Commit 96f67234 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

fixes for the ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY message

  .64s is too short for dlerror() messages
  1. dlerror() cannot be called twice
  2. remove dlpath from dlerror() messages
parent 742671f7
......@@ -2981,11 +2981,11 @@ ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY
cze "Nemohu otev-Bt sdlenou knihovnu '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)"
dan "Kan ikke bne delt bibliotek '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)"
nla "Kan shared library '%-.64s' niet openen (Errcode: %d %s)"
eng "Can't open shared library '%-.64s' (errno: %d %-.64s)"
eng "Can't open shared library '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)"
jps "shared library '%-.64s' Jł܂ (errno: %d %s)",
est "Ei suuda avada jagatud teeki '%-.64s' (veakood: %d %-.64s)"
est "Ei suuda avada jagatud teeki '%-.64s' (veakood: %d %s)"
fre "Impossible d'ouvrir la bibliothque partage '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)"
ger "Kann Shared Library '%-.64s' nicht ffnen (Fehler: %d %-.64s)"
ger "Kann Shared Library '%-.64s' nicht ffnen (Fehler: %d %s)"
greek " shared library '%-.64s' ( : %d %s)"
hun "A(z) '%-.64s' megosztott konyvtar nem hasznalhato (hibakod: %d %s)"
ita "Impossibile aprire la libreria condivisa '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)"
......@@ -2995,13 +2995,13 @@ ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY
norwegian-ny "Can't open shared library '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)"
pol "Can't open shared library '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)"
por "No pode abrir biblioteca compartilhada '%-.64s' (erro no. '%d' - '%-.64s')"
rum "Nu pot deschide libraria shared '%-.64s' (Eroare: %d %-.64s)"
rus " '%-.64s' (: %d %-.64s)"
serbian "Ne mogu da otvorim share-ovanu biblioteku '%-.64s' (errno: %d %-.64s)"
rum "Nu pot deschide libraria shared '%-.64s' (Eroare: %d %s)"
rus " '%-.64s' (: %d %s)"
serbian "Ne mogu da otvorim share-ovanu biblioteku '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)"
slo "Nemem otvori zdiean kninicu '%-.64s' (chybov kd: %d %s)"
spa "No puedo abrir libraria conjugada '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)"
swe "Kan inte ppna det dynamiska biblioteket '%-.64s' (Felkod: %d %s)"
ukr " צ Ħ ¦̦ '%-.64s' (: %d %-.64s)"
ukr " צ Ħ ¦̦ '%-.64s' (: %d %s)"
cze "Nemohu naj-Bt funkci '%-.64s' v knihovn"
dan "Kan ikke finde funktionen '%-.64s' i bibliotek"
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ static st_plugin_dl *plugin_dl_add(LEX_STRING *dl, int report)
char dlpath[FN_REFLEN];
uint plugin_dir_len, dummy_errors;
uint plugin_dir_len, dummy_errors, dlpathlen;
struct st_plugin_dl *tmp, plugin_dl;
void *sym;
......@@ -133,15 +133,24 @@ static st_plugin_dl *plugin_dl_add(LEX_STRING *dl, int report)
bzero(&plugin_dl, sizeof(plugin_dl));
/* Compile dll path */
strxnmov(dlpath, sizeof(dlpath) - 1, opt_plugin_dir, "/", dl->str, NullS);
strxnmov(dlpath, sizeof(dlpath) - 1, opt_plugin_dir, "/", dl->str, NullS) -
plugin_dl.ref_count= 1;
/* Open new dll handle */
if (!(plugin_dl.handle= dlopen(dlpath, RTLD_NOW)))
const char *errmsg=dlerror();
if (!strncmp(dlpath, errmsg, dlpathlen))
{ // if errmsg starts from dlpath, trim this prefix.
if (*errmsg == ':') errmsg++;
if (*errmsg == ' ') errmsg++;
if (report & REPORT_TO_USER)
my_error(ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY, MYF(0), dlpath, errno, dlerror());
my_error(ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY, MYF(0), dlpath, errno, errmsg);
if (report & REPORT_TO_LOG)
sql_print_error(ER(ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY), dlpath, errno, dlerror());
sql_print_error(ER(ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY), dlpath, errno, errmsg);
/* Determine interface version */
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