Commit 964d1d25 authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska

refs #5728 tests for fast update of varchar fields

git-svn-id: file:///svn/mysql/tests/mysql-test@51912 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent ff28d3b3
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import random
import string
def main():
print "# generated by"
print "source include/;"
print "source include/;"
print "set default_storage_engine='tokudb';"
print "disable_warnings;"
print "drop table if exists t;"
print "enable_warnings;"
nrows = 100
for t in [ 'varchar', 'varbinary' ]:
for l in [ 32, 256 ]:
for n in [ 'null', 'not null' ]:
test_varchar(t, l, n, nrows)
return 0
def test_varchar(t, l, n, nrows):
print "create table tt (id bigint unsigned primary key,"
print " f0 int %s," % (n)
for i in range(4):
print " v%d %s(%d) %s," % (i, t, l, n)
print " b0 text %s" % (n)
print ") engine=tokudb;"
if n == 'null':
print "insert into tt (id) values (0);"
print "insert into tt values (1,2,'a','b','c','d','e');"
for i in range(2,nrows):
print "insert into tt values (%d,%d,'','','','','');" % (i,i+1)
print "create table ti like tt;"
print "alter table ti engine=innodb;"
print "insert into ti select * from tt;"
nulltest = [ 'null this', 'null is', 'null a', 'null test' ]
for i in range(4):
print "update noar tt set v%d='%s %s' where id=0;" % (i, nulltest[i], str(i))
print "update noar ti set v%d='%s %s' where id=0;" % (i, nulltest[i], str(i))
test = [ 'this' ,'is', 'another', 'test']
for i in range(4):
print "update noar tt set v%d='%s %s' where id=1;" % (i, test[i], str(i))
print "update noar ti set v%d='%s %s' where id=1;" % (i, test[i], str(i))
for id in range(2,nrows):
for i in range(4):
long_str = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(l+1))
print "update noar tt set v%d='%s' where id=%d;" % (i, long_str, id)
print "update noar ti set v%d='%s' where id=%d;" % (i, long_str, id)
print "let $diff_tables =, test.ti;"
print "source include/;"
print "drop table tt, ti;"
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