Commit 89587cff authored by unknown's avatar unknown

[PATCH] WL#3704 mgmapi timeouts: use timeouts in mgm client

as side effect - turbo accellerator patch for ndb_mgm - sholud make it quicker... so that 4mhz cpu will seem even faster.

Index: ndb-work/storage/ndb/src/mgmclient/CommandInterpreter.cpp

  WL#3704 mgmapi timeouts: use timeouts in mgm client
parent 41c364e7
......@@ -726,10 +726,9 @@ event_thread_run(void* p)
do_event_thread= 1;
char *tmp= 0;
char buf[1024];
SocketInputStream in(fd,10);
do {
if (tmp == 0) NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10);
if((tmp = in.gets(buf, 1024)))
SocketInputStream in(fd,2000);
if((tmp = in.gets(buf, sizeof(buf))))
const char ping_token[]= "<PING>";
if (memcmp(ping_token,tmp,sizeof(ping_token)-1))
......@@ -739,6 +738,10 @@ event_thread_run(void* p)
ndbout << tmp;
else if(in.timedout() && ndb_mgm_check_connection(handle)<0)
} while(do_event_thread);
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