Commit 8aaf9876 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

BUG#16489 - utf8 + fulltext leads to corrupt index file.

Fixed that UPDATE statement crashes multi-byte charset fulltext index.

  Fixed that UPDATE statement crashes multi-byte charset fulltext index.
  While updating, always rewrite multi-byte charset fulltext index.
  Added a testcase for BUG#16489.
  Added a testcase for BUG#16489.
parent 3f4eaf5f
......@@ -170,6 +170,10 @@ int _mi_ft_cmp(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, const byte *rec1, const byte *rec2)
FT_SEG_ITERATOR ftsi1, ftsi2;
CHARSET_INFO *cs=info->s->keyinfo[keynr].seg->charset;
if (cs->mbmaxlen > 1)
_mi_ft_segiterator_init(info, keynr, rec1, &ftsi1);
_mi_ft_segiterator_init(info, keynr, rec2, &ftsi2);
......@@ -234,5 +234,10 @@ insert into t1 values('test test '),('test'),('test'),('test'),
delete from t1 limit 1;
truncate table t1;
insert into t1 values('ab c d');
update t1 set a='ab c d';
select * from t1 where match a against('ab c' in boolean mode);
drop table t1;
set names latin1;
......@@ -209,6 +209,14 @@ insert into t1 values('test test '),('test'),('test'),('test'),
delete from t1 limit 1;
# BUG#16489: utf8 + fulltext leads to corrupt index file.
truncate table t1;
insert into t1 values('ab c d');
update t1 set a='ab c d';
select * from t1 where match a against('ab c' in boolean mode);
drop table t1;
set names latin1;
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