_connection = @saved_col_connection */ ;
ALTER DATABASE `test-database` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ;
DROP DATABASE `test-database`;
USE test;
# End of 5.1 tests
......@@ -2198,6 +2198,7 @@ ALTER DATABASE `test-database` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ;
--exec $MYSQL_DUMP --quote-names --compact test-database
DROP DATABASE `test-database`;
USE test;
--echo #
--echo # End of 5.1 tests
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