Commit 88998cfa authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

Commit merge resolved files

parent a8b7b6c8
/************* Colblk C++ Functions Source Code File (.CPP) ************/
/* Name: COLBLK.CPP Version 2.1 */
/* */
<<<<<<< HEAD
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2015 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2014 */
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
/* */
/* This file contains the COLBLK class functions. */
......@@ -115,11 +111,7 @@ bool COLBLK::Compare(PXOB xp)
/* SetFormat: function used to set SELECT output format. */
<<<<<<< HEAD
bool COLBLK::SetFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT& fmt)
bool COLBLK::SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, FORMAT& fmt)
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
fmt = Format;
......@@ -183,11 +175,7 @@ bool COLBLK::InitValue(PGLOBAL g)
/* SetBuffer: prepare a column block for write operation. */
<<<<<<< HEAD
bool COLBLK::SetBuffer(PGLOBAL g, PVAL, bool, bool)
bool COLBLK::SetBuffer(PGLOBAL g, PVAL value, bool ok, bool check)
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(UNDEFINED_AM), "SetBuffer");
return true;
......@@ -226,11 +214,7 @@ void COLBLK::WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g)
/* Make file output of a column descriptor block. */
<<<<<<< HEAD
void COLBLK::Print(PGLOBAL, FILE *f, uint n)
void COLBLK::Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *f, uint n)
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
char m[64];
int i;
......@@ -253,11 +237,7 @@ void COLBLK::Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *f, uint n)
/* Make string output of a column descriptor block. */
<<<<<<< HEAD
void COLBLK::Print(PGLOBAL, char *ps, uint)
void COLBLK::Print(PGLOBAL g, char *ps, uint z)
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
sprintf(ps, "R%d.%s", To_Tdb->GetTdb_No(), Name);
} // end of Print
......@@ -317,15 +297,9 @@ FIDBLK::FIDBLK(PCOLUMN cp, OPVAL op) : SPCBLK(cp), Op(op)
*Format.Type = 'C';
Format.Length = Long;
<<<<<<< HEAD
#if defined(__WIN__)
Format.Prec = 1; // Case insensitive
#endif // __WIN__
#if defined(WIN32)
Format.Prec = 1; // Case insensitive
#endif // WIN32
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
Constant = (!((PTDBASE)To_Tdb)->GetDef()->GetMultiple() &&
To_Tdb->GetAmType() != TYPE_AM_PLG &&
To_Tdb->GetAmType() != TYPE_AM_PLM);
......@@ -373,11 +347,7 @@ TIDBLK::TIDBLK(PCOLUMN cp) : SPCBLK(cp)
/* ReadColumn: what this routine does is to return the table ID. */
<<<<<<< HEAD
void TIDBLK::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL)
void TIDBLK::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g)
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
if (Tname == NULL) {
Tname = (char*)To_Tdb->GetName();
......@@ -436,11 +406,7 @@ SIDBLK::SIDBLK(PCOLUMN cp) : SPCBLK(cp)
/* ReadColumn: what this routine does is to return the server ID. */
<<<<<<< HEAD
void SIDBLK::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL)
void SIDBLK::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g)
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
//if (Sname == NULL) {
Sname = (char*)To_Tdb->GetServer();
......@@ -74,28 +74,19 @@ typedef struct _dbfheader {
//uchar Dbfox :4; /* FoxPro if equal to 3 */
uchar Version; /* Version information flags */
char Filedate[3]; /* date, YYMMDD, binary. YY=year-1900 */
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
/* The following four members are stored in little-endian format on disk */
char m_RecordsBuf[4]; /* records in the file */
char m_HeadlenBuf[2]; /* bytes in the header */
char m_ReclenBuf[2]; /* bytes in a record */
char m_FieldsBuf[2]; /* Reserved but used to store fields */
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
char Incompleteflag; /* 01 if incomplete, else 00 */
char Encryptflag; /* 01 if encrypted, else 00 */
char Reserved2[12]; /* for LAN use */
char Mdxflag; /* 01 if production .mdx, else 00 */
char Language; /* Codepage */
char Reserved3[2];
<<<<<<< HEAD
uint Records(void) const {return uint4korr(m_RecordsBuf);}
ushort Headlen(void) const {return uint2korr(m_HeadlenBuf);}
......@@ -105,17 +96,6 @@ typedef struct _dbfheader {
void SetHeadlen(ushort num) {int2store(m_HeadlenBuf, num);}
void SetReclen(ushort num) {int2store(m_ReclenBuf, num);}
void SetFields(ushort num) {int2store(m_FieldsBuf, num);}
uint Records() const { return uint4korr(m_RecordsBuf); }
ushort Headlen() const { return uint2korr(m_HeadlenBuf); }
ushort Reclen() const { return uint2korr(m_ReclenBuf); }
ushort Fields() const { return uint2korr(m_FieldsBuf); }
void SetHeadlen(ushort num) { int2store(m_HeadlenBuf, num); }
