Commit 92b3a231 authored by lenz@kallisto.local's avatar lenz@kallisto.local

- Updated error message tests in several results of the test suite after

   the server error messages had been modified in errmsg.txt
parent 39e7db9f
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ create table t1 (t1.index int);
drop table t1;
drop database if exists test_$1;
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'test_$1'. Database doesn't exist
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'test_$1'; database doesn't exist
create database test_$1;
create table test_$1.$test1 (a$1 int, $b int, c$ int);
insert into test_$1.$test1 values (1,2,3);
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ id name
drop table t2, t3;
drop database if exists test_$1;
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'test_$1'. Database doesn't exist
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'test_$1'; database doesn't exist
create database test_$1;
create table test_$1.t3 like t1;
create temporary table t3 like test_$1.t3;
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ n
drop database if exists mysqltest;
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'mysqltest'. Database doesn't exist
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'mysqltest'; database doesn't exist
create database mysqltest;
drop database if exists mysqltest;
create database mysqltest;
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ create database mysqltest;
drop database mysqltest;
drop database if exists mysqltest;
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'mysqltest'. Database doesn't exist
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'mysqltest'; database doesn't exist
flush tables with read lock;
create database mysqltest;
Got one of the listed errors
......@@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ Database
drop database mysqltest;
ERROR HY000: Can't drop database 'mysqltest'. Database doesn't exist
ERROR HY000: Can't drop database 'mysqltest'; database doesn't exist
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ n m
drop database mysqltest;
drop database if exists mysqltest2;
drop database mysqltest;
ERROR HY000: Can't drop database 'mysqltest'. Database doesn't exist
ERROR HY000: Can't drop database 'mysqltest'; database doesn't exist
drop database mysqltest2;
set sql_log_bin = 0;
create database mysqltest2;
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ mysql
load data from master;
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'mysqltest'. Database doesn't exist
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'mysqltest2'. Database doesn't exist
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'mysqltest'; database doesn't exist
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'mysqltest2'; database doesn't exist
show databases;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ rename table t7 to t9;
drop table t1;
Got one of the listed errors
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'test_mysqltest'. Database doesn't exist
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'test_mysqltest'; database doesn't exist
Got one of the listed errors
Got one of the listed errors
Got one of the listed errors
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Level Code Message
Note 1051 Unknown table 'not_exists_table'
drop database if exists not_exists_db;
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'not_exists_db'. Database doesn't exist
Note 1008 Can't drop database 'not_exists_db'; database doesn't exist
show count(*) warnings;
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