void SetReclen(ushort num) { int2store(m_ReclenBuf, num); }
void SetFields(ushort num) { int2store(m_FieldsBuf, num); }
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
......@@ -430,22 +410,13 @@ int DBFBASE::ScanHeader(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fname, int lrecl, char *defpath)
} else if (rc == RC_FX)
return -1;
<<<<<<< HEAD
if ((int)header.Reclen() != lrecl) {
if ((int) header.Reclen() != lrecl) {
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_LRECL), lrecl, header.Reclen());
return -1;
} // endif Lrecl
<<<<<<< HEAD
Records = (int)header.Records();
return (int)header.Headlen();
Records = (int) header.Records();
return (int) header.Headlen();
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
} // end of ScanHeader
/* ---------------------------- Class DBFFAM ------------------------------ */
......@@ -606,13 +577,8 @@ bool DBFFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
header->Filedate[0] = datm->tm_year - 100;
header->Filedate[1] = datm->tm_mon + 1;
header->Filedate[2] = datm->tm_mday;
<<<<<<< HEAD
header->SetHeadlen((ushort) hlen);
header->SetReclen((ushort) reclen);
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
descp = (DESCRIPTOR*)header;
// Currently only standard Xbase types are supported
......@@ -673,22 +639,13 @@ bool DBFFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
if ((rc = dbfhead(g, Stream, Tdbp->GetFile(g), &header)) == RC_OK) {
<<<<<<< HEAD
if (Lrecl != (int)header.Reclen()) {
if (Lrecl != (int) header.Reclen()) {
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_LRECL), Lrecl, header.Reclen());
return true;
} // endif Lrecl
<<<<<<< HEAD
Records = (int)header.Records();
Headlen = (int)header.Headlen();
Records = (int) header.Records();
Headlen = (int) header.Headlen();
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
} else if (rc == RC_NF) {
Records = 0;
Headlen = 0;
......@@ -924,16 +881,10 @@ void DBFFAM::CloseTableFile(PGLOBAL g, bool abort)
if ((Stream= global_fopen(g, MSGID_OPEN_MODE_STRERROR, filename, "r+b")))
char nRecords[4];
<<<<<<< HEAD
int4store(nRecords, n);
fseek(Stream, 4, SEEK_SET); // Get header.Records position
fwrite(nRecords, sizeof(nRecords), 1, Stream);
int4store(&nRecords, n);
fseek(Stream, 4, SEEK_SET); // Get header.Records position
fwrite(&nRecords, sizeof(nRecords), 1, Stream);
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
Stream= NULL;
Records= n; // Update Records value
......@@ -1008,22 +959,13 @@ bool DBMFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
<<<<<<< HEAD
if (Lrecl != (int)hp->Reclen()) {
if (Lrecl != (int) hp->Reclen()) {
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_LRECL), Lrecl, hp->Reclen());
return true;
} // endif Lrecl
<<<<<<< HEAD
Records = (int)hp->Records();
Headlen = (int)hp->Headlen();
Records = (int) hp->Records();
Headlen = (int) hp->Headlen();
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
} // endif Headlen
......@@ -410,11 +410,7 @@ void Json_Array_Add_deinit(UDF_INIT* initid)
} // end of Json_Array_Add_deinit
<<<<<<< HEAD
/* Delete a value from a Json array. */
/* Add values to a Json array. */
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
my_bool Json_Array_Delete_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message)
......@@ -433,11 +429,7 @@ my_bool Json_Array_Delete_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message)
} // end of Json_Array_Delete_init
char *Json_Array_Delete(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result,
<<<<<<< HEAD
unsigned long *res_length, char *, char *)
unsigned long *res_length, char *is_null, char *error)
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
char *str;
int n;
......@@ -459,11 +451,7 @@ char *Json_Array_Delete(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *result,
} else {
n = *(int*)args->args[1];
arp = jvp->GetArray();
<<<<<<< HEAD
arp->DeleteValue(n - 1);
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
if (!(str = Serialize(g, arp, NULL, 0))) {
......@@ -21,15 +21,9 @@
#include "msgid.h"
#endif // NEWMSG
<<<<<<< HEAD
#if !defined(__WIN__)
#define stricmp strcasecmp
#endif // !__WIN__
#if !defined(WIN32)
#define stricmp strcasecmp
#endif // !WIN32
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
char *msglang(void);
......@@ -1482,11 +1482,6 @@ bool XMLCOL::ParseXpath(PGLOBAL g, bool mode)
// HTML like table, columns are retrieved by position
new(this) XPOSCOL(Value); // Change the class of this column
Inod = -1;
<<<<<<< HEAD
// Tdbp->Hasnod = true;
// return false;
>>>>>>> MariaDB/10.0
} else if (Type == 0 && !mode) {
strcat(strcat(pbuf, "@"), Name);
} else { // Type == 1
